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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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@dragonfly23, the cramping ,cm , loss of appetite, plus the temping! All good signs was It you who felt the flutter Too? Xx

@beautiful Thankyou jest wishes to you xx

@pearl oh man oh mannn wasnt preeseed can you shed some light on what that is could It Help me? Just Using uno the cheapest lube on the shelf well from now on im not going to use any Thankyou for that info defo helped a lady out there Lol love this Girl Power!xx

6 years ago

Pearl- a beta test is the blood test for HcG levels. My clinic considers anything over a 5 as a positive. You'll often hear women looking for their beta numbers to double at the beginning of pregnancy. I would be pumped to make it to my beta - they test you 14 days after ovulation but I usually have a 13 day luteal phase so AF has typically shown up before I get to the blood test. However, there has been twice (last month included) where I suspect I might have had a very early chemical preg and they moved the blood test back a day or two, so I wouldn't have to travel the the clinic over an hour away (the one close to me is a satellite clinic and is only open Mon - Fri), so the chemicals have never been truely confirmed.

Beautiful - I am so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. It sounds like you have got one good DH there, so sweet of him to plan a date night for you. Some months are just harder than others in this ttcing business. I totally hear ya about trying to relax and enjoy the holidays - if this cycle doesn't work out, we have a similar plan to you. Just opk's and pre-seed. No femera or fertility clinic. I might use a diva cup after bd'ing to keep his swimmers close for those days close to ovulation. It will be the 3rd month that DH has been on supplements and that's how long it would take for the effects to begin impacting his sperm quality (takes 90 day to make them). So ya never know maybe we will both be blessed with a Christmas baby!

Midnight - I agree with Pearl - if you are using anything other than pre-seed it might effect your cm as it's not the right ph for the sperm to live and do their job!

Dragonfly- You are right in that window for implantation! I think it's a positive sign that you don't have any spotting or anything on a check! It would be super early for AF if you are only 6 dpo, my fingers are crossed for you!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Yes, AF is due Saturday but even putting that date on there is making me question as I am on CD24 today (sorry, just had to check my app) as I thought today was CD26. I put a tampon in to see if anything happens.

@MidnightMystery. I had the flutters the last cycle after a bm (sorry tmi). I may just have a lack of appetite because my temp dropped today and I suffer anxiety attacks. Thank goodness I didn't have one. What is the name of the lube that you are using?

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6 years ago

@twwtoolong. Thank you! Hearing that put tears of joy to my eyes, as yes 6dpo is very early for AF to show and if that is the case, this will be the second time I had my AF on CD24.

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6 years ago

Thank you so much ladies for the advice about lube would have never thought about It!

@dragonfly23 okay i Get ya, How many days until you can test? Its one from poundshop (embarrased now) think its the nooky brand. I know How you feel regarding anxiety ive had It si?ce i had my First well before she was born tbh its horrible isnt It ive learnt How to Control It now though althoygh i have my bad days xx

6 years ago

Dragonfly23 are you 23 years old?x

6 years ago

Midnight - I just saw your reply! You are actually better off using nothing than regular lube! Pre-seed has the right pH, thickness and nutrients for sperm to move easy and have the energy to do their job. It is expensive however ($30 per tube). So if cost is a concern, and this may sound weird, but my fertility clinic actually recommends canola oil as a substitute. If you actually look at the science (I have a PhD in a health science field - so I read into this once they told me!), it's recommended over even using saliva.

The only warning I would give is that there is some more recent info out there that there is a slightly higher rate of early miscarriage using it. The thought is that with the help of pre-seed, some weaker sperm (that don't genetically have the right stuff to make a healthy baby) are getting the job done that otherwise would not have normally made it to the egg. For me, it's why I have held off using it up to this point, but now I feel it's a risk I am willing to take.

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery. Thank you for the compliment. Some days I wish I was 23 . Add another 10 years to that. My profile says TTC in my 30s. 23 is just my favorite number after watching the movie (the number 23 with Jim Carrey). He did an awesome job in that movie. Yes, anxiety is horrible as something can be perfect and you get a bad vibe about nothing and your day is shot worrying if this person is mad at you when they indeed aren't.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- Anxiety is rough, I suffer from it from time to time too (I am ok to a point, but when the stress is piled on, it can get out of control). I have worked hard on how to contain a tailspins that can happen so it doesn't throw my whole day off. It's one of the reasons why I gave up on temping - way too much stress, there is no way that it was helping me more than it was hurting me, if you know what I mean. Hang in there lady! I am so hopeful for you!

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery yes i agree with everyone else. better off using no lube at all! Every kind of lube has ingredients that will kill off sperm and I just learned that even saliva can kill sperm! (saw that on the Great sperm it if you can! on youtube) Pre-seed is a lube made for trying to conceive and the reviews for it are great! I do agree though that it can provide the chance for some weaker sperm to make it up to the egg which could result in miscarriage but I am taking that chance for now and just hoping for the best! I figure there is always a chance for that so I'm just going with it for now. Its my first month using preseed and i really like it! Fingers crossed it gets me my BFT!

@twwtoolong Thank you! I have heard of that test now that you say it but my doctor wont ever give me a blood test unless i test positive at home first so even it it takes 4 weeks they probably wouldnt order me one. annoying!

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6 years ago

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