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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Beaut1ful38. Yes, I hear if your temp stays above the cover line you should be good. Hang in there, you will have your answers soon.

@Pearl_325. Pre-seed works good. I've used it the last few cycles, but just can't get over the smell and I can't even handle the smell of semen.

3DPO. Not much going on with me other than that weird discharge yesterday. My boobs aren't even sore, just some tingling sensations and some minor cramps. I am not checking my cervix this cycle as it freaks me out when it opens and I think AF is coming.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 thats too funny! I didn't really notice any smell but it mostly just stayed inside me so maybe thats why LOL. So no luck using it? I have read so many good reviews of people getting pregnant on their first or second try using it so I'm crossing my fingers

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6 years ago

Ladies - has anyone been successful with preseed? That's what we used when we conceived in September. I'm convinced it helped us get our BFP but then I don't know what happened after.

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

@Pearl_325. Oh, I am still using it whenever we BD but I don't normally insert it; just on my fertile days, after that is just icing on the cake.

@Ruby0709. I have heard success stories. I have been using for the past 3 cycles so I am hoping this time it will work. Some ladies really love it. I think it is just a preference but if it worked for you the first time then it will work the next time.

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6 years ago

@Ruby0709 I'm using it for the first time because the reviews were just too convincing! people that had been trying for months or even years got pregnant within the first month using preseed! From what I've read, even if we have enough natural lube, it may not be the right consistency to help the sperm swim. Preseed must be the exact right environment for them seeing as it works so well for so many! One woman even posted that she had been told she wouldnt be able to get pregnant and she even took two rounds of clomid and nothing worked so she tried preseed as a last resort and got pregnant the first time! so many positive reviews cant be wrong lol

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- I don't do regular cervical checks because mine is so soft and open from so many births it's hard to tell where it's really at.

I'm a weepy mess this morning. And I want to vomit but I think thats more anxiety. I got into it with the mall manager where I lease my store. I'm just not in the mood for his nonsense.

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6 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies,
Sorry I have been offline for a couple of days, I was so busy with work!

Ruby- I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you are successful soon!!

Pearl - I was the one asking about pre-seed! I just couldn't get my sh*! together to get it on time this month. We were so busy they day before ovulation and of ovulation, that it didn't happen this month. Did you use it externally (like reg lube) or internally?

We are usually ok in terms of comfort during, but I don't have a tonne of quality EWCM. The other thing was that the results of our post coital test (they do a PAP 2-8 hours after you have intercourse) was not good. They didn't find any live sperm, but the fertility clinic said it was likely because we were at the 8 hour end of the time limit (so they were either where they needed to be and those who didn't have the ability had died). In any case, if my pH is off and killing them, I thought I would try pre-seed to help!

Beautiful - did you test today? I hope it went well!

Callmecrazy- how are you doing? my fingers are crossed that maybe you just implanted late and you just haven't gotten your positive yet!

Dragonfly - I hope you keep getting positive symptoms!

Flamingo- how are things going?

I actually had to change my appt at the clinic on Wed to yesterday. I had already ovulated (but there was a nice mature one there on Monday), and I thought that I had ovulated Wed night. So am officially 2 DPO - but I am not confident that we caught it this time, we only BD'd on Saturday, Sunday and Wed (day of ovulation). We are not going to cycle monitor next month (I would potentially have appts christmas eve/day/boxing day - and I just need a break). So if it doesn't work, I was going to do pre-seed and maybe a diva cup next cycle.

6 years ago

Of course I'm now googling late BFP in subsequent pregnancies.

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6 years ago • Post starter

@twwtoolong I used it internally. It comes with an applicator that you fill with the lube and then insert the applicator and push the lube in. I read that it is good to insert it 10-15 min prior to sex so i did that and then let my husband know when i was ready lol. (BD is so romantic isnt it?) haha I think it will help you a lot for your next cycle!

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6 years ago

@twwtoolong. I was thinking the same thing when I read the PH killing the sperm. Of course, I forgot to watch the video again.

@callmecrazy. I am bad for Googling things. I am on here now to check my cm picture to see the date I posted it and then I can try to pinpoint when and if it will happen this month as I am super anxious about me having a short luteal phase and I read that anything less than 10 days will result in a misscarriage. I really hope that is not the case.

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6 years ago

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