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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Part 2 of 2:

Mrs.Tiddle: never seen Lord of The Rings???? Not very proudly I can say I saw the whole trilogy at least 4 times, at least 3 of the times an extended version (directors cut, total of 12hours for the trilogy). NZ looks a lot like where I live, but I was hoping for warmer climate, sounds like the climate is like here too.... We will visit one day, a little pricey for us right now.
I understand the fear of disapointment, but the addiction (POAS) get the worst of me and I always cave in and test, so far only ...
I hope you get a !!!!

Blakeley: The temp drop (which is not significant since it is still above your coverline) and spotting can be signs of a drop in progesterone. I've had spotting since about 6-8DPO to 3 out of last 4 cycles. I am testing progesterone this month to see if it is low (although I did start acupuncture and seed cycling which supposed to help take care of it)... We'll see in 2-3 days if I start spotting.
You know, I don't think I had this before we started TTC, it's like the TTC process drives our bodies crazy... I hope this is a one time thing for you.
But from what I have read online, this does not mean you cannot get a , there are some stories online with spotting from mid-LP and drop in temp. So don't lose hope yet, you're not out until you are out.

aclarck: My guess is that you ovulated later than you thought which is common when under stress like after a CP.
Did you track in any way this cycle so that you can estimate when you actually ovulated?

Angela: I hope this is a good sign, hope for a for you, don't forget to share .

AFM: 5/7DPO, I am not really tracking my symptoms this month because that is what causes me stress. I do notice them but I am not tracking. One thing I cannot ignore is the sore nipples from 1DPO which may be due to regulating my hormones. Also my temp went up even higher this morning, I so hope I am not getting sick right before my vacation.... or on vaction, that would really suck.
to all!!!

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10 years ago

Kotikd- i always look forward to your reply! I didn't know about peaking more than once in a cycle. Learning something new all the time. Im sure if my mum was still around she would be helping me along with knowledge things but we lost her in April last year.
I know what you mean about bd'ing early!! I noticed when i looked back on previous cycle tracking that we bd a lot once af has gone and nowhere near o. Oops... This cycle tho hopefully if i got it right we bd 3 times just before o. So lots of swimmers hanging around haha!!!
Will take a pic n figure how to post whatever the outcome!!!

Me(25)&BF(38) Together Since- 6th July 2010 TCC Since July2013 User Image User Image

10 years ago

So I found out today that my sister is having a boy - she's due early June.
I'm relieved in a sense since now she can't name her child after our mother who passed away November 2012.

My brother and his wife will find out the gender of their baby in a few weeks - she's due mid/late July.

I was hoping to join them and hopefully have a girl....wishful thinking.

Kotikd: unfortunately it seems that DH only is in the mood when AF is here and that's not happening so I always get left out from all the swimmers. I think I will just give it some time and with prayers hope that DH's job calms down so he isn't so stressed and maybe BD will happen a little more often.

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Thanks for your advice kotikd. I'm going to wait until sat and if AF doesn't show will test. If she does I think I might book a doctors appt. was going to wait until the 12 month mark, but after this cycle I think it's worth getting this like progesterone checked.

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10 years ago

Hi, ladies! I've been MIA for a bit. I'm CD27 - not real sure on O for this month because of the infection and cold. Based on past cycles AF could be due in 3 days or in about 12...and since I'm not 100% sure on O, I can't even guess!! I decided to sign up for our local gym and get back into healthy habits, so that's where I've been when I'm not at work. I'm about 35lbs overweight according to height/weight charts. I'm meeting with a personal trainer for the first time tomorrow. I've been doing Zumba the last few days - it's so much fun!

Hope all is well!

GL and baby dust!! <3

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

floz: glad to hear someone reads what I write, I always feel I go overboard.
I am so sorry for your mom, cannot imagine what it's like. But to tell you the truth my mom is no help at all when it comes to this, she got pregnant with me when she was 21 by accident and since then all pregnancies were accidents. So her advice is "relax, don't think about and don't want it because that's when it happens" well thanks mom, so easy...
I really hope this is it for you , can't wait to see your !

gds: Wow, sorry about your mom. I cannot imagine how hard it is to lose a parent.
Sucks that DH is so out of it and doesn't feel the ovulation pull , maybe you can do something to relieve his stress when your ovulation approaches? Not that I think he shouldn't do all the work!
I hope you caught it, or will catch it next cycle and will join your siblings.

