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2 DPO today, who wants to be TWW buddies? :)

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So today I am 2 DPO and I swear I am seeing lots of symptoms but sometimes I do wonder if it's just my mind playing tricks on me because I want to be prego so badly. Who else is 2 DPO or within a few days of me and wants to be waiting buddies? :)

Baby Isabel Grace is due to grace us with her presence on April 16, 2013!  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

235 Replies • 11 years ago



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I'm on day 33 of this cycle and so far there is no sign of AF but I'm definitely not pregnant. My cervix this afternoon was tilted facing my back???..and open still. So who knows whats going on. I have an appointment the 31st though to find out my options and my next step from here. From what's been happening with my body the last two years something tells me we'll only be blessed with our son and if thats the case, its fine with me because he is truly magical. Once I get the heads-up of "yes you can have more" or "no you can't" we may or may not be planning a trip to Belize next spring. :) Gotta keep moving forward and stay positive! Good luck girls!

11 years ago

Good luck Redheadedme! Hopefully the doc can tell you that you can conceive again :)

And trust me, I'm just as confused about my cervix as you are. 5 days ago it was high and firm, now it is low, firm and wet...I really hope this isn't the sign of af showing up in 3 days like she's supposed to :( Boo!

Keep us posted! Fingers crossed!

Baby Isabel Grace is due to grace us with her presence on April 16, 2013!  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago • Post starter

Oh wow, redheadedme, I'm on day 33 too, longest cycle for me as well af was supposed to come yesterday but no sign and idk how to check my cervix. Glad to hear you being hopeful and positive, hope all goes well at the docs for you! Yes, I feel the same way, our daughter will be four soon and everything about her seems so magical and natural from day of conception. Been thinking about it the other day, maybe we are just trying too hard. I had an IUD mirena removed on may 11th and been trying since, had three full blown cycles so far, maybe my body is not back to normal yet, hoping that it didn't mess anything up since I barely had it for two years, just finished grad school and my dh and I didnt want to have kids while I was in school so we decided to keep things on safe side and started trying as soon as I finished. Sigh, sorry I ranted so much, it's just looking at all those bfns in the past three months have put me down, that's why I find your positive attitude very helpful and hopeful. Thank you

11 years ago

Update! Incase I haven't said it already....we found out we are pregnant! Got a BFP and then went to do a urine test at the doc' came back negative...later than night after I came home I took 5 more tests with 2 different brands and they are ALL positive including a digi :) Came back to the doctor the following morning with my pee sticks in had and they told me their pee test must be wrong and I am indeed pregnant. Did bloodwork today...finally hcg's picked up and were detected. I'm about 4 1/2 wks :)

So weird bc my symptoms leveled out and haven't really been present much this past week. The only thing I have now is some bloating, cramps and slightly itchy boobs...didn't even have implantation bleeding!

Stick baby stick!

Baby dust to you ladies!!

Keep me updated on y'alls progress :)

Baby Isabel Grace is due to grace us with her presence on April 16, 2013!  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago • Post starter

Thank you mariyagirl!! I'm glad I can be helpful I feel negative most of time but I try to fight thru it!

Airforcewife Congrats to you that's amazing! I hope you gave a nice healthy 9 mos. I have yet to start my period no clue what's going on but I don't want to see a BFN again so I'm steering clear of HPT's lol.good luck keep us posted on how your doing

11 years ago

Day 40 no period just brown discharge. What does it mean? The 31st couldn't come quick enough I'll be talking to my doctor.

11 years ago

My cervix is severely low....what does this mean??? I've pain like AF is coming and sore boobs and discharge. Its very low soft and moist. Please any advice will help. Thanks.

11 years ago

RedheadedMe, it could be a few things.

When I did my research I found that the cervix lowers as you are about to get AF. BUT...

Mine went from high to low 5 days before my expected period. 2 days before my AF was supposed to show I got the clearly, for me low cervix was not a typical sign of my period coming.

Have you taken hpt's lately? :)

Baby Isabel Grace is due to grace us with her presence on April 16, 2013!  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago • Post starter

@Airforcewife88... on your !!!

I got my yesterday! I was a little shocked because I had taken 3 tests that came out , even yesterday morning! But I had a funny feeling so I stopped at the store and bought a digi.

Stay positive, girls!!

11 years ago

Aw mommasamittc! CONGRATS to you!! :) Super excited. Did you go to do urine or blood at the doctor's yet? Oh and btw, do not get discouraged if any of their tests come back negative. It happened to me, theirs are sometimes not as sensitive :) Congrats again. How are you feeling?

Baby Isabel Grace is due to grace us with her presence on April 16, 2013!  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago • Post starter

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