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June 2014 Baby, Maybe?

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Here we go, again, Ladies!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

905 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thanks, hopeful, that's really helpful! And good luck to you! I just need to remember to be assertive during the appointment, I guess. I can be a bit of a pushover . I wish I could bring DH with me, he's a bossy pants!

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

Wifey1985 --- Thanks! Yes it has been a crazy month for me. Usually on the pill, my period would last 2-3 days and were really light and some months I wouldn't even have a period. So I thought the fact that my period started a week later and was 6 days and pretty heavy atleast one day... was a good sign for me. But not really sure. I took a test this am with fmu because of all the symptoms I have had. After a BFN this am with fmu, I am assuming all that was from hormones maybe. Still no sign of AF this morning. Maybe my cycle is going to be longer without the pill??

10 years ago

Wifey1985--- and symptoms have been one day sticky like discharge (TMI, I know), some bloating, veryyy gassy (sorry again), nipples were really sore for about a week, but not so much now.... just all too confusing for me right now.

10 years ago

Hi TTCMommy, I know how you feel! Do you have an idea how many DPO you are? It could be that you ovulated later in your cycle and so it's too early for a BFP?

I've definitely experienced PMS more acutely now that I'm off the pill. Unfortunately, for me that meant thinking things were pregnancy symptoms because I'd never felt them before (e.g., sore nipples, excessive gas --sorry, mild nausea), when in the end I think they were just normal PMS symptoms that I wasn't used to feeling because the pill numbed all of that for me . Don't get me wrong, those could still be preg symptoms in any given cycle! It's just that I have been more aware of my body now that I am off the pill, and so this extra-sensitivity has had a tendency to screw with my poor mind a little bit.

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

Wifey1985--- I am thinking I ovulated the 21st according to an estimated calculator I used online, so according to that I am somewhere near 14 dpo .... I did some research that says that sticky like discharge is usually from ovulation and that actually happened on the 23rd, but it only happened this once when I wiped (sorry.. tmi)

But I can't really say for sure if I even ovulated since I haven't been tracking temps or opks. And after my BFN this morning, I have just put all the symptoms to pms, since when I was on the pill I never had any pms symptoms other than cramping. Just think it is all new for me and my body just isn't used to it...

10 years ago

Hey guys! Glad to see the June board up! If DH and I conceive this cycle our EDD will be June 3/4.

I have to admit I am a bit thankful we didn't conceive last month, because last week I got quite an awful case of food poisoning and then yesterday I was in a car wreck. God's timing is always better than mine. (-:

This month I am focusing on enjoying BD with DH and not just trying to get a baby out of it. My counselor said to think of it like "wouldn't it be cool if a baby came from this?" So I'm trying to not stress as much and plan a couple great dates with DH. (-:


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

acrichton and hopeful- I take TheraNatal core nutrition (by Therelogix). I had a sample of them, and liked them so I ordered them online.

myluckyduck - congrats on the house! I hope you'll be on your way to filling up the rooms soon!

AFM - the witch is gone, so now just waiting to ovulate!

10 years ago

Ugh...AF just arrived! I am officially on this board! EDD would be June 11th.

Myluckyduck - I just realized I never congratulated you on your new house! Sooooo exciting!! Congrats!

jennavee - thanks for the info!

While - OMG...are you ok? How awful that you had food poisoning AND an accident! Hope you are ok. Also, sounds like good advice from your counselor too...I think I need to take it too!

Welcome 1stTTCMommy!

10 years ago

Thanks @ hopefullymommy2be :)

10 years ago

@hopeful, yes I'm okay, thankfully. A little soreness in my next but it could be tension so who knows? (-:

Yes I think we could all probably benefit from her advice. SHe said that TTC can be damaging to a marriage, and I certainly don't want that. I don't want BD to be only focused on making a baby - too much pressure!


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

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