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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Good luck hobbit! Let us know what happens.

I've been following all of these posts, but don't have much time to respond today.

I had my first acupuncture appointment yesterday! I'm addicted! I was cramping and had congestion when I went in and it went away during the treatment. I didn't think it would work that quickly! I also felt instantly better. Like a layer of stress and negativity was lifted. Almost like I was a couple years ago before some stressful events started in our lives. It was such a nice feeling! She said I had circulation problems and this would help. After reading the web site, I am having a lot of the symptoms of "cold womb." That cannot be treated with traditional medacine. The first couple of needles were scary, but it didn't really hurt and I am the biggest baby with needles! She also gave me some herbs and told me no more cold drinks or food. So if I want some milk, I have to set it out for 15 minutes first. I drink room temp water and hate cold drinks anyway. Thank you all who encouraged me to go!

The bartholin gland procedure afterward sucked. I have to take the packing out this morning and am not looking forward to that. The needle for that one did hurt like hell! Glad it's over and hope it doesn't come back.

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10 years ago

Hi, Everyone!!!

@2more4us - glad to hear everything went ok. Lots of baby dust your way

@hobbit7 - good luck! let us know what happened

@aclark13 - sorry for the AF. Good luck this new cycle and baby dust to you!

@mckeet & @braiden's mommy - we have almost the same O date! Mine was around jan3rd. I plan on testins next friday. 7 days and counting (if AF doesnt come first, should be here on thursday.

@GB - don't give up!

On a not related note, but sort of: saw a rainbow yesterday! Hope it brings nice things to all of us!

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10 years ago

@cotton candy- That is cool that we have almost the same dates! Wishing you lots of ! I hope we all get to see that Definitely keep us updated. I will do the same.

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10 years ago

Good Morning Everyone!

Angela - Looks like we are in the same boat my dear - I'll keep my fingers crossed for a for you!! When will you test again now?

GDS3 - with your appt Monday - we'll all be here waiting to hear your results!

Braiden's Mommy 2011 - in your testing over the next week. Your symptoms sound promising! Fx'd for you for #2!

Firsttimemommy30 - I hope you're right! If I don't conceive by my appt. in February I'm going to give it one more month after my appt and then have the laproscopy done - just to give myself some piece of mind. It's supposed to be a fairly easy procedure with minimal recovery time, I just prefer to not have any procedures done if I don't have to, but 6 months is a good amount of time that I feel I should be pregnant by then, so we'll see. My dr. also told me the same thing - how pregnancy can cure the endometriosis because what causes the pain is when you have your period. My sister has endometriosis and she has had surgery 3x for it - and after her first surgery, she got pregnant within 3 I know there is hope even if I/we do have it!

Floz - That's promising that no AF yet! When will you test again? I know I def. tested too early, but seeing that BFN I got made me think I'm not pregnant (even though I know I could technically still be). It's like since I saw it my symptoms went away - which makes me think I was just imagining them or just wanting to be pregnant so bad that I made myself feel like I was feeling them. I think I'm going CRAZY!

aclark - I'm sorry showed up. Better luck next cycle and fx'd for your !

Hobbit - at your first appointment, you must be over the moon with excitement!

Cotton - I hope that rainbow brings us all good luck as well!!!

Thank you all for the positive thinking ladies!
AFM - I know it's still early for me to know if AF or PG will be the result of this cycle, but that BFN yesterday diminished my positive spirits, ugh...wish I didn't do it! LOL. Guess I'm a gluten for punishment. I now feel like I am out this month, but I'd be ecstatic if I was proven wrong by AF not showing up! I will now wait until I miss it to test again. Currently CD24 and 12dpo and due for AF on 1/15 (next wednesday).

to ALL!

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10 years ago

I will try to wait until Wednesday but I know that won't happen lol probably Sunday. Today I just feel so tired again and heavy like my boobs are heavy I feel full just bloated I guess but no cramps or my usual pms stuff. Good luck ladies!!!

10 years ago

Good luck Angela! I still feel like I'm getting a head fun! Been feeling it coming on the past two days and today I have a runny/stuffy nose and I feel congested in my head on and off. Hope I see lots of BFP's over the weekend! Good luck to all who are testing!!

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10 years ago

Hi, Ladies!! As you all know, I've been TTC since October's been a LONG road of ups and downs. I've never had a for sure BFP....

BUT this morning...that ALL changed. I have a beautiful FRER to share with you all so you can see my !! I'm in shock!! Now, to come up with an idea to show Hubby.

For me, it happened when I least expected it. We were both sick and I did zero tracking other than tracking BD sessions and I did get one positive OPK on NYE.

Symptoms - 7DPO during a BD session (TMI) my DH's mouth on my nipple was painful as heck! Last night, I had to get up and pee in the middle of the night - I've never done that unless I was sick!!

I have an appointment in one week with my OB/GYN - next Friday at 3PM.

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago


TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Congrats Kara!!!! They say that January is the most popular month to find out you're pregnant - the most births happen in September in the US! I have a feeling there are going to be quite a few BFP's this month!!! So excited and happy for you!!

to everyone else!

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10 years ago

Congrats!!! How exciting I hope to join the bfp club soon

10 years ago

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