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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Gd- Its ok that af showed up. So long as its not EP. Im so tired today. :) How you feeling?

Koti- Gynae felt that I get over stressed that I may not be listening properly to the body. He still is a nice man after all.. LOL.. My updates at the bottom.

Hi ladies, how have you all been? Im hoping all are well and fine. Sorry that I may have missed out replies to some.
I am so tired that I overslept this morning and still feeling very exhausted. I had a full 9 hours of slp, I crashed totally last night. Maybe cos I was relieved that BFN showed instead on HPT.

This morning, just an hour ago before DH goes to work, he felt that I was so unwell and decided to hug me a little longer before he heads out while I rest on the bed after breakfast. Surprisingly, I felt weird the perfume that hes wearing (all time same ) smell horrible to me earlier. I asked if our dogs puke? hes like : "No" then i said:" this perfume smell like baby puke, ( if you all know what I meant) and he's like: Its always the same perfume. Note that he's freshly showered and dressed. Then he says, maybe you are still unwell from flu and etc.... ( trying his best not to make me paranoid )

After he left, LIKE NOW this minute I am writing a reply, d*mn the smell lingers on my nose! I really think its weird, as I gets older, seems all the PMS symptoms goes haywire...
Yes, still monitoring the flow... was referring to the phone app, flow % was quite closed to last month, hence, I supposed no need to worry too much. POssible that my body still fighting against the common flu virus still going around here that could result to how I am feeling.
Am trying not to think much.. Just wanna rest and gear body up again for the next cycle(s)...

Im CD3 today... 4-5 more days to using OPK... :)


xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago


Mrs. Tiddle- KMFXâ??d for your test!

gds- You never know that one day may have been plenty!

rebecca- Happy TWW!

GB- I hope your TWW ends with a BFP!

Angela- Being laid back is always a good thing!

Floz- FXâ??d for you!

Babycrazy- UGH! Sorry the witch got you!

Koti- Iâ??ve thought about not knowing if AF was going to show. Honestly, not knowing is less stress than temping for me right now. Enjoy your vacation. We will miss you while youâ??re gone! Hopefully AF will stay away!

hobbit- Hopefully you will get in to see your bean soon!

AFM-I'm feeling a little better because I stopped temping two days ago. I'm still a little down, but things are getting better. I'm feeling a little sad because I feel like I'm giving up. Day before yesterday my dad said "This time next year ya'll will have your baby" I told him to stop saying that and of course he told me that I need to claim it. I told him I've been claiming it for four years and nothing so I don't want to hear that again...then today one of my friends called me to say she dreamed that she ran into me in a shopping center in Atl and I had a really big stomach. *sigh* I'm really tired girls. Honestly, I'm not sure I fit here anymore. I'm going to stick around until I'm the last girl standing, but I'm starting to think this may not be in the cards for me. Sorry if I'm being a Debbie Downer...I'm just really sad. I have no idea if I've O'd or not.

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10 years ago

Blushing- BIG BIG HUGS!! I totally can understand what you are going thru' right now at this minute.. I know itss not helping by saying I'm feeling the same. However, i would like to put it this way.

Alot of time, we are too concerned if we O'ed already or did we BD at the right timing? What about those who just got drunk and ta-da they got a baby? ( least expected right?) When we are all expected, we tend to be stressed up. Like me- to the extend of being paranoid.

a few flashes of scenes of a drama came to my mind, "mistresses" not sure have you watch it. I will paste the link here just in case. May help you lighten up.

There is this one episode that Savi ( 1 of the lead ) & her DH, Harry been TTC for a while. One night, she impulsively cheated with a co-worker.. Well... weeks later, shes pregnant. PLease do not mistaken me for supporting cheating. What I am saying is that it just reminds me that all time, when we least expect is probably the most rewarding time.

Just like EP, despite it was an EP it was totally unexpected at that point of my life, still fighting to climb the ladder not wanting to be tied down by a baby and it happened.
Now that career is slightly on track, seems to me and with DH good career. We just can't YET.

I wouldn't say we give up ( u or me ) I would say we are exhausted from trying too hard.
Trust me, to tell you to relax is not easy. Its tough for me to say as well. Nevertheless, lets try together.

Also, the brain sees what the heart feels... when we feel down, the brain will see tons of negative stuffs.. How about letting us feel "hack it, come what may" and I think the brain will see more beautiful stuffs that include: BFP real soon for us.

I do not have any hunch on BFP which date / month. But I know it won't be too long. Let's start 2014 amazingly.,Mistresses
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xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

You ladies are so right. I get so absorbed into tracking my symptoms that I always expect a BFP when I test only to be disappointed. I'm thinking, really??? I have to BD to get a chance to get pregnant and then it has to be at the right time. This time I'm temping and using OPK's and am still unable to BD at an appropriate time. I'm always trying to get DH to understand that we need to but he's just not in the mood with all the stress from work. Why??? Is what I keep asking myself. I didn't do any of this with my 3 boys. I just ended up pregnant because I BD'ed without even thinking about it.

Have been with DH almost 5 years. Been off birth control for 3 years. No protection. Haven't been temping, checking CM, or anything. Only always kept up with cycle days. BD'ed on average once or twice a month and I'm figuring it wasn't anything close to my O day. I starting temping a few months ago after joining this site. Started OPK's this cycle. Maybe I'll get the hang of it and it will happen before my kids graduate high school.

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Blushing- Thank you, im still hanging in there, for all I know ive missed AF but im not going to bargain on that one just yet!

