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TTC to BFP - TTC Support Group for TWW and Beyond

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Ok, ladies, decided to start a new thread! Hopefully we can get some new faces in here.

For the new people! Hi, I'm Kat, but all my TTC buddies call me by my online handle: Blade. I'm 29 and this is my 18th cycle trying. I'm near the end of my TWW, but I can always use new cycle buddies!

We have a chatroom, which I'm usually in all damned day long by myself. Carol keeps me company from time to time. You can find the link in my signature if you want to check it out.

My symptoms this week? Bleah, just check my chart. xD The only thing I'm not monitoring this cycle is cervix position because I now have fake nails.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

74 Replies • 10 years ago



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It's really hard to say, Samantha. I've had times where I thought I had IB and it wasn't. Just random spotting. And sometimes it was my period showing up. My best advice to you is what I do myself. Wait it out to see if your period shows up. If she doesn't, wait until at least 18 dpo (if you can) and test. By then it (should) show positive if you're pregnant. Do you bbt chart? Because I use this as a guide. If my temp stays up I know something us going on. I've never been pregnant, but a sure sign you are is if your temp doesn't drop, or even if it does drop it goes right back and pretty much stays above the coverline. That would give you some clue.

EDIT: Feel free to come in chat and talk to me; I'm there now. Link is in my siggy.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey Blade thanks for the response! I am new to all of this so I'm not sure what bbt charting is? I'm not sure when to test honestly, I'm four days early and I'm not sure what it is like I said. Like if it run pays or into the 20th I should just wait until that stops to test I'm guessing? Yeah that temp thing I haven't been aware of so I'm going to try that.


10 years ago

BBT charting is when you use a BBT thermometer to check your waking temp--basal body temp. It the temp you get when you first wake up, not getting out of bed, and moving as little as possible. Then you chart it for that day. I use this site and fertilityfriend to chart.

Basically, it tells you when you ovulate. The day before your temp rises up is the day you ovulate. It helps you understand your cycles better and when you usually O.

Is the spotting bright red...? Pink..? Brown? I've heard of women getting IB with red blood, but it all really varies from woman to woman.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh ok. I'm not sure what IB is either lol. When I was pg before I was late but had all the symptoms I have now. I feel pg but today is throwing me off... It was light pink and then got red and now pink?!


10 years ago

IB stands for Implantation Bleeding. It's generally brown or pink and very light. But, I have heard of it being red before. If you really want to test, go for it. I just prefer to wait.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

Yeah I have been Googleing my head off and people say that its possible all the way around. I think just to be on the safe I'll wait it out until after the 20th BC I did implantation calendar and it says I implanted yesterday and it takes about 6-12 for that.... I'm trying to stay positive and still hoping for BFP, if not we will keep tying and keep everyone posted. Thank you so much Blade this forum is super helpful and you guys are so supportive! I'll def be sure to stick around!


10 years ago

No problem, hun! I know how tiring it can all be. You really want to test, but you don't want to be heartbroken. So, you feel like if you find another way around to answer the big question it'll be easier. Please feel free to join me in chat though! ^_^ I get lonely by myself, as I'm a stay at home worker and student.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

Awesome id love to how do I get to it? Still trying to find my way around lol and I'm on my phone BC my laptop is down for the moment


10 years ago

The link is in my signature. You can access on mobile. You phone, assuming it's smart, should adjust.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

Temp went up today! :D Huzzah! I'm so happy. I was seriously starting to worry there, despite the (ovulation) spotting a few days ago (which is supposed to be a sign of high fertility), that it was going to an anovulatory cycle! I even got a coverline on CTP, something I haven't gotten for (probably) the last three cycles or so. >D

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

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