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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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Happy monday ladies!
Beautiful- I'm still feeling hopeful for you!

Temp is still going down, no AF yet. I'm kind of glad about that. The longer it takes the more likely DH will be home for O. And we can try for girl territory.
I spent the weekend a friends farm with their horses, kids were in heaven. My DD who is horse crazy lived her dream of riding a friesian. It was so nice to be distracted from life for a bit. Something else for me to focus on.

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6 years ago • Post starter

@twwtoolong oh i do love a scientist Thankyou for the info n advice ! And i agree It is a risk worth taking as there are pros n cons to almost everything in our lives! If you buy
n try let me know How It Goes! Xxx

@dragonfly23 sorry being nosey just thought we was the same age for a sec Lol! I hear you with the anxiety well How about this last night i had a horrible vibe and i could see fire in my head (i Sound nuts Lol) anyway went to sleep Then 6am i saw my goldfish had died ! So im here thinking i knew It was gna happen because i felt dread and saw orange/fire = dead Orange goldfish!!! Does your anxiety effect your relationship? I struggle alot with anxiety regarding getting heartbroken trying so hard to be positive i love him A? when i feel "normal" i know im being rediculous Then bang the thoughts come back! Xx

@pearl Thankyou ! I watched half of the sperm race n thought let me stop here and wait for OH to come so if hes not tired when he comes Home imma Get the popcorn out throw the lube away n Watch the race Lol! Glad your enjiying the preeseed i hope a positive result comes out the end of It!xx

6 years ago

dragonfly-Lets hope its not AF dip if your a CD24 this cycle, as you need at least 10 luteal phase. I believe i asked that question this cycle. bc i o'd late. I hope its implantation and you see a rise tomorrow.

callmecrazy- i know i should just test and get myself out of the worry zone. but if AF dont show today/tonight i will test in the morning.

Pearl_325 -Interesting on the Canola oil LOL!!

MidnightMystery- I would read up on the lube. Wouldnt hurt to do some research on it. Also, i recommended watching "THE GREAT SPERM RACE" its on youtube. Very Informative on what the sperm has to go through to get to our egg!! its a maze with alot of stuggles along the way.

AFM, Still nothing but Creamy CM and Lower backaches. if no AF maybe BD tonight and see if DH "breaks the seal" LOL sorry probably TMI!!

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery. No problem. Won't know unless you ask. How old are you? I get those premonition sometimes, so I know exactly what you mean.

@Beaut1ful38. I hope so too as that is my biggest worry of having a short luteal phase and I am still worrying if my phase short as yes, we need at least 10 days. The last cycle, I had the dip and then in two days it rose up, still holding on to hope. About to use the RR and will see what the outcome is. I hope AF stays away for you. I had a ton of cramps before I got my BFP, so this might be the case for you.

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6 years ago

@beautiful38, Ive just had a read on the packaging and It Said "caution this product has no spermicide in It so if trying to conceive talk to your doktor" so im guessing there is no ingredients in It that makes It sperm safe? Thankyou defo watching tonight xx

6 years ago

@dragonfly im 23 thats why i asked your age Lol. I also confuse intuition with anxiety atm May i ask are you spiritual? I like your name dragonfly i have a tattoo of one with my daughters name representing the change of our lives if your not spiritual i Get a nice vibe from you even if It is Through the Phone!xx

6 years ago

Lots of talk this morning! Had to take a minute to catch up to the conversation! :)

@twwtoolong - Yes! I am also 5dpo today! I still don't have any symptoms which I'm taking to be a good thing. DH and I are just waiting hoping for implantation this time.

@dragonfly - did you try the implantation calculator with Nov 26th as your O date? From your temp chart it looks like your egg might have dropped then so you might be a day ahead of what you thought. Worth a shot! It would give you more time for a sticky bean.

@Beaut1ful - Sorry that this cycle has you down. I hope you have a wonderful night with your DH and I think it's smart to wait to test. I know what you mean about breaking the seal... lol!

AFM - no symptoms to speak of. My temperature does not seem to be cooperating and getting higher but I'm a cold person so I wasn't sure if mine would or not. We'll see what it does tomorrow.

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery. I am Spiritual and know that dragonflies represent change. I have a lower back dragonfly and I want to get one more dragonly tattoo and then I am done as I have 3 in total.

@FlamingoGirl. No, I haven't tried the 26th, just did for the 27 and 28. I will give it a shot and see what the outcome is. I hope the egg was released a day early. Will edit once I get calculation done.

Not much on the tampon, just some pale green cm. Don't know if that means anything and it is not a infection.

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6 years ago

dragonfly- Lets hope nothing there. Fingers crossed.

MidnightMystery- At least you know, but i would change to "pre-seed" but like someone said it is expensive. But it does go along way.

FlamingoGirl13 - Your temp looks good still to me, but that is the most stress part on my end LOL. Why i think i am only going to log BD, and when i get a +opk. But i have been doing chart for 5 months now and before that in 2011.

6 years ago

Checked the implantation calculator if Ovulated on CD16 and the date range is Dec 3-9 with Dec 5 being the most common date. Let's hope that is the case and if it is, DH and I BD CD 16 and 19.

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6 years ago

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