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July 2016 Babies!!!

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Welcome to all who are hoping for July 2016 babies....a place for encouragement, a laugh, therapy, discussion....who else better relates to us than someone going through the same thing? Whether you're on cycle #1 or 100, ttc your first or tenth, each cycle presents its own challenges, highs, lows, heartbreak and hopefully happy ending. Let's go through it together!

Good luck and

Me (36) & DW (32) together since February 2006 DD (conceived via at home insemination with KD sperm) born Feb 2015 TTC #2

201 Replies • 8 years ago



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@jku thank you

8 years ago

Jku it s ok crocheting can be stressful but working my fingers help me sometimes lol also I am glad your clomid session went well, let s hope for that
Mrs B I hope you are to catch that egg. Good luck as well

Mommy I hope you will be able to figure it out. I have PCOS and some cramps on and off periods as well sometimes.

to everyone ovulating this week

<img src=

8 years ago

Jku, I'm so happy that you got to see a second line,. It really seems promising for you this month. Fx.

Lalou3tt3, this is OT but i've meant to ask you for a while if the 3s in your name were cool substitute for E's. I thought Lalouette was a cool name.

To all, I really enjoy reading all your posts. I was so excited when I noticed that a third page was added to this thread!!

AFM, nothing at all worth mentionning except that I should switch my name to the TWW section but am too lazy to do it now from the Ipad (I have a hard time with the copy paste function on the iPad).

Babydust to all!!!

TTC#3 since September 2015 DD 11/2013 DS 01/2012 User Image

8 years ago

2 dpo ovary pain is killing me been light headed all day hope the egg is doing its thing and dividing up by now

Hows everyone else whos testing soon opk or cor bfp

8 years ago

xoxo - Sorry for the pain but hopefully it's a good sign of a strong ovulation and you caught it!

Luna - I'm hoping I get to join you in the TWW soon. It seems as though our whole cycle is nothing but a waiting game, right? Wait to ovulate....wait to test....not good for an impatient person, lol! I'm with you on enjoying the posts! It really does make a difference when we have others that understand how crazy this process can make us, right? No such luck on ovulating early for me. I was really hoping, but still waiting..... Hope you had a good, productive weekend ;)

Lalou - I love to crochet too! I just made one of those crocheted cabbage patch kid hats (have you seen them?) for my daughter. And I made a cabbage patch kid box to fit over her stroller for Halloween. I wish we could post photos here. You're right about keeping busy, I find it's a good way to quiet my mind for a bit. How are you holding up so far this cycle?

jku - I have no idea what any of that means either but I certainly hope it's good! At least there's some progress on your opk, that's got to be a good sign, right? Let us know when you hear from your doctor and get answers!

Mommy2016 - It's good you think you've narrowed down the issue and have a plan for getting it under control. I'd use any excuse to eat pineapple :) So yummy! It was one of the few foods I craved and could keep down in the first tri with my DD!

MMCalli - Creep in here often! I'm always so happy for everyone who gets their bfp but then never hear from them again so I'd love to be able to keep up! Plus, maybe you'll bring a bit of baby dust each time you visit!!

calvin - I use softcups too! They're especially helpful with artificial insemination. Last time I got my bfp the second month of using them. I swear by them! I have these forums to thank for the idea! I never would've thought about them but it's so smart! Have you tested again yet?

kmksmd - If you couldn't tell by my response to calvin, I totally recommend softcups! You can find them at drug stores with the tampons, etc. Sorry that witch showed at a wedding. How rude of her! Good luck this go 'round!

Margie - How've you been? FX this cycle works and you can use the money you've been saving for IVF for baby things instead! Have you talked to your clinic yet about being triggered? I hope it goes smoothly with no need to insist!

AFM - I really thought I might get back to normal this month, I used to ovulate on cd14 like clockwork. But it's cd18 and still no ovulation. I have a feeling it's today. Having slight pains this morning. Which would be good since I got a "deposit" from my donor yesterday. I had close to positive opk's 2 days ago but they faded a bit yesterday and my temp is still low. Maybe today I'll get my positive opk and my temp surge tomorrow. Then I'd feel ok about our chances this month. But who knows, my body is obviously still confused, lol.

Me (36) & DW (32) together since February 2006 DD (conceived via at home insemination with KD sperm) born Feb 2015 TTC #2

8 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies,

MrsRabren - I've been doing ok. I caught a cold this weekend and this month for some reason has been strangely difficult to track my temp. I won't be able to talk to my clinic about being triggered until tomorrow. FX that you're feeling O pains and that your temp will spike up tomorrow.

xoxo - I hope the pain is a good sign. I'm keeping my FXFU.

Luna - FX you caught the egg.

Lalou3tt3 - it's so cool you're crocheting to make the time go faster. I knit and I've been working on a pair of mittens lately, but for whatever reason I can't seem to get the hang of crocheting.

jku - those sizes sound pretty good for a CD 10 scan. What did the Dr get back to you with? Are/did you triggering?

AFM - I'm looking forward to my follicle scan tomorrow. I'm really hoping that I only have two good follicles. In other news I didn't temp this mornign because my cat woke me up because he sounded like he was choking. I freaked out and was looking after him before I realized I was supposed to temp... oh well he's worth it. FX I'll have my IUI on Saturday.

