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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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Evening ladies. Just saying hi before I head to bed. This evening I have had some cramps that almost feel like AF and I cheecked my cervix and it seemed closed. I took my temp just recently to test something out. Anyway, I wanted to see where it was at. It was at 99.4. I have temped like this once in past cycles and the last reading before bed was 98.4 and it dropped tk the point AF showed. Anyome bave thoughts about temp before bed? Will see what my temp is at in the morning. Good night everone and sweet dreams.

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6 years ago

Ruby - I am so sorry for your loss. I really appreciate your input here. I have debated using it for a long time. I am 36 and we have been trying for almost 4 years. I got checked out a couple of years ago by my GP and needed some meds to correct my B12. Corrected that and still nothing so off to the fertility clinic I went. All good for me except my thyroid. So corrected that, still nothing. DH just got his analysis a couple of months ago and his morphology was borderline (count and motility were good). The clinic suggested supplements for him and IUI's in Oct but long story short, we were on strike at work and I lost 5 weeks of income and we have had to wait. Because of my age the likelihood of MC is on the higher end anyways and I feel like I want to do something to give us a chance while we recoup our finances a little, but I definitely feel like women should make a fully informed decision when looking into using it. I am also in the fortunate position to already be with my clinic, so if it doesn't work the first month or two then we will go back and start trying IUI's.

Beautiful - I am so sorry - even when you expect it, it still a big let down when she arrives. Take care of yourself and let that sweet DH of yours take care of you too.

Dragonfly - I have never heard anything about temping in the evening as it's not reliable - too many factors can influence it (how long you have been active/inactive, how long ago you had anything to eat or drink and what it was, etc). BBT charting recommends temping first thing when you wake up as this is when your body is at rest and not producing heat as a by product of the energy it uses to fuel your body's systems.

Katy - good luck! only a couple more days before you test!

6 years ago

Ladies me n OH arguing this morning anyway i called him n he Said oh hi was you sleeping in a nice Voice wich thought was weird as he was mad at me and knew i was awake from 6:30 arguing with him as i could smell fanny not min?. I Said what you mean sleeping and hung up messaged him telling him his a fucking idiot. What is your take on this he hasnt replied ..guilt? We have a five month old i feel like complete shit Help :(

6 years ago

A? im posting here as i have no friends to talk to and i like the People here you all seem genuine nice People to me and wont sugar coat things. I have bad anxiety Right now Just need to air my feelings sorry xx

6 years ago

@pearl - yes BD naturally. I have my husband using “snowballs”. It’s supposed to help with count and motility (his is already normal) but I’m desperate to fix his morphology. I know it probably won’t work. We also have an appointment with the fertility specialist on Jan 26.

@twwtoolong - I feel your frustration. What happened with your B12? Mine has always come up low or borderline. I had a blood test to see if i have the right protein to process it and I do. My gastro said there could be damage to the lining of my stomach preventing absorption. Both my sisters have it too. It didn’t prevent my youngest sister from having kids (one planned, one oops!). My gyn told me the fertility specialist will most likely give me clomid and recommend IUI. I’m nervous about IUI though cause he has so many abnormal shaped sperm. I’m afraid they’ll get to the egg. I trust naturally more. If his morphology was ok, I’d be ready to go with the IUI.

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery I'm sorry you are arguing with your OH but just give him some space. If you both were arguing and had a rough morning, most times it is best to just both not talk to each other and take a breather. Regroup and try again after work. Maybe he is not responding because he just doesn't want to argue. I've been with my husband for 10 years and married 3 and we have had our fair share of arguments. the ones that get solved the best are the ones where we take a breather so we don't say things we'll regret and then we come back to it later on and talk it out and then move on. And try not to call names in the heat of the moment! those words can linger longer than you think. Good luck!

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6 years ago

@pearl Thankyou for the advice. He has Space i see him what 5hours 6days a week sundays he stays out dont know where work apparently. Keep smelling weird smells on him and yesterday Just baught all my anxiety back i could smell sex on His hands and off His penis as i was toyching him last night and the smell of It was on my hand ive told him its over How can he be so stupid he didnt think It was me so who else im lost so lost ive sacrafised my own family and friends for him and hes doing this to me ge wont admit anything and flips It on me saying its all in my head well i dno about you but i can smell a bird from a mile away. I dont think i can ever be in a relationship . He wanted me to have another baby hence why im Here but is that Just to keep His Dark side masked who knows . I want to run away Got no one .

6 years ago

The convo me - hey him- hey u alright me-yeah him- was you sleeping..pause.. oh... Me-why would i be sleeping hung up. Messaged him saying hes an idiot were over and he hasnt replied so im guessing my intuition isnt anxiety and hes guilty. Also dont touch me much no more sleeps hanging off the side of the bed. Distant showers when he gets in usually does It in morning arghhhhhh

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery I'm going to be very honest with you. It sounds like you are in a very unhealthy relationship that needs to end. I can't remember where you are at in this process? Are you in the tww? Do you think you may be pregnant? If not, I would NOT try to get pregnant and I would end the relationship and move on. Sounds like there is no trust in that relationship so I wouldn't suggest bringing more children into the situation. Sounds like you should just focus on you and your baby for now.

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6 years ago

@pearl Thankyou its okay id prefer honesty seems to be lacking in my life atm. Your Right i could never bring another baby into this It wouldnt be fair especially if its Just because hes covering up the fact hes a cheat. im completly lost now though. I dont have anyone Or anything Just me and my children. He moved us to the Middle of nowhere i dont even have a pound to Get on a bus back to my City. This has completly naused. I will be strong for my children.

6 years ago

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