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December 2016 Babies!

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Hi ladies,

I know we're all sad to be here, but yay for holiday babies?

TTC #1, since July 2015. Cycle 3 after miscarriage. I'll be starting studying this month in an intensive bootcamp style course so will just try BD every other day and will drink more water.

Timing-wise probably isn't the best time to conceive, but because this baby making business is taking longer than we thought, we're not going to put it on hold.

to everyone and :)

305 Replies • 8 years ago



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Miam1324, it's hard because you will always grieve your loss and people will move on and forget. These forums have been a great source of support because everyone is in the same/similar boat.

Sending you a BIG HUG!!!

Lalou3tt3, I would keep up the BD. Does that mean FF has given you a coverline?

8 years ago • Post starter

I'm on CD12 and I just got a smiley face from OPK. So, we this morning. I use 3 apps to monitor my fertility period - Ovia, FF, and Glow. Ovia and Glow basically adjusted my fertility window based on this new information while FF did not. I'm going to stick with the SMEP plan but it was just weird to see the adjustments. Have you ladies experienced this with your apps?

8 years ago

Hi Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me joining you all. I kind of have a complicated back story, but here it goes. I have a soon to be 8 year old son. I left and abusive relationship a few years ago and have since met an amazing man (I did not know I could feel this way about someone).

My partner has two girls from his previous relationship. One is 10 and the other is 8. He had a vasectomy about 5 years ago (that's a long story). And after much discussion about it we decided to reverse the vasectomy and add to our blended family to make 4 children altogether.

He had his reverse vasectomy on February 18th, 2016. And I am currently in my fertile period on CD 14 (usually ovulate about day CD 17). We completely understand it may never happen for us with the reverse vasectomy and all, and even less likely to happen in the first month of TTC. But we are both very excited and optimistic.

Looking forward to following you ladies!

8 years ago

WinterLJ I have never experienced with them. Would like to learn more though

Summer sweet welcome and yes it could happen. Hold unto hope.

Wishingforviolet yes FF gave me a cover line but this morning, my temps dropped to 96.9 so I don t think I have ov yet. FfF does not show any cover line anymore neither.

I am still feel like something is going on in there, like twinges, back pain, left boob hurt a bit today maybe I am just getting ready to ovulate.

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8 years ago

Welcome Summersweet!

I am so sorry for the things that you had to deal with in the past. I am so happy that you found someone that makes you happy! Good for you for your decisions you were smart enough to leave. Im sure that it probably wasn't as easy as people say " just leave". kudos to you and your new life. I am sure we will all be pulling for you!

Im getting excited an nervous I feel like I am dating my husband all over again you know that excitement/ nervousness you get when you start BD with someone the first couple times. Maybe this is good luck for us. Cant wait til I get a not if but when I get it. I know its coming just a matter of time now!!!

Is anyone charting if so do you mind if I follow. this is the first month I started I would kinda like to see how mine is compared to someone else's.

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Miam , I am charting feel free to check. I am not sure if I have made this month visible . So if you can t see it please let me know and I will fix it.

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8 years ago

thanks Lalou3tt3! Yes I see it :) I am following you know I hope that's ok. (stocker) LOL

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Welcome SummerSweet! I second Miam1324's sentiments. I believe that as long as we're alive then there's no reason we should not keep trying and moving forward.

I posted this morning that I got a smiley face from CB OPK (the one with only 2 options - smiley or no smiley). This afternoon I did another OPK, this time i used the CB Advanced OPK (has 3 options - no smily face, smiley face, and flashing smiley). The one that came up is no smiley face for me. Does this mean my LH is just low? What else could it mean?

8 years ago

I'm not sure what it means, WinterLJ.
In fact I had the question myself! I had the exact same experience this cycle. Guess, we should do the deed and wait for 2 weeks and see if it happened!

All the best to you!!

Loads of to you!


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8 years ago

Winter and Aqua those thinks are too confusing one positive is enough for me , keep BD and fingers crossed for the BFP

Miam you can definitely check my chart. I try to update it and post symptoms and stuff as well.

Me I got a somewhat positive last night and without a doubt positive today yesssssssss. I am so happy. So what is usually the window 16 hours? 24?

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8 years ago

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