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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thanks, Ladies!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

floz: I am excited about the vacation, I just wish it was more than a week, I really need some time off, and sucks I will likely spend all of it with .
How did the apartment viewing go?
How is the sleeping going? Me, still not sleeping .
Did you end up testing today?

aclark: sorry got you, but October is a good month, tons of !
Did you try acupuncture and seed cycling to regulate your cycles, seems to be working for me so far.

2more4: glad you loved acupuncture. I hope your other issue never comes back!

GB: Yeah testing early sucks, it is normally a and even knowing that it is like a blow, pretty depressing. But like you said, it is still early, so good luck!

Kara: This is amazing, you bring hope to all of us!!!! and !!!!

AFM: 8/10DPO, I think it must be 10 because it feels like will be here soon. Looks like my 26 of progesterone is not the best result, its not too bad, but could be better. I checked online and it seems it still a little low, it says 30 or more to confirm ovulation and sustain pregnancy, and this is a good cycle for me without spotting so I guess I have some progesterone issues. I'm hoping the doctor will agree to send me to monthly checks to see if it improves with the acupuncture and seed cycling.
Anyway, to all you ladies!

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10 years ago

Mylucky. .yay!

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10 years ago

Thanks, Kotikd and Rebecca!!

I really hated when people would say, "Just relax," but honestly - with being sick this month, that's exactly what we did! And the ONE BD session on NYE did it!

Baby Dust!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Kot, I tested a couple of times and BFN every time and tonight I have finally started spotting so I have a feeling tomorrow will be CD1... finally! When are you going to test. I have everything crossed for you... legs included since AF is on her way in LOL!

Firsttimemommy, I do the progesterone suppositories as well... when I stop them it takes AF a while to show up. Just didn't want you get to stressed out if she doesn't... but I don't stop them.. I do them continually and begin testing 14 dpo - 18 dpo and then stop them if BFN. I hope that helps. Sounds like your dr is on top of things. Good luck!

Carla, I'm sorry! Maybe we will both end up with our BFP next time around. My son's b-day is 10/9/99... we were trying to oplan to where we didn't have another October baby (DH's daughter is 10/18) but we will gladly have another October b-day if that is when the time is right! FX and Baby Dust to you.

Rebecca, I hate calling customer support for technical stuff... they treat you like you are an incompetent idiot that can't turn the dang thing on... Ugh! LOL Glad it got resolved for you.

LuckyDuck, OMG I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! Sending loads of sticky vibes. Congrats. Keep me posted on how you are doing! So amazing! We have both had a long journey... glad to see you get your BFP! :)

AFM, I believe tomorrow will finally be CD 1... spotting started tonight. I will be doing the Letrzole, Metformin, Baby Aspirin, Folic Acid, Prenatals and Progesterone Suppositories (after O), and OPKs. Give it another go around.. then next cycle we will get back into the injections.

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10 years ago

Congrats on the MyLucky.

Just checking in for the evening. 4dpo and I'm still not resting well at night. Seems like the morning is my nap time and then all I want to do is sleep. Scared to post symptoms as I always seem to have these symptoms only for to arrive. DH's birthday is Monday and I told him I had a surprise for him today and he said let me're pregnant! Boy, do I wish I could say that to him on his birthday. It will be too early though.

Been constipated for a few days but think it's from the prenatal vitamins I've been taking. Starting feeling small, slightly painful twinges in the abdomen, feeling bloated, sometimes dizzy, off and on again headache, my legs have been really achy today which is new for me, also still have the sharp/burning sensation coming and going on my left breast. Sometimes feel like I'm starving and then sometimes feel like I want to barf. I usually love to eat chocolate, but now I'm nauseated when I eat it.

I'm honestly praying that this is it.....praying for . My cycle was long last month (33 days) when it's usually only 28. I'm sticking to my 28 and testing on January 20, one week after DH's birthday. I will continue with temping and charting symptoms.

for everyone and hope to see some 's soon!!

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

floz - test!!! FX'd for a BFP!

2more - glad to hear acupuncture was great!!! keep us posted. sorry about the procedure, hope you heal fast!

GB - aw your poor sis needed surgery three times??? how bad of a case does she have? that's so awesome though she got pregnant 3 months later!!! yay hope!!! if you do have to do it (which i hope not) hopefully it's what was needed and there'll be a BFP in no time!

mylucky - WOW CONGRATS!!!! we have also been trying since Oct 2012 and i'm trying to be very positive this month. hope i share your luck!!! :) you didn't track O this past month, right? you don't know when your one BD session fell in your cycle, do you? that's so awesome it worked out!!!

cristi - what day do you start yours? i have 13 total, which would take me to around 15DPO. i'll see how my first month goes with them.

gds - hope those are gonna be good signs for you to get a BFP!

AFM, CD 13. EWCM yesterday and today. working on BD'ing every day, started 2 days ago. likely will ovulate this weekend. we have so many family birthdays in october as is!! can't help myself and just stay in the october board, want to see you lovely ladies have BFP's roll in :)

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Cristi - Thank you! My heart still goes out to you! My 14 months is nothing compared to your 30+ months of TTC. I'm trying to remain positive. Based on one day of EWCM and 1 + OPK (I only did the OPK because I noticed the EWCM) I believe I O'd on or around NYE which only puts me at 9 or 10 DPO!

gds - Thank you so much! Good luck!

First - Thank you! I didn't track much of anything other than the days we did manage to BD. However, when I noticed EWCM on CD22 - I used and OPK. It was + so we BD! It was also NYE!!

FX and baby dust, ladies!! I'll be hanging out for awhile!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Hi, again! I got a better picture for the test. The FRER was also on a 4 hour hold this afternoon - not even FMU!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

MyLuckyDuck - Congratulations!!!!! I have hope that one day I'll see a BFP too. (Hopefully very soon )

Christi - I know what you mean. I had certain months in mind and I wanted a girl. Right now I'll take whatever I get get whenever it comes. After 20 months I can't afford to be picky.

AFM - is due today but she hasn't arrived yet. Test this morning was a BFN.

10 years ago

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