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January/February IVF Buddies

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I'm having a tough time finding a board for just women going through their IVF cycle, so I figured I would start one!

I'm 27, DH is 29. Due to some of DH's new health problems, we started banking sperm after 3 years ttc (1 year actively trying everything naturally possible) and I had a scope test done and found out my tubes are completely blocked which is our main issue. We're now on the track for IVF as that is the only way we'll be able to get pregnant.

I start Lupron shots January 6th and stim meds will start around the 19th or so. Hoping to do a retrieval end of January and a 5 day transfer the first week of Feb which will give us an October 2017 due date.

Here's hoping it works! This is my first cycle doing IVF so the nerves of giving myself all the shots is starting to get to me! If there are any other women out there within this same calendar time frame, feel free to join me in freaking out :)

56 Replies • 7 years ago



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Thats awesome Violet!! I'm excited to hear how the ultrasound goes! Be happy with it, you've earned it :)

Hubs said I should call tomorrow too. I told him I emailed and he was like "Why don't you just call..that way you can get an answer right away" lol My IVF nurse told me it could take 3 weeks or so, its now been 2 so I don't want to seem TOO pushy expecting them to find someone, I don't know what I would even say if I called. They've been very responsive via email up until now though..I wish she would just give a little update.

7 years ago • Post starter

Congrats Violet!! That's so good to hear! You can breathe a little easier now. Yay for ultrasounds!!

Babybump-- you sound like me! I always avoid calling the nurse, probably because I subconsciously want to avoid bad news or hearing what I don't want to hear. But I inevitably feel better once I'm informed. I would call-- worst case she's still working on it.

TTC baby #1 via IVF! We're blogging our experience at

7 years ago

Well the problem for me is they have a nurse who's sole job is being in charge of the donors and matching, and I've never met her in person! My IVF nurse (who I'm sure y'all know basically becomes your BFF) gave us the paperwork for fill out for our profile and we emailed it to the donor nurse. So I've never actually spoken to her except for email, which is why its weird she isn't responding this time. I know if I message my IVF nurse though she'll give me a response, so I may do that instead because I'm too much of a pansy to call and say something like "hey just wanted to let you know I'm still up"

7 years ago • Post starter

Haha! Well hopefully your ivf nurse can be a good intermediary. I hope you get good news about a match soon!!

TTC baby #1 via IVF! We're blogging our experience at

7 years ago

That's such a reassurance to see that ivf actually does work

Ive started ivf in Feb for the 1st time . Am 39 and DH 42 . My transfer was on 2/12 at 3DT . Been having all the symptoms you read about ever since that day . Today my AF is due and no sign of it ...however am still seeing negative on HPT . My blood test is due 2/27

When have you guys got a positive in HPT ...Am so skeptical

7 years ago

Hi Happiness! Since you did a 3 day transfer, it may be too early to test. I did a 5 day embryo transfer and got my first positive at 6 days past, so the equivalent of 8 days past for you. If your beta isn't scheduled for a few more days, I wouldn't count yourself out.

Are you taking progesterone and estradiol? I'm pretty sure for me the progesterone really contributed to my "symptoms"... sore boobs and night sweats and cramping.

Did you do a fresh transfer right after your retrieval? One embryo? Any frozen? My fresh embryo was the positive but my beta dropped at 5 wks and I mc'd. We're doing a frozen cycle now.

TTC baby #1 via IVF! We're blogging our experience at

7 years ago

Yeah ...holding it through till Monday for the Beta

Have been on progesterone supplementation since my transfer yeah I guess it could have contributed to the symptoms ...I did get some spotting which I think was implantation related on 7DPO & 8DPO ... still not ruling myself out ...

7 years ago

I finally heard back from our donor search nurse..she said it could be several months before we are matched with anyone. Ughhhh. I feel like I've waited several months already. This is just a rough process all around.

7 years ago • Post starter

babybump: several months??? why so long? I would think they would have hundreds of donors, no? OMG - how frustrating. I'm sure it won't take that long. Maybe they are just trying to give you worst case scenario.

Happiness, how did the beta go today?

Taurio, how is everything going on the frozen cycle?

7 years ago

That was about my reaction too! I'm going to a clinic in the state capital, and I live in the south so I think the donor pool may be smaller in the ethnicity that we desire. There are 2 other couples in front of us too they keep saying, and I guess everyone wants a tall blonde hair/blue eyed baby so any donors they do find are going to those couples first. It just sucks. And with hubs going through chemo we can't even be trying naturally just to appease the time. I'm just so sick of waiting and so angry at my body for failing so badly.

I hope everything is going well for all of you though! I'm so happy there are so many of us going through *generally* the same thing!

7 years ago • Post starter

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