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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Kotikd- this was or 8th cycle and I wasn't planning on going until this weird spotting, I've never had that. Your are right though, they will probably tell me to wait a few months. Af showed up this morning so I will see what this cycle brings. Best wishes to all of you still in you tww.

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10 years ago

WOke up with such a bad headache and ear ache this morning, still did the preg test, piccy is on my profile, looks like a for now, just checked it a few hous later and it still looks BFN. Im not fully out but im waiting for to appear. Going to book a dr's app because the whirring in my ears must be an ear infection or something (Which would explain my balance being out) No explaination for the sensitive nose, very sore and shape changing boobs, the lower back ache though. Hpmh, a little heart broken. Every month, why do we put ourselves through this? I swear I never had any symptoms and BD'd without a care in the world when we were using something and wernt trying!

Agghhhhh ehhh...... Kotikd, your mum is possibly right, get on with it and stop worrying, haha! Advice to us all. But I don't want to admit to anyone that they were an accident, that's a little harsh :P

To all, keep going, If you are out this month, you always have next month :) Keep it positive! ((We all want it positive ;) ))

Me(25)&BF(38) Together Since- 6th July 2010 TCC Since July2013 User Image User Image

10 years ago

Well this morning I took my prenatal vitamin and folic acid like I always do and some airborne and suddenly felt nauseous and hot. I don't know if it was just from my vitamin or what but I had to sit down and eat some crackers. I know I can't be feeling any symptoms this early bit I just feel run down. Maybe I'm getting a cold. I've had a stuffy nose and my throat started hurting yesterday but I don't really feel sick. I dunno just feel weird. Maybe it's all in my head I'm trying not to over analyze everything!

10 years ago

Hi Everyone,

There are so many people in this chat, it's hard to keep up!

Angela001 - Good luck - when will you test if AF doesn't show? Your symptoms sound promising!

kotikd - How are you feeling today? How is your temp? I hope you're not coming down with a cold!

floz1202 - I'm sorry to hear about your mom, my mother passed away in 1998 and I miss her every single day, even more so now that I'm starting this new phase of my life. (HUGS)

gds3angls - what if you tried to spice things up a bit for hubby - like buy a sexy lingerie from Fredericks of Hollywood or something and surprise him with it when it's before your O time? Just a thought - something to destress him and have some fun!

MyLuckyDuckKara - I'm in the same boat as you, trying to get started on making myself healthier and hoping to lose a few lbs. Good luck to you!

rebecca73 - Keep positive! You're never too old until the doctor tells you you are. Look at all the celebrities having babies in their 40's, it happens every day! Good luck!!

AFM - I'm currently on CD22 and 10dpo and today I just started to feel a slight pulling feeling inside my lower abdomen - there is no pain, it's just a weird feeling. I'm not really having any other pregnancy symptoms that I can tell other than that I've been really tired the past few days, but sometimes I get like that anyway so I don't consider that a sign for me. And there were a few days that I felt much warmer than usual, but that passed and now I feel my temp is back to normal.

Anyone ever have this light pulling feeling and end up getting a BFP? I'm not due for my next AF until next Wednesday the 15th.

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10 years ago

rebecca: I know in our heads it is totally discouraging that last was 2 days prior to O, but according to so many articles and books, 2 days before O is the perfect timing to get pregnant. So I hope you are .
It is so hard seeing all the young parents, I see that all the time, girls that barely look over 16 with babies.... Thinking I could have had like 7 kids by now. But the truth is, in life everything happens for the best, so just have to wait.

firsttime: for you, don't forget to take bunch advil/tylanol before you go in.

Kara: Personal trainer is a great way to commit to working out, how did your first time consult go?
I used to love the gym (my dad is a personal fitness trainer) but here it is all old people who just stare so I am more comfortable working out at home now. Plus these Jillian Michaels videos are killing me, they are tough, but good and each one is under 30 minutes so it is easier to commit to.
Good luck!!!!

Cristi: Did you test today??? I hope it is a !!!!

