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Our clomid journey...

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This thread has gotten me through some of my most difficult days throughout TTC. I have learned so much from the amazing friends that I have met here, not only about TTC but about life itself. I hope that our sisterhood only expands and that we can continue to learn from one another and help each other. You ladies are wonderful. A big welcome to all the new amazing ladies that have joined. I am so glad to have found this thread. Our journey continues. Looking forward to getting some good news :) Love you all.

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299 Replies • 12 years ago



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I officially O'd according to fertility friend!!!!! So I know know I am 2dpo today!!!! Yeah!!! My temp was up again and it looks like I O'd on Wed when I got my second smiley face and temp dip...... so I am feeling pretty hopefull about this month.. and I am not buying the internet cheapie dip hpts because they are tooo confusing and I got so many false positives with them..... so I with the cost of the hpts I am hoping that will keep me from poasing so much this cycle.

If you are new to temping; fertility friend is a lifesaver!! It is free but if you want you can pay 10 dollars a month and it will analyze your temps and tell you when you O..... and that helps ease my mind as well as being able to print it and bring it in to my dr. also.... he says a lot of his infertility patients use the site for temping..... so I recomend it!

12 years ago

Happy Friday Ladies!

Carolyn - yippee!!! SO glad you offically O'd. That's awesome. Now the wait begins! I think it is a good idea for you to stick with the more expensive tests. You have been having such a hard time with them. It just isn't worth it for you!

Nat - I hope you continue to O around the same time. I would test starting day 10. I think that is normal for people not on clomid. Do you use cheapies or digitals?

nbaby - I think it is good you are going to your Drs for a test. I don't think you would have missed your O but I guess you never know. Have you been Bding? I don't O till CD19 on clomid and some ladies on here it is even later so maybe that is what is going on with you?

Ash - that is soooo shocking. Man! I am in Canada so it is different but I have a prescription in place for projesterone pills once I get preggers. It is called Prometrium 200mg. I have been told they cost about $100 a month. Maybe you could ask about the pill form if it is cheaper?

Kraken - I am interested to see when you O this month not on clomid. Please keep us in the loop. Will be nice to have a break from work. Hopefully you get some great weather!

Jess - I know nothing about temping. I always say I am going to start but then I don't. Let me know how your first month goes with it.

SHea - how are you doing? DO you think you will O soon? I miss you!

Rachel - how are things with you? What CD are you?

Littlemonkey - I was told to test about 4 days after my last pill. It has worked for me. WHat did you decide to do?

rkeech - people just don't understand and that is why this thread is so amazing. My hubby is actually a huge supporter of it for me. He thinks it is awesome that we can all relate. I know it has helped our marriage because otherwise he would be my support and he just doesn't understand the same way you guys do!

Nancy - how have you not tested???? When are you testing? I guess if AF is showing then maybe you wont test? Is there any way the spotting is just spotting and you are actually preggers? Either way it is a good cycle because if yuo are not prggers at least you LP increased. Yippee

I hope I haven't missed anyone - but if so - I am SO SORRY!

AFM - I am CD4 today. Start clomid again tomorrow. We are off to Boston and New York this afternoon. We live on the west coast of British Columbia so this is quite the trek. We are flying through the night tonight. I am excited to get there. PLUS (in relation to TTC) we are away for all the wait time before O which is great! I will have our computer with me so I will be able to check in and say hi.

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12 years ago

Hi ladies.

Im still here, just a little down in the dumps. I dont think I Od, i think its just the progestin in my BCP. anyways thank you all for your support.

I will try to check back in when i get out of this funk. I dont want to bring any of yall down.

Love yall and still prayig.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Just wanted to check in with you quickly to give an update and to wish all you ladies well!

My doctor called and said since I've been on clomid 3 cycles she is done with me and wants me to see a specialist. The problem is, my insurance doesn't cover anything related to infertility and just a consultation appointment with these people is $350.00! Looks like my "break" came at the right time! P.S. My insurance covers abortions and sterilizations....

Margaret - I'm so glad you are going on a trip!!! You deserve it!

Carolyn - So glad you O'd!!!! Happy TWW!

Shea - Sorry you are so down! I miss you hun!

nbaby - I always O'ed between CD 20-23 on clomid. You are not out yet!

Kraken - Hope you O soon!

Nat - You are soooo sweet! Miss you too! Just test after af maybe and bd often? Sorry I'm not much help!

Nancy - Not pathetic at all! I have luteal phase defect so I know how important a longer lp is!!! Congrats!

