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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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@Beaut1ful38 ugh I am so sorry! I really felt like this was your month! Take your time for this next week to readjust and get in the right head space again. We all know how hard it is to start all over.

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6 years ago

@Beaut1ful - I felt like this was your month too. I'm sorry you'll have to go through all this again another cycle. Your plan for next cycle sounds like a good one for the Holidays. I've enjoyed chatting with you this month and will be spying on the September group until I get my AF or if I'm lucky my BFP.

6 years ago

@dragonfly i didn't plan to test until af is late actually which she should be here this Thursday according to ctp.

@beautiful we're doing the old school sme plan lol i dont wake up at the same time every morning to to the bbt testing

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

@beautiful I'm so sorry i imagine you feel sad & disappointed. Hugs

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

@beautiful I'm so sorry i imagine you feel sad & disappointed. Hugs

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

Thank You ladies for being so supportive!! I will still be snooping around here still. Also in the Sept forum. Best of luck to everyone waiting for a

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. So sorry hun. The witch is horrible and sneaks up on people when we least expect it.

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6 years ago

@Kattyfootballmomma. You asked a question in the September 2018 and I had a dream awhile back, last cycle I think and posted a comment on here. I will see if I can find it as my memory isn't the greatest.

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6 years ago

@pearl... Yes. 34. Still trying for baby #1. I can say from my experience though that I partially wish I never used the Preseed and never got the bfp and went through the miscarriage. If I never got pregnant, I could have seen the fertility specialist sooner. Our appointment with the specialist was Oct 17 and got BFP on Oct 3.

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

@Ruby0709 I can completely understand that. It's hard to go through something so awful and also to have so much time pass by also. I hope this next cycle is the one for you! So are you just BD the all natural way now?

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6 years ago

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