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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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441 - 450 of 1094 Replies | Last Page

WhileImWaiting - Going by my ov date, I should be 9 weeks today. My 1st appt is next week...7 days to be exact. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I just want everything to be ok. I stick around here and follow the boards because I feel kinda attached to everyone. I love all you ladies!

So I have said before that I had been slightly spotting after BMs. It really had me worried. I did talk to one of the nurses at my dr's office and she said as long as it was just on the toilet paper and not enough to show up in my underwear then I should be ok. She had told me to watch it and if it increased to call back. Well this morning there was no spotting after having a BM. I hope this means it has stopped completely.

According to LMP: User Image According to O date:

9 years ago

Hisladybug: I hope it has but I am very glad it stopped.

User Image User Image

9 years ago

8 DPO today and I'm already feeling like I'm out.. :( woke up with AF like cramps. I'm not due for AF til next Thursday, but really feeling this is going to be a repeat of last month. Implantation, maybe? I pray it is..

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Boy I swear there is no way I can keep up with you ladies :) Lots of new posts.

Congrats Armywife!! Sticky vibes your way!!

JayneB: I love the "no such thing as TMI on here" ain't that the truth!! We all know when each one of us is BD'ing what our CM is. LOL!!

Ababy2love: Your temps are a little on the wacky side, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I would use the OPK's. That way you get your BD'ing down pack. :) We went so many months without actually BD'ing on O day. As long as you keep up your regular BD'ing I am sure you two will be fine. :)

AFM: I am 6 DPO sooooooo ready to start testing. I have been proud of myself though, for holding out. I think I will test on Saturday which will be 9 DPO. I will make sure i post the picture to get everyone's opinion. My temps are nice, this morning it was 98.28 which is great for me, lets hope they stay up there and AF doesn't show her face. :)

9 years ago

Boy I swear there is no way I can keep up with you ladies :) Lots of new posts.

Congrats Armywife!! Sticky vibes your way!!

JayneB: I love the "no such thing as TMI on here" ain't that the truth!! We all know when each one of us is BD'ing what our CM is. LOL!!

Ababy2love: Your temps are a little on the wacky side, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I would use the OPK's. That way you get your BD'ing down pack. :) We went so many months without actually BD'ing on O day. As long as you keep up your regular BD'ing I am sure you two will be fine. :)

AFM: I am 6 DPO sooooooo ready to start testing. I have been proud of myself though, for holding out. I think I will test on Saturday which will be 9 DPO. I will make sure i post the picture to get everyone's opinion. My temps are nice, this morning it was 98.28 which is great for me, lets hope they stay up there and AF doesn't show her face. :)

9 years ago

Ababy2love: On CD14, you had a temp dip - which could be the day you O'd and you BD'd CD12,13 & 14 - which is perfect. From everything I've read, it's more important to BD before and the day of O rather than the day after. You should keep temping to see if your temperature rises.

Looks like you still have a very good chance to me!

Bumpin4Baby: Don't people say that implantation cramps feel the same as AF cramps? 8 DPO is very common for implantation!

AFM: It looks like I'm 3DPO. Now I wait. :P

Me: 36 BF: 37 TTC#1 since April 2013

9 years ago

ewe, why did that post twice??? Sorry ladies. :)

9 years ago

I really hope so!!!! Last month I started cramping and brown spotting at 7 dpo all the way up to AF, so I'm praying I don't see any blood at all this go round.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Sorry for the book everyone!

mamakac - Everyones levels are different, and if you implanted later your levels tend to be lower at the start. It is the doubleing that counts.

nicole2014 - From what I was reading about temping it is the patterns that count more than the actual temps. I get up 2-3 times myself and actually wake up about 30 mins before the alarm most mornings. Temping vaginally seems to be more accurate so I have been doing that and so far it seems to be working.

Lolo - That makes sense, if I don't get my BFP this month I will pick up some digitals and the cheapies. Thanks!

Ababy2love - you still have a shot! It looks like you might have O'd on the 29th, and even if you O today you seem to be right on target with the BD'ing you have been doing. FX for you!

snowwhite - I think zombies would freak me out too! And to be safe I would wait 4 days after suspected implantation to avoid the possible BFN. And hopefully the lack of AF signs is a good sign for you!

HisLadyBug - Congrats! And it is so hard not to tell the kids, they are so smart about stuff like this. Glad to hear the spotting stopped.

spartiechic - Hopefully this is your month and sending you positive vibes!

WhileImWaiting - The first time I used them I started with the OPKs really early too just in case I was wrong about when I was ovulating.

Bumpin4Baby - Hopefully it is implantation and not early AF. You are in the right time frame for it! Any spotting yet or just cramps?

Randall - So proud of you for holding off on testing! Glad your temps are up, FX they stay that way.

JayneB - Keep us updated so we can obsess over symptoms with you! LOL, the TWW is such a pain in the arse!

AFM - I think I am actually O'ing today given my symptoms. My temp is off since I didn't temp when I first woke up. Instead I temped when I normally do. GRRRR....FX for everyone and BABYDUST!!!!

9 years ago

Snowwhite - I did the free numerology reading from that site and it's scarily accurate. It described me to a T!

Me: 36 BF: 37 TTC#1 since April 2013

9 years ago

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