Ash - Sorry you are going though all this but maybe you will get a bfp and it won't matter! I can relate to how ridiculous the cost of these treatments can get. Don't lose hope!

Monkey - I hope you get things figured out!

Jess - Your temp doesn't always drop b4 O but it can. You know you've o'ed when it stays elevated for 3 or more days.

Rachel - How are you? Miss you!

Norms - How are you? Miss you too!

12 years ago

Well ladies I am def 'O' now. Started getting pains in my other side as well. Will be doing loads oe bding over the next couple of days :-)

12 years ago

Great news!!!!!!!!

Called my dr today and he is finally going to work with me!!!!!!!!! He said to abstain from BDing for 1week, take a pregnancy test thursday morning and call them and let them know what it says. He will prescibe me something to start AF if im not pregger( which i know im not) and we will go from there. Im sooooooooo happy. He said i dont need a bcp break either.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

nursejones: I am so glad your dr. is going to do somehting for you..... I know it makes a world of difference to finally have a plan and know what lays ahead!! It makes it easier to cope and get through it...... This will be one time you will be happy to get AF.....

As for me... symptom checking is starting- now I am 2 or 3 dpo..... so far I have:
tired today/fatigue
O pain... back pain... twinges

How about everyone else in Tww... symptoms?

12 years ago

Shea - that is great news!

Victoria - it is so wrong that insurance doesn't cover anything. Mine doesn't either. I am sorry.

Carolyn - happy two!

AFM - still no ovulation. It's okay though, I didn't ovulate last cycle until cd17 and today is cd16. I am confused about all of my positive opks though. I rely on bbt a lot more though. Still BDing every other day (per drs orders). Hopefully I will o soon. Question for those who use soft cups. Is it normal to still have some fluid in them when you take them out?

*~* Rachel *~* Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

12 years ago

Rachel - I always do! Kinda gross but I think its normal.

Shea - Congrats! Finally persistance pays off!

12 years ago

Morning sisters! It's Sat morning for me, so happy weekend to all and welcome to the ghost phase of this thread!

I'll be selfish and start with AFM: Thanks so much for the kind wishes but I'm NOT preggo. I didn't test b/c I don't have any hpt. I got depressed the one & only time that I tested & got a BFN. I know that some of you hate the internet cheapies but I may cave and order some now. Anyway, AF is on her way today b/c my temp dropped again & I have that dull ache. So my LP this cycle is officially 14days! Woop, woop! BTW, after taking EPO for 7 cycles, I gave up on it this cycle and just took 2000mg of flaxseed oil everyday. I got even better cm than when I was taking EPO and you don't have to worry about when you O since you can take flaxseed oil the entire cycle. I know that Victoria's experiment thread had so many successes but if anyone wants an alternative...

Shea: I am so over the moon for you. How awesome! Uh oh, how are you & your dh going to make it with no BD for a whole week!

Carolyn: Congrats on the official O! I hope that you might even have twins on their merry way.
BTW, he,he, I also currently have your symptoms right now too. I'm just being funny, but please keep us updated on your symptom. I'm going to obsess with you since I'm now in my boring TWW.

Nat: Like Margaret and others said, keep on BDing and start testing on CD10. Twice a day is perfect. I'm a true maniac with OPK and I have gotten crazy over the anxiety of not seeing the test turn +. So whatever you do, don't fret if you don't see a +. For 2 cycles, I believe that I've had a delayed O b/c of my own anxiety. So, sometimes one of those "relax" advice is true. Eek! Did I just say that?!

Victoria: Soooooo great to hear from you! How are you holding up? I am so sorry that your doctor can't do anything further for you. I pray that you get your BFP on your "break".

Kraken: Happy BDing!

nbaby: So many ladies have O'd and didn't catch it on their OPK. May I ask what time of the day you do your OPK test? Also, what is your doctor testing for, is it the P4 (progesterone)?

Margaret: You'll be in my old stomping ground (NY)! Have a fun trip! We are probably going to O together again too.

Rachel: Happy BDing per your doctor's order! Hm, maybe I can borrow this from your doc, I can sashay up to my dh and say "Honey, per the doctor's order... put out!"

Ashley: I tried to look into crinone 8%. It sounds like a great recommendation from your doc but maybe you can ask your doc for Prometrium (what Margaret's doc prescribed for her). I saw an online place selling them for much, much less.

OK, where are the rest of you? Jess, Norms, Aloha, the new ladies, etc? Enjoy the weekend!

12 years ago

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