Blakeley: How long have you been trying? I know that my doctor did not want to test me before the 12 months, he only sent me for all the tests because I was feeling pretty sick for a while, turned out to be nothing and it went away after a few months (probably depression).
Maybe your doctor will be easier. But the truth is, it takes on average 9-12 cycles to get pregnant, and I know it is frustrating, but I would not worry about it for now.

Kara: Glad to see you here , glad you are feeling better and are taking care of yourself!
I started working out at home, doing Jillian Michaels workout videos, god she is tough, but its been 2 weeks and I see a difference. I am perfect weight but I really think I am out of shape. This year of TTC really did a number on me, I stopped working out and got pretty depressed. But I feel so much better now and so happy you are commited to working out.

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10 years ago

Just a quick post. It's been a busy day. Feeling down and out today. CTP moved my O day, so the last time we were able to BD was two days prior. Yikes. We took the kids to the Y for their swimming lessons this evening, and enjoyed some swimming too. There were two couples with babies in the pool. They looked so young - the parents I mean. I just felt old, and crazy for thinking we could have more kids. Hope I'll feel better tomorrow.

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10 years ago

Been flying under the radar the last week or so. Randomly popping in to check on you guys.

sugar - my left ovary has been working the last couple months, hope your right one works overtime also!!

rebecca - you take progesterone? what are the details on that, i maybe will this cycle? see below.

congrats on all the BFP's!!! and boo to the witches that came!!!

update: if you guys remember, my progesterone came back super low during LP. I've noticed my boob pain definitely correlates to my progesterone level, and if my boobs start to quit hurting, then AF shows up within 24-48 hours. Problem is my LP is only like 10-11 days.

plan: DH dropped the boys off with the Dr. for a SA today, will hopefully have results by Monday. I have a sono HSG early tomorrow. Gonna get up early, pop a bunch of ibuprofen. FX'd there's no major issues, and my pipes get all flushed out for some egg/sperm dancing! I'm CD 9 or 10 today.

been doing ntnp this month, but obviously it is early yet. so much less stress on myself taking my temp maybe in the morning. temping was soooo stressful!!! i'm quite the type A, OCD type, but wow i was stressing too much. This month i'm being lazy, trying to see the chiropractor more. i'm gonna ask the doc tomorrow if i can try progesterone supplementation this cycle. i'm guessing that means i'll have to track O then? Usually O'ing around CD 14/15.

logged in to print out bbt charts to take to the doc since they're worried i'm not o'ing right. likely will start clomid next cycle if needed. gonna try to not pop in as much this week since tracking kinda stresses me out more. you girls take care and fx'd and baby dust for all of you!

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Thank you, Kotikd! I'm super excited! I have a 9AM appointment in the morning with a Personal Trainer to get a consult. I just don't know where to start! LOL. So, Zumba it is until I'm more comfortable at the gym.

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Kot, I have actually held off on testing.. I guess because we didn't "try" this cycle I feel off a little. I think I will test tomorrow. GL in your TWW. Baby Dust

GVMDL, thank you! Hope you are feeling better from the teeth pulls! I bet you are glad to have them all out now!

Sugar, I'm sorry I just saw your message. I am very glad that it was not an EP but very sad that you are going on to another cycle! Baby Dust my friend!

Blushing, you are in my prayers. I know how hard this LONG journey has been for you and I both... I also believe that we will be holding our miracles when the time is right... (I hate when people tell me that but in my head I know they are right... I just want it to be on my time and it isn't!)... I am sending big hugs and prayers your way.

Kara, good luck with your weight loss goals... i am on the same path.. time to focus on me some! :) Baby Dust!

AFM... no idea where I am anymore in my cycle.. AF is late (if it is going to be a normal cycle)... I have held off on testing but am going to test tomorrow I think. No idea if I even O'ed or not.... no symptons of AF or BFP so who knows. If I get a BFN I will call the dr to get the provera so AF can just get here already! Sending loads of baby dust to all.

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10 years ago

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