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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is well. I haven't been keeping up with the board so I don't who has BFP's but congratulations.

AFM - I caved in and tested on 10dpo and 11dpo both BFN. Just waiting for AF to show up on Saturday.

Is there an October board?

10 years ago

2more4: How did your surgery go?
Sorry about the but it might still be early to test. Did you try again?
Acupuncture is great, it will help everything, slowly will bring your body to balance!
I know how you feel, I also feel like this is never going to happen to me, every cycle it just seems further and further away. I start good, hopeful, doing my best, but once the TWW come I lose my hope and know I will see s again...
But, I have seen ladies here get their sticky beans after a long time trying so hope is not lost! And acupuncture will help you! Is your DH going to?

firsttime: I'm glad your test wasn't too bad and that you have a plan now, this is great!
I hope the progesterone is all you need. I get to test mine today, but won't see results until I'm back from Mexico.
I'm like you with the pills, I will avoid them at all costs, but I am also very sensitive down there, I hope I won't have to do that test....
My sister has both PCOS and endometriosis (she's young doesn't want kids yet). Whats a laparoscopy?
I have my for you that you will get a this cycle!!!!

gds: Did your DH try acupuncture for all that paid? I heard it does womders for people after bad accidents. Also, my dad used to rehabilitate people after really bad accidents (people who could not walk) to the point they can run by using aquatherapy (this maybe harder to find) but he should try acupuncture and stick to it.

Kara: year personal trainer can be expensive, when I was younger, I used to go to the gym 4-6 times a week, do basic weights (arms, shoulders, back) did abs and lower back, and then 45 minutes of cardio on the elyptical on intense settings, I lost weight really fast, but it was hard.
I hope you stick to it, you know this time I made the mistake of not tracking, but a great motivator is to weight and measure your self and take periodic pictures to see the difference, it's hard to notice otherwise. I would measure everything (bust, legs, etc.).

floz: I am sorry about your place, something will turn up for you really fast.
Life is like a mountain, the climb is hard, but when you reach the top, the view is amazing. Hardships means you are going up, to the good stuff, hang in there .

aclark: can't wait to see your tomorrow!

GB: I hope your symptoms are a sign of a !
I know what you mean about feeling like you are making them up, it happens to me all the time and them there is a debate in my head.

Carla: You're not out yet, 10/11 DPO is still early.
Here is the Oct board:

AFM: 7/9DPO, having trouble sleeping all week, can't fall into deep sleep, just annoyed and on edge.
Leaving for vacation in 3 days, can;t stop playing in my head "will I have a and not drink on my vacation and fear a CP or will I get on the second day and have for the whole time?" This stupid tune won't leave me alone...
How do you stop it?
Sorry, I am a little crazy and on edge today, lack of proper sleep is not good for me...
and to anyone who is testing!

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10 years ago

Okay so the more time that goes by the more and more I think I'm pregnant. I'm all of a sudden feeling a little lightheaded and nauseous - so unless I'm coming down with a cold it just doesn't make sense. And I just feel like I am, I REALLY hope I'm right. I'm going to buy some Early Result tests at lunch and I might take one just to see. THen I'll try again Sat morning if today is negative!!

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10 years ago

Okay so I am new to this site. Af is due to come Monday or Tuesday, I am using the cbfm, and I have sore breasts and lower backache. I bd'd on my last high before my peak day and on my last peak day. I hope it worked this month. We are ttc# 1 anyone else get bfp with these symptoms? Or anyone else using the cbfm?

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10 years ago

Well, I'm miss A type, OCD personality and had to take a test, and it was a BFN :( Although it wasn't a FMU and it is 6 days away from my AF due date. But still it sucks seeing that BFN :(

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10 years ago

It's been awhile since I logged on, but I wanted to pop in and see how everyone's doing.

I'm 3dpo, but already feeling very out this cycle. DH and I will be making an appointment should rear her ugly head. It's getting harder and harder to stay hopeful as my 37th year is making it's approach. Ugh!

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10 years ago

Oh, Spartiechic! There must be something in the air this month...several of the ladies I correspond with feel the same way. Hang in there, dear. We're with you.

GB - BFNs stink! They just totally ruin the mood. I'm so sorry, but just like you said, it's still pretty early on, so you're not out yet.

Mckeet - welcome! I use the CBEFM. This is my 3rd month with it. I traveled during my fertile time, and the stress of that really threw my cycle off. Sounds like you did things at the right time! I've basically tried to stop tracking my symptoms...the ones in the TWW can be very similar whether you get AF or a BFP. But having said that, I hope yours are promising and you see your BFP!

