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June 2014 Baby, Maybe?

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Here we go, again, Ladies!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

905 Replies • 10 years ago



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ttcteacher, yep! I just reached 12 weeks today. We're going to announce to everyone soon and I'm super excited :)

museli, that is definitely positive! Have fun telling your SO! How are you telling him? You'll have to let us know what he says. Happy 4 weeks

pbc, so sorry about the rough time. I totally get it. It's like, seeing so many people around you with babies and being pregnant is just kicking you while you're down. Or like the world is just flaunting it in your face. Of course, in reality, it's just everyday life and it happens, but it sure feels more malicious during the hard times. It's okay to feel that way. Just take care of yourself! And that's really odd about your cycles. Can you ask your doctor about it? It sounds like your body might be confused. Have you tried Clomid or Femara to regulate ovulation? I can't remember.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Wow! Congrats to all of the BFPs!! How exciting!!! It gives me lots and lots of hope!

Cristi - Fx'd you get a bfp! Did you take a test this morning?

Pbc - Ugh...I am so sorry you are going through a difficult time. It totally sucks when you've been ttc for a long time and then all of a sudden you see so many others who are pregnant probably without even trying too hard! When do you see your doctor again? I am here if you need to vent! Just hang in there...your time will come!

AFM, 7dpo and I can honestly say I do not have any unusual symptoms. :( But I won't count myself out until AF shows...until then I will try to remain hopeful!

GL everyone and

10 years ago

Thank you felurian and hopeful! If it wasn't for this place I may go insane! I seem to have regular ovulation. My Dr was confident based on progesterone tests but who knows maybe bc of my thyroid I wasn't each month. Although I had all the signs. I see my gyn in Nov and I'm sure we will start further testing. I'm ready to be more aggressive now that my thyroid is treated.

10 years ago

Hey, guys! Got a BFN again this morning. It looks like I'm officially out this month. AF should come tomorrow or Wednesday.


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

Congratulations to all the BFPs this month. Great news for you all :)

Good luck to everyone in their TWW. FX'd for you and sending you all baby dust

PBC: Good luck at your DRs appointment and I hope that any tests they do there, all come back ok

Christi: How are you? Have you tested yet at all? Still have everything crossed that this is your month

AFM, spoke to my fertility DRs secretary as its been 2 months since I saw her and nearly 5 weeks since I have had my internal ultrasound, HSG and DF handed in a SA. Going by the notes on the computer, it seems as if I have PCO tendencies, hence why I don't O at all. Was told to lose weight as the guidelines they follow mean they cant prescribe clomid unless the BMI is under 30. Mines 33 which I know is high.

But here is the kicker. In order to TTC with RA,i am only able to take co-codamol 8/500 strength and prednisolone. This doesn't control my arthritis 100% and I still struggle to walk so exercise right now is practically impossible. I can manage 10 minute walks 3 times a day, if I go at a toddlers pace.... I could increase my prednisolone which will make walking etc a bit easier and more comfortable, but side effects include increased appetite and weight gain which I already have/get, and the more the dose increases, the more these side effects go up. Catch 22 situation.

So hopefully, by me following the weight watchers pro points diet and doing my 3 ten minute walks a day, I am hoping that I can lose some weight to lower my BMI. Please send me support as I really need it right now. TIA

10 years ago

Sorry to those who are out this month and CONGRATULATIONS to all the mummies to be :)

I'm 6DPO today and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tempted to test this morning but managed to resist.

I'm going to give my p-sticks to my DH and ask him to look after them until the weekend :D

I've funny on-off cramps right now and have had nuerous other wierd symptoms since 2DPO

I so hope that this is it and that I'm not just making a fuss about nothing.

I was down this morning and feeling very much ut but right now, I'm not so sure.

How would you break the news to your partners btw that you are pregnant? Any good ideas?
When it does happen, I'm thinking of putting a muffin in the oven and getting my hubby to play 'catchphrase' LOL


User Image

10 years ago

Beautiful, I tested on 8 dpo and 9 dpo and of course nothing but I couldn't help myself. At one point I swore I saw something but I think I am just crazy! LOL! I am 10 dpo and will start testing again like crazy tomorrow. I had to take one day off. As for you, I am really kind of shocked that they are saying to lose weight. My bmi is high (not sure what it is but I am overweight by A LOT!) My RE told me it wouldn't hurt but that my age (33) is a factor as well so might as well try. I have gotten pregnant twice... IDK if that helps you any. But please do know that I am cheering you on and supporting you 100%! You can do this... just think you only have to lose 4%... you can and will do this, I know you can! I can't imagine being told that with all the meds you are on for the RA... I will say a quick way to drop a few pounds (if you aren't already doing it) is drink tons of water (10-12 glasses a day) and sounds like you have a great plan in place!I am always here if you ever need to talk or are seeking some motivation or encouragement.

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10 years ago

Cristi- yeah I'm going to need for tomorrow's test to be positive! Lol bc we can control that! Fx for you!

Cheshire- I don't have any special ways planned for dh bc I can't keep secrets but I have imagined how I am going to tell the stepkids. Going to get them funny shirts...for the oldest two that wouldnt be too thrilled the shirt will say something like "great, going to be a big brother/sister again" and for the youngest, his shirt will say something like "finally a big brother." I'm going to record this bc the oldest kids like I said won't be thrilled but the youngest will.

Beautiful- I will echo what Cristi said in losing weight though water intake. But also strange about that and Clomid. I'm overweight but its never been made into anything. Yes being overweight can possibly affect ovulation and so too can being underweight. Maybe they just want to optimize the effect of the Clomid.

10 years ago

Pcb: I have been thinking of u a lot! Praying for u!!! I loooooove seeing you on this board!

Acrichton where are u? Jennavee? Lacey?

Afm: did progesterone test today. Results should b in tomorrow ...
No idea what to make out of my chart but will keep doing it anyways!!! I need to go back for more blood tests next week when I get af. I'm very interested in finally getting answers soon!!!

To all other ladies: my thoughts are with u too! Cheering for every bfp n disappointed with bfn's...
Hope! And tons of baby dust!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Took another opk this afternoon, and it was definitely a negative, so don't know what yesterday was all about. Yesterday, it wasn't positive, just looked darker than my usual negatives....

Any who.......... Today I am 5 dpo and my temps seem to still be rising. I have been dealing with stuffy nose since 2 dpo, so I thought that my allergies might be affecting my temps or I am have a fever. But nope... no fever... Guess we will see in about 7 or 8 days :)

It isn't over till the ugly shows up :)

to everyone :)

And to all those BFP's!! :)

10 years ago

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