Reply by xoxojadorecouture » 12 hours ago

TWB (Two Weeks Before)

MrsRabren - Cycle #3, ttc #2, AF start date was 10/4, expected ov date is 10/21 (although could be/hopefully will be earlier)

Mommy2016- Cycle #14, ttc #1, AF start date was Oct 10, exp to OV Oct 24

Jku394- Cycle # 11, ttc #3, AF start date 10/11. Starting clomid CD 5. Follicle scan CD 10 on 10/20. expected ov- 10/24-10/29.

Margie_m - Cycle #29, TTC#1, IUI #6 w/100mg Clomid, Follicle scan on CD 12 expected O date 24 Oct

Lalou3tt3 cycle #2 with metformin , TTC #on and off 3 years, AF started 10/13 expect O 11/03

Kmksmd- Cycle #11, TTC #1, AF start date was Oct 17, expected O date Oct 30-Nov 2, not sure

MrsB11 cycle #2 ttc #2, af 3/10, ov roughly 21/10 (had positive clearblue ov test 20/10)

TWW (Two Week Wait)

Calvingirl, DPO 8 - Cycle #1 after loss, AF due 10/26

Xoxojadorecouture cycle#2 Af start date 10/7 second round clomid 1st round molar cucurrently 1dpo ov dat 10/18

Luna_red - cycle #2, TTC#3, AF start date was Oct 7, exp O date Oct 20.

BFP (Big Fat Positive!!!)

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

MrsRabren - That's awesome. I swear by them too and it makes sense. I have a tilted uterus and I can't even find my damn cervix it's so up there in a weird position, that I want to make it easy for the swimmers to find it lol. If I have to keep them up there till they do their job, I will! lol

I'm 10dpo and have a horrible cold. I'm home sick from work for the second day and working in my pajamas - which is nice. My temps are slowly starting to fall and I'm getting a little crampy like AF is on it's way this weekend. Boo! I tested this morning and BFN. I also don't feel any heaviness and I did with Oscar. I knew before the tests told me that I had caught the egg. I dont' think I did this month.

Well, it was the first cycle after stopping my pills so it was a long shot anyway. Next month will be more likely. Plus, as me and my DH discussed, if I had gotten preggo this month, my EDD would've been 7/4/16 and since I already know they will induce me early, that makes my due date really close to Oscar's birthday of 6/15. I'm not sure I would handle that well emotionally. Maybe some space and a "for sure" July baby will be better so I can save June to celebrate my son's short life.

TWB (Two Weeks Before)

MrsRabren - Cycle #3, ttc #2, AF start date was 10/4, expected ov date is 10/21 (although could be/hopefully will be earlier)

Mommy2016- Cycle #14, ttc #1, AF start date was Oct 10, exp to OV Oct 24

Jku394- Cycle # 11, ttc #3, AF start date 10/11. Starting clomid CD 5. Follicle scan CD 10 on 10/20. expected ov- 10/24-10/29.

Margie_m - Cycle #29, TTC#1, IUI #6 w/100mg Clomid, Follicle scan on CD 12 expected O date 24 Oct

Lalou3tt3 cycle #2 with metformin , TTC #on and off 3 years, AF started 10/13 expect O 11/03

Kmksmd- Cycle #11, TTC #1, AF start date was Oct 17, expected O date Oct 30-Nov 2, not sure

MrsB11 cycle #2 ttc #2, af 3/10, ov roughly 21/10 (had positive clearblue ov test 20/10)

TWW (Two Week Wait)

Calvingirl, DPO 10 - Cycle #1 after loss, AF due 10/26

Xoxojadorecouture cycle#2 Af start date 10/7 second round clomid 1st round molar cucurrently 1dpo ov dat 10/18

Luna_red - cycle #2, TTC#3, AF start date was Oct 7, exp O date Oct 20.

BFP (Big Fat Positive!!!)

8 years ago

calvingirl- hope your cold passes quickly.

xoxo- sorry about the pain but it sounds promising! FX!

MrsRaben- FX for you :) hugs, and yes, I agree I thought it has to be good, right? But then no line at all today so I'm confused.

AFM- No one called back yesterday. So, I followed up this morning. Was advised that my OB was on call yesterday and had a lot of laboring moms and is now on "post call" so won't be available until tomorrow to get back to me. Luckily, I work here at the hospital and know my OB's nurse so she was able to unofficially let me in on some info. Essentially the numbers the tech told me were not exactly correct? How does that even happen. She gave different numbers which I did not write down something like all 1.2x1.1x1.0 etc, with the 3 largest being very small and immature and not even close to O day with there being no dominant follicles. I was pretty frustrated by that- especially since there was quite a difference in what the tech said. She offered to ask if one of the other doctors would review and make a recommendation today...which did not work out- the other provider was not comfortable doing so. We left the call with she will call me first thing in the morning after talking with the OB. I got her to tell me off the record that it was still very early and she was confident that nothing would have been done these past few days and that I will likely be retuning Friday for a follow up scan. I guess we will see!

Thanks to everyone on here, this helps me so much.

Wife, nurse, & mom to 12 yo and 4 yo, & TTC #3 since 12/2014.

8 years ago

Thank you everybody it was really intense ovary pain too it slightly hard to walk or stand up and cook lasted for about 30 min or so dull on and off ao im hoping it was a good sign to this is my second round of clomid cd 3to7 got blinking smiley cd 12 and solid cd 13(evening) last time on clomid 5 to ovulated???? 14 or 15. And got pregnant w twins ended in molar

Margie @ how have you been i remeber you from last year forum ??

8 years ago

@luna cycle buddy

8 years ago

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