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January 2017

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Didn't see a new forum started yet.. so here it goes. Let's hope we get it this cycle! A new year baby. That sounds great =)

My new cycle just began today.
I have one child she is going to be 6 come the end of June. I had no problems trying for her we got it right the first month of trying.. quit drinking, quit smoking cold turkey (both of us) bought some opks me and hubby took fertility pills and bam got pregnant.
We are really wanting another child. The plan was when our daughter was 2 to have another. We didn't really start trying trying until aug-sept of 2014. So yeah its been over a year of trying now. Opks, fertility pills, pre-seed, vitex. If something don't happen soon I will def have to see a doctor to see what steps we need to take. I am 36 and not getting any younger. It was so easy the first time why is it so hard this time around?!?

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176 Replies • 8 years ago



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Wishing- as I read this my heart sank. I completely understand how you feel in every sense. when my husband and I lost our baby last year I found out so many of my friends and family were pregnant. I mean yea I am happy for them but it makes me not such a nice person. I would get so jealous and cranky and just sad for myself. I completely took myself off of social media because every time I turned around someone is announcing their pregnancy. I just wanted to crawl in a hole. I am so glad that you had best friend B there with you. that was so sweet of her to protect your feelings... My sister in law did the same for me. she is the one that was with me when everything happened. she was also pregnant with my niece at the time. of course she didn't tell me anything cause she was basically going thru that with me also. she waited a few months to tell me. looking back yea I am sad for myself but it had to be hard that she held that in . I'm sure there was thought in that back of her mind that it could happen to her too. I am becoming myself more and more everyday.

I really hope this happens for all of us soon. I know if I get Prego this month I will most likely still have the baby in Dec because of my previous C-section. fine with me either way I am so ready for my healthy baby he/ she is so loved already and they aren't even here yet!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Hi WishingforViolet,

I understand what you are going through! A friend of mine who recently had a baby asked me not to come see the baby cos I'm unluckly and back luck to the baby. She knows what I'm going through yet she chose words that will prick me right where it would hurt the most.

Guess we should just stay strong and not lose our focus. We should focus on the positivity and make sure we come out of it.

My hugs to you, WishingforViolet. Hang in there. I promise, its gonna get better!


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8 years ago

WishiNgforviolet thank you so much for sharing. You are a thousand time strong for going to some thing like that and surviving but stay brave and strong

Miam you are really strong as well. Fingers crossed ladies

Aquaplaned have fun BD

AFM my temps went back up this morning. Cervix is still low and soft. I never saw an EWCM. Neither a real positive OPK like last month. Here is to hoping I ovulated and we caught it. So mentally exhausted....

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8 years ago

Omg aqua I think yours takes the cake. I think It would have been hard not to punch her in her face. Sorry that was so unbelievably uncalled for. I hope this girl never has anything tragic happen to her. What's the saying with friends like these who needs enemies!!!
I don't know where you live but where ever it is I will go down there and knock a girl out!!! Sorry I am so freaking disturbed by this. This isn't a cold its not contagious!!!!!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Thanks, Miam, Aqua and Lalou, It's crazy how much each of us and the other women on here have been through. It amazes me every time I read your stories, and I guess this is why I keep coming back here. People can be so wonderful while other's can be completely horrid!

Miam, I've also turned off social media. Your sister in law sounds wonderful.

Aqua that is completely awful. What human being would have the nerve to say that sort of thing. It makes my blood boil! Did you say anything to her?

Hey Lalou, I'm pretty sure I've never seen EWCM and if I did it's only lasted a very brief period. I do ovulate though and judging by your chart you just need one more day of high temps to confirm O right?

I had dinner last night with family and the topic of TTC comes up and my younger sister said she was too scared to start TTC in case she got pregnant before me. I immediately told her that if she wanted to TTC not to wait and that it's different, she's my sister and I love her and I want nothing but the best for her. I would not wish this on anyone. If she gets pregnant before me then I'd be very excited for her, no doubt about it.

Sending love to each and everyone of you. Thanks for making me feel better :)

8 years ago

So DH has stepped up his game this week. O was several days ago but since he has been on a roll I wasn't going to mention the window was closed already for the month not as long as I was getting to bd......How you doin!!!

8 years ago

Chicks cheetah, that made me laugh hahah. Good luck during your TWW! How many DPO are you?

I got my . It's faint but I'm only 10dpo and it's there!!! I'm going to test again on the weekend to make sure it's getting darker. I sort of went all out this cycle as this is cycle #10 and I figured what did I have to lose. Things I did differently - I used EPO, preSeed and fertility tea and in addition I also meditated for 10mins a day (it's this thing we have to do for my course to improve our focus but it helps with overall health too so I gave it a shot haha). I know it's still very early, but I'm allowing myself to get excited. I don't want to be scared or worried. I’m just going to love this little bean for as long or little time I have.

In terms of symptoms, I feel like I didn't have any symptoms, but if I was being really picky:

6dpo - I could barely keep my eyes open and had several naps.
7dpo - today (10dpo) I had 'cramping'. It's more noticeable today and it's a weird sort of dull full feeling?
10dpo - I woke up today and my boobs have started getting tender.

To be honest, I get cramps about a week before AF every other cycle, and my boobs get tender sometimes. So nothing standout.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone for all your kind words.

Really hope this will be my Rainbow baby!

Sending you all

8 years ago

Wishing- how exciting.
I'm 3DPO today. Been having small amount cramping like pains in my lower back and hips, but really no symptoms to report.
Best of luck with your little bean. I'm so very happy for you.

8 years ago

Wishing congrats so happy for you

Miam how are things going?

Chicks cheetah same with me 3DPO only lower back pain no other symptom

AFM i never got a positive opk and ewcm but i got a dip and 3 days hight BBT so I am just going with believing that i did ovulate. I am still OPK but itt is not darker at all. Fingers crossed ladies.

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8 years ago

OMG wishing!!!!! Yayaya we all so excited for you! Whatba healthy look on it. I wish nothing but the best for you ..

AFM CD 7 nothing really to tell except I let myself enjoy my weekend I had a few drinks with good friends. Woke up late. And will start the madness all over again stratong tonight.
Good luck ladies

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

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