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We laugh, we cry...we hope, we pray...clomid journey cont'

I hope nobody minds that I started this thread. Some of you finally smiled during our last thread. We are so happy for you and thank you ladies for staying. Thank you for the love and support. Shea- we are going to continue. Our clomid journey continues...

We would love to have any new ladies join...anytime

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303 Replies • 12 years ago



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I am still here...... one year and countin!!! 4th cycle of clomid.... and looks like it will be on to clomid and IUI for dh and I this coming month!

"Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming.....swimming.....swimming.." (finding Nemo) Good for O and bding time too!!!!

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Today is Cycle Day 1 of my 1st cycle of Clomid. Any tips and tricks of taking Clomid are welcome. :) I'll give a little background about myself.

I'm 29, DH is 28. We have a 20 month old that we conceived with no problems at all. This is our 9th cycle ttc our 2nd. I am no longer ovulating on my own. This cycle I am taking Clomid, charting BBT for the first time, taking Robitussin, and using Soft Cups.

Baby dust and prayers to all of you!!

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Today is Cycle Day 1 of my 1st cycle of Clomid. Any tips and tricks of taking Clomid are welcome. :) I'll give a little background about myself.

I'm 29, DH is 28. We have a 20 month old that we conceived with no problems at all. This is our 9th cycle ttc our 2nd. I am no longer ovulating on my own. This cycle I am taking Clomid, charting BBT for the first time, taking Robitussin, and using Soft Cups.

Baby dust and prayers to all of you!!

12 years ago

Happy weekend to all!

Welcome, Braysmommy! I was only on Clomid for 1 round but the others here can certainly offer their advice. The only thing that I would recommend is to take your Clomid pill right before going to bed and then continue taking them at the exact same time for the next 4 pills. This will help minimize any side effects as you'll be sleeping through them!

Nat: It was me who used grapefruit juice but I was also taking Robitussin & flaxseed oil to "possibly help" my cm. It doesn't matter for you b/c the spermies would have made it!!! About my temps, they were kind of all over the place too. It barely went up compared to all my other cycles and didn't go up until the day AFTER I got my faint bfp on 9dpo. I'm really, really pulling for you!

Jess: Yay for +OPK! I agree with you that TTCing shouldn't take over our lives, but it still did! I hope this cycle would be the one for you! Enjoy our time off from our thread and we'll do all the thinking and obsessing for you!

Aloha: I'm so excited for you! More

Ash: That woman is f@#$ing ridiculous!
Just ignore people like that. They're not even worth your time and consideration.

Carolyn: I was beginning to wonder where you've been! I'm so glad that you'll get to try IUI. When will you start?

Kraken and lisserb. Hope you're doing well!

12 years ago

Nraysmommy- Welcome! Hope clomid brings you success!

Nancy- Thank you for answering my question. I have been wanting to ask you if the spotting or bleeding has stopped. I know that you said everything is looking good :).

As far as grapefruit juice and my cm, I just don't know if I am suppose to have more cm. I am going to order conceive plus for next cycle. I know you said that it is diff from preseed but would you say that the consistency of it is completely different. Dh hates preseed. I only use very little of it on the surface the last several times that we bd'ed.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Nat: The consistency of Conceive Plus is more silky and hubby definitely likes it as he hates the feel of Preseed. I really recommend it. I only used it on the surface though and didn't use an applicator. Thanks for asking about my spotting & bleeding. It has stopped and I think it's b/c of the progesterone shot. I guess I have low progesterone to begin with, something that I kind of knew since I always spot many days before AF arrives. Good luck in your TWW!

12 years ago

Hi All!

Welcome braysmom, you are going to meet some wonderful women here!

*hugs* to all who need them.

AF found me early, so the last was a 25 day cycle. I'm guessing the clomid is completely out of my system. I was hoping for two longer cycles, so we would have a chance to do another iui in November, but now I'll be ovulating smack in the middle of our vacation. C'est la vie!

Onwards and upwards!

Hugs and luck to all!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

12 years ago

Love - Love the title of this thread!!! :)

CJ - I'm right here with you darling! Tomorrow is not only a somber day for this great nation we live in but also it marks the one year anniversary of when DH and I started TTC. Just a sad sad weekend for me! I have to agree though TTC will not take over my life (as much) as it did the past 6 months!

Braysmommy - WELCOME!! This is an AMAZING group of supportive ladies! I'm glad you found this thread. I agree with taking clomid right before going to bed. Things that I have noticed while taking it (I've had 3 rounds and will continue as soon as AF shows up); the hot flashes are HORRENDOUS (sp?) for me, the first month my mood swings were terrible (one min i was yelling at DH and the next I was okay) so I have learned to apologize in advance for the week while taking clomid. (DH and I call them my not so happy pills) Also you said you were charting for the first time? It is really important to take your temp at the same time, the same way everyday. I leave a post it pad next to the bed for the weekends when I want to go back to sleep right after I take my temp that way I don't worry about forgetting what my temp was. Also I use this site and to chart. any questions you have don't hestitate to ask or if you want to PM me thats fine too!

Beach - I'm glad that the bleeding has stopped!!!

Lis - 2 months ago I had a 20 day cycle!! and now I'm on CD 38 today and no sign of -- YAY for O'ing during a vaca! I think thats the best time, your having a great time with no "normal" life worries and you can have fun :) -- have a great time on your vaca!! DH and I are heading out next weekend to celebrate our 3 year anniversary.

AFM: CD 38 -- temps are crazy! check them out: -- not really sure whats going on. I'm going to a new DR on 9/26 so I havent called the "old" dr yet to figure things out b/c I really want to start fresh with a new set of eyes. It sucks though bc I really wanted this month to be the month! But there's a plan for everything...I just wish hope wasnt running so thin lately.


TTC #1 - Since 2010 BFP #1 on 11/22/11 (ended 12.13 ectopic) I'm a home cooking, OCD (at times) cleaning, NASCAR watching, Drag Race Loving, country living (being classy is over rated), stay at home, spending some months alone, 4 wheel riding, proud union carpenter wife & I wouldnt have it any other way! Follow my journey in life:

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Im still here! Ive missed you guys!

Well, Im in much better spirits today, thank goodness. I havent had time to catch up on all your posts yet, but i will later on tonight. We stayed with my parents last night and Im only here at my house for a short while before heading back over there. Its been a nice little get away to stay with them, and its gotten my mind off ttc.

I went with my best friend to her post pregnancy dr. appt yesterday, and spoke with her dr. (who works with my dr.) and I asked him what should I expect on my app the 28th and what would they do for me. He said clomid and/or metformin most likely! Im sooooooo very excited ladies! Im so thankful that Ive hung around this clomid thread with all you wonderful ladies eventhough Ive been on soy! Ive learned so many tricks and tecniques so hopefully my first clomid cycle will be my last! Im still praying because nothing is set in stone but its so nice to just hear that little bit of reassurance and to know that im going to be getting some help...and most importantly that i wont be having to do this alone anymore!

Im sorry this was so long and boring, I just figured Id pop in and let yall know how my life is going right now and that I havent abandoned the Clomid Gang! Love yall so much and thank yall for keeping check on me and sending me prayers and good vibes! *BIG HUGS* to everyone!

Love, Shea

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Thanks for making me feel so welcome!! Cycle day 2 here. Obviously nothing too exciting to report. I will start Clomid on Tuesday; I will let you know how the side effects are. DH is traveling this week so he will miss the possible mood swings. Lucky him.

12 years ago

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