Kotikd- I don't use anything apart from checking cm to see if ive ovulated, me and my bf BD after af finishes, we arnt technically trying, he says it sounds too serious, its more of a whatever happens happens, although I have it in my head that we are trying!! I can test on 3 days early which is tomorrow morning. He is already a little funny with me taking folic acid every day (when I remember admittedly!) "you arnt pregnant yet so whats that for?" Im just stood there blushing like- "its like a pre-pregnancy thing to help stop defects and stuff..." Eurgh :-S

Im hoping it is a little peanut in there, the lower back ache hasn't subsided since 3dpo, constant white creamy cm (sorry tmi...) Unfortunatly the bad nights are common, I did take a book to bed as someone suggested and went to bed half hour early, that seemed to do the trick and partially kept him awake so he didn't snore in my face (Is that cruel!? haha!!!)

GB1020- Eeeek yeh very excited, cant wait for tomorrow morning!

My smells has started to go, we have a dog, there has been many times ive had to get up and check if the dog hasn't pooped somewhere because that's all I can smell!! She is trained, and there is never a poop anywhere. Also being able to smell urine very strong all the time when we are outside! We live on the seafront and so many people walk their dogs on the beach, ive never had such an over powering urge to hold my nose until recently!!

Ah another quick question- anyone have a weird whirring/throbbing/ think I can hear my heart in my ears? My ears have been non stop whirring since 3DPO, mainly when im asleep or just relaxing. Very weird :(

Take care all and see you all later :) Floz x

Me(25)&BF(38) Together Since- 6th July 2010 TCC Since July2013 User Image User Image

10 years ago

So sorry to see all of the s arriving ladies - don't give up hope!

Rebecca73 - I've never seen Lord of the Rings (what type of NZ girl am I lol) but yes we do have some lovely scenery. Where I live I just have to drive about 10mins and I'm out of town and into it

Kotikd - I will try and remember to get a test tomorrow. I'm putting it off because I don't want the disappointment I think! Hubby and I are both still on holiday and I know it would be such a downer for me if it was a As for the summer weather - I live at the very bottom of the south island (pretty much the bottom of the world lol) and at the moment it is meant to be summer here, however it is only 11 degrees Celsius outside. It really depends where you go in NZ to hit summer, the north island (right up the top) has lovely hot weather, and Nelson in the top of the South Island is renowned for its weather. Come for a visit someday, you won't regret it!

TTC #1 with Hubby As of Jan 9th 2014 - found out we are expecting #1 User Image

10 years ago

I have been away for a few days and before I went I thought this might be my month. Last weds I thought I may have had implantation bleeding as cm was discolored. I actually think I'm just having the weirdest cycle ever. My temps steadily started dropping fri/sat/sun then just stabilsed - you can see my chart on my profile. Since Friday I had backache until today. Since Saturday cm had been tinged pink like I'm about to start af but no show so far. Over the past couple of days there has been some more red tinging, just streaks within the pink. I haven't actually had any spotting I.e on tissue, only if I check my cervix. I'm starting to cramp today so I'm certain af is on her way. I've never had temps like this, never had cm like this, would usually start discolouring the day before, but this started a week before I was due and now if af arrives today I'm early. Such a weird cycle im not sure what the hell is going on

any way baby dust to everyone still in the sept 14 group

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10 years ago

I hope you all had a great weekend. I am a teacher and we had a snow day yesterday which was a very nice break from normal.

AFM: 4 days late, still no AF. I took a test this morning it is was a BFN. I'm thinking my cycle may be off after my CP earlier this month. Any guesses as to what could be going on? I have no cramps or PMS symptoms really. I was ravenous yesterday, to the point of getting shaky if I didn't eat. Grr, so frustrating.

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10 years ago

Just wanted to check in today. I'm not really having any pms symptoms so I'm hoping that's a good sign. I actually feel pretty "normal" lol I'm also not dwelling in things this cycle which is odd for me. Usually I'm crazy and testing already but I don't really have that urge. I dunno if that's good or bad I just feel really calm and laid back. Just feel different this time around!

10 years ago

Part 1 of 2:

sugar: I don't know if it has anything to do with getting older or being in the TTC stages that makes our bodies go crazy, but since we started TTC I also had all these crazy symptoms with super smells (which is really weird for me because I am already very sensitive to smells) and fatigue and feeling sick, sounds like you are just having a hormonal cycle, I hope you feel better.

Blushing: I'll miss you all when I am gone too, I will have so much to catch up on when I come back...
I also hope stays away, but I am not very optimistic about today, maybe it's the grey weather...
Sorry you are sad, I cannot imagine how hard this has been for you, I hope your father and friend are right and you will have your baby by this time next year! I hope your stays away too
You know few people had dreams about me being pregnant or with a baby and this one lady who claims to have prediction powers said I'll have a baby in the fall. While my best friend said I'll have a big belly in the summer, but I know how you feel, the more time passes by the less likely it looks and harder it is to believe. I hope they are all right .

gds: Maybe you should just BD whenever your DH is in the mood and see if it just happens like with your 3 boys.
I tried that, and then when I started tracking I realized I was BDing too early, a lot but too early and stopping right before I was actually supposed to BD.
I know that for many people tracking is stressful, but for me it made the whole process a lot better, the first couple of months were hard because I didn't have a reference and everything looked weird or out of place, but now 6 months later it reduces a lot of stress.

floz: CM is not a good indicator just by itself, you can reach peak CM more than once a month is ovulation is delayed, I had that before where I had EWCM a whole week apart, the second one turned out to be the ovulation one.
Your symptoms sound promising, I hope this is it for you, do we get to see a test tomorrow?
As for your question about whirring/throbbing, I get that when I am sick and sometimes just randomly but not like that, maybe its a sign?

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10 years ago

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