GVMDL: How are you??? Feeling like new I hope ?

Blushing: How are you? I hope you are feeling better?

blakeley: Sorry got you, for October 2014.
If my spotting doesn't start in the next couple of days I think the acupuncture and seed cycling work. But with you it seems like it is a first time, maybe it is just an odd cycle.
Do you exercise? I read online that stress and lack of exercise can mess up our hormones which can result in the weird spotting.

floz: Well 12DPO may still be early, you are not out until you're out. All your symptoms can mean a maybe you just got the timing wrong? Maybe you're like 8-9DPO? Otherwise these are also all symptoms of hormones and me and my sister get most of these every cycle in the LP. For me they started more when I started TTC, my sister had them for years never TTC.
I think it is that stupid biological clock the messes up our heads and makes us so crazy about the whole TTC. I wish we all could just try without caring or thinking until it happens...
my mom did not need to admit, she was 21 and pregnant on her wedding, I knew I was an accident since I learned how to count and how long pregnancy is. I have no problem with it .
Plus accidents are great, normally means it is a kid of passion .

Angela: Some people swear they have symptoms from 1DPO, which technically is possible if they are sensitive to hormones. So maybe it is not in your head, but over analyzing is not good, how many DPO are you?

GB: Well, temp was lower today because I took it 1.5 hours early because I woke up early and overall can't sleep well for the past few days, but temp is still high and today I feel all hot and flushed, I so hope I am not getting sick, I haven't seen my parents in 8 months, don't want to spend the 6 days I have with them sick...
I am so freaking paranoid about H1N1 that seems to have come back to our corner of the world, and I never get flu shots... Maybe that's why I cannot sleep I am driving myself crazy .
I hope you get your this cycle. I heard about people having the pulling feeling in the uterous and end up with a .
So you are not testing until is due? I won't know until after my vacation?

AFM: Nothing to report. I'm really paranoid about getting sick before my vacation. Feeling a little hot today, got a bit of a cough, I hope it goes away by the end of the day...
to all the ladies here

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10 years ago

Since I didn't really track this cycle I'm guessing I'm around 8dpo. I think I'll test on the 15th if I don't go crazy over the weekend and buy some cheap dollar tree tests lol this time around I'm just whatever happens happens so I'm hoping that's a good sign!

10 years ago

Kotikd - I felt really really warm a couple of days ago and it lasted about 3 days and then I felt okay temperature wise. Maybe that's an early sign of conception??? I'd like to hold out so I don't waste a test if I am not pregnant or if it's too early to catch my levels high enough. If I keep getting these pulling feelings I might test a little early, but the earliest would probably be this Sunday. This morning when I woke up I felt like I was getting a head cold - felt stuffy and exhausted, but now I feel okay. I don't want to assume these are all signs of pregnancy when they can be the sign of a cold coming around the corner. I'm hoping for my BFP but I'm not expecting it.

to everyone for their soon!!!! Fx'd for us all!!

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10 years ago

Angela: I guess I'll have to wait until I get back from my vacation... I hope its a !
I will be testing on Saturday because I want to know before I go, I will be 9/11DPO... I just want to know if I can drink, don't want to be sober the whole vacation if its a ....

GB: I sure hope you are right about being warm because of the right reasons , that would be so much better than getting sick .
Oh, I have to wait to see your results until I get back too? ....
I have my for you, I hope its a !

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10 years ago

We'll see if I can wait that long lol it's so tempting but I've tested early every month and I don't want to be disappointed again. It would be a good idea before vacation though lol that's why I need to test before my birthday to see what kind of celebrating I'll be doing lol

10 years ago

Koti- enjoy ur vacation and I'm praying BFp for u!
Nothing on me- cd5 still I'll. This cycle made me so sick that DH says it's the worst since we been together.
Woke up to pee and decided to check out on this forum to look for more BFp ladies!!

The moment I wake, I sneeze bad. I need a pair of running shoes to run after my nose.

I'll chat more later.


xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

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