Koti - you can get some rest and feel better! When I get wound up about TTC, I can miss a lot of sleep right before AF comes. It affects EVERYTHING.

floz - sorry to hear about your housing issue! That's awful! Praying you can find something that meets your needs.

gds3 - I had to smile reading your response about wearing lingerie. When my dh and I were first married, I couldn't wait to get some sexy lingerie, even though I was very self conscious and felt fat. I've still got it all, but I doubt I would fit in it! Lol. Why in the world did I think was fat then? I'm nowhere near the same size. Nothing is the same shape it used to be! And I'm sorry your dh has such back trouble. and

Firsttime - I'm glad your appointment went well and that you like your doctor.

2more - prayers for you during your surgery and for a swift recovery. Hang in there.

Afm - uugghh! This has been one of THOSE days. I literally spent 4 HOURS on the phone with customer support trying to figure out why my new tablet wasn't working properly. 4 freaking hours!! I finally just said "to heck with this" and asked to speak to a supervisor. Lo and behold, they immediately said "let us send you a new one". (Picture me tearing our my hair!) Did I REALLY have to wait 4 hours to hear that?

Who the heck knows what dpo I am. CTP and FF have different days, and I got so frustrated I just refuse to look at it anymore. All I know is AF is due next weekend - because of course I have a full schedule then and need to have AF on top of it. I'll test early next week - or maybe not. I'm just ready to cook supper, then kick back in my recliner and relax.

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10 years ago

Congrats Mrs. Tiddle!

Koti- I hope you feel better. More than that, I hope everyone is right about those being conception temps. Enjoy your vacay!!!

Angela- anxious to see your test results. Lets get some BFPâ??s!

2more- (((hugs))). I have the bartholin cysts as well. Iâ??ve never had to have surgery on them though. Hopefully your recovery will be fast.

first- Yay everything is all clear. When I had my HSG, it was by far the most painful thing Iâ??ve ever experienced. I actually cried because I was so relieved that I had clear tubes. I still get teary eyed thinking about how relieved I was at that moment. Iâ??m a slim PCOSer and just had the lap to test for endo. Yet another relief for me. No endo, still dealing with the PCOS, though. Have you had the blood work done for PCOS yet?

gds- oh wow! You DH is in a bind. I really hate to hear that. How is your DSâ??s sister holding up?

floz- I hope things work out for you. Youâ??re right that thereâ??s never a good time for a baby or enough money. I believe you just have to make it work out one way or the other.

Cottoncandy- It will be here before you know it. GL!

Carla- (((hugs))). There is an October board already.

Welcome Mckeet!!!

Spartie- Hey girl, hey!!!

Rebecca- I have anxiety whenever I have to call customer service. UGH! Atleast you got a sensible supervisor to help you out. I have no clue what if any dpo I am either.

GB- ((hugs)) you are early and canâ??t wait to see your next test!

AFM- Iâ??m feeling much better although I wish I knew where I am in my cycle. Not enough to take back my decision not to temp anymore though. I had some lower back pains this morning that I usually get post O so I thought I may be 4/5 dpo. Well, I realized I have some EWCM so Iâ??m thinking today is the day for O. DH and I didn't BD Sun/Mon. We did on Tues and skipped Wed. Iâ??m going to take advantage of him tonight just to try to cover our bases. Have a wonderful evening ladies!

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10 years ago

GB: Sorry for the but it is still early, it can still be a nice in a few days. Just try to stay positive, for both of us, as I have trouble with that...

mckeet: Welcome and . Sorry no answer for you on either question.

spartie: missed you here, where did all the regulars go???
for a for you. Though I totally know what you mean, it seems that every month now once I get into the TWW I feel out... I think it is just the fear of the ...
Please if you find a way to fight the feeling, share .

rebecca: Thanks, but I don't know if it is stress or just one of my pre- symptoms... I think I have trouble sleeping every cycle sometime in the TWW.
Wow, it seems its just something in the air, or stars, that so many ladies are having bad time, for me it is the last few days that things just all go wrong and I am so annoyed by everything.
I totally understand your frustration, though OMG you are so much more patient than me, I would have asked for a supervisor on like minute 2. Glad you are getting a new one, but they should have also refunded you for it for the 4 hours you spent talking to them .
I love this face , it makes me laugh, .

Blushing: Thanks, I went to do my progesterone testing and of course the one day that there are like a million people in the medical centre. I did not get any stupid viruses.
The good news, I am supposed to get the results tonight or tomorrow, wouldn't that be great?
Catch that egg

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10 years ago

I caved and tested with a cheapy and got a bfn which I knew would happen lol it was more just for the heck of it. It's still super early so I'm still hopeful! I just feel like I'm pregnant this time!!

10 years ago

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