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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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I'd tell facebook I think. Just not right away. I'll wait til I'm into the second trimester methinks. Just because I had a miscarriage last time, and I dont feel like explaining to everyone that I had a miscarriage if it happens again.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

congrats army!!! looks like we will be on this journey together! :)

Happy & healthy 9 months!!!

9 years ago

Oh yeah I am def gonna wait a while before I post it on FB. At least until I had a doc app to confirm and I know everything is ok. I am so tired today! I am ready to for bedtime so I will be one day closer to knowing for sure, haha. I am TERRIBLE.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Hi ladies!

So sorry for the long post in advance!


Ababy2love: I too have been having some really bad/strange dreams and I have no idea what they mean either. Well the first one last night I can take a wild was dreaming that I had to go to the hospital to take a HPT and even though there was a strange shadowy line the nurse said I wasn't PG. That it might mean I was O'ing. The second nightmare I had was for some strange reason my mom did something stupid and my dad kicked her out of the house. My parents are perfectly happy and I think that is why I was so heartbroken in my dream and so confused. I woke up this morning at a total loss and feeling emotional. I know they would never split up but OMG it felt so real and yet at the same time it didn't. A lot of the time I can interpret my dreams but this is getting out of hand. Even last week I was having some strange baby dreams and one where my DH left me. I told him about it and he feels like maybe he just isn't giving me enough attention or something. LOL...maybe. I feel like my dreams are taking over and becoming more disturbing...which in my case I didn't think it was have always had strange dreams.

As for your dream...I see it as perfectly normal. I had dreams like that too when I was engaged. LOL! Heck I still have dreams like that sometimes. And my DH is my everything as well. I think it's our subconscious giving us one last fling before we tied the knot so to speak. Or maybe because I still have those dreams at times, he isn't quite fulfilling your desires and so you are just dreaming of someone else doing that for you. I know I would never cheat of my DH...ever! But there are times that I don't feel like he is doing it for me and suddenly I am dreaming of someone else fulfilling that need somehow. I have woken up feeling disturbed by it. But if it's really bothering me, I tell him about it. Most of the time I can shrug it off. Hope that makes you feel better.

Bumpin4Baby: Thank you for that info on sperm and CM...really good to know. Your question for temping as long as you get a solid 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep you should be fine for temping. However they do suggest more the better.

smiles8045: What kind of OPK's did you try? I too drink lots of water/liquids during the day and I tried to use the internet ones and use them during the day but they say you can't drink liquids for so long before you use them. So my doctor told me not to even bother with those and to only use the Clearblue digital pink ones for LH surge. (Through Walmart or get more for your money) You use them with FMU and you are good to go for the rest of the day. They still work even if you get up in the middle of the night to pee as long as you limit your intake of water during the night. I tend to get thirsty in the middle of the night too sometimes so I asked him that specifically. And he said that was fine but only to drink enough to contain the mostly just sips, don't drink a whole glass of water a within a few hours of your morning pee. So if you decide to try OPK's again try those instead...

AFM: When my time comes I have no intention of sharing it on FB until I am maybe 1/2 way along. My fear is if I have a MC I don't want to be telling everyone on FB what had happened. And by then, everyone I care to tell in person will know...I hope. I even wish I could keep it from family for a couple of months but sadly I work with mine and if it ends up being a tough one they are going to figure it out pretty quickly and my parents and in-laws are very I figure when they time comes we will have a dinner with our parents first and share the news. :) Then the rest of the family and friends. We will try to come up with a creative way of sharing the news. I don't know if I can keep it quiet from DH if I get my BFP. But I intend to try and then have a great dinner planned for him. But we shall see. I do look forward to the day when we can tell my stepkids they are having a sibling. They keep asking for one and then it turns into an argument as to which room they will We have a 3 bedroom home and my step daughters room is the biggest of the 2 guestrooms. So, she keeps praying we have a girl so she doesn't have to switch rooms with her Kids can be so funny.

Anyway, here's to more 's this month!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

armywife2014 - CONGRATS!!!! So happy for you!

Ababy2love - I can agree with you on the Facebook thing, but lately I have been so anti Facebook (too much drama and dirty laundry) I think I am biased. Besides, Facebook cannot beat the in person pregnancy glow.

Bumpin4Baby - what Lolo said about temping, but even if you get up multiple times, temp anyway at the same time every morning. The overall pattern should help you understand what is going on with your body. But I also temp vaginally since I sleep with a mouth guard.

Lolo - I used the ones from Dollar Tree, which say not to use FMU. I might have to try the digitals if I don't get my BFP this cycle. What about testing multiple times during the day? I was worried about a short LH surge so I was testing twice a day since I heard that way you should catch the surge.

AFM, I intend to tell my boss (good friend) and close family right away so they can keep us in their prayers, but everyone else will have to wait. Unless they come out and ask me that is. Not sure I could keep from telling them then ;)

Come on BFP's!!!!

9 years ago

OK, thanks for the help! I may try it next month if AF shows. Talk about crazy dreams. Last night I dreamt I had a fish tank and forgot to feed the fish. Well, when I went to check on the fish there was only one fish and about 5 tiny baby cows (LMAO I KNOW) and they were all dead :( I woke up after that so idk what happened next. Hopeful for a good night's sleep and NO dreams tonight unless its of being pregnant (with a baby and not a zebra or something, LOL).

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Lolo: Oh, thank you for that. I really needed it. I would be crazy to say he does not satisfy me. (Not sexual of course) he is amazing but I guess we just have that moment. Usually I have no dreams or really bad nightmares. It just felt weird or strange. I think what caught my eye is that I was able to feel the ejaculation, and as soon as it happened i said "I'm pregnant"

Smiles8045: you are so not biased. I don't find myself on there too much. I just think that there is too much in the world that is being shown. Something's should just be kept private. It forces you to face the negative things in the world when you don't want to.

I think the scariest thing for all of is to know we are, tell the world, and then have it just disappear within a blink of an eye. This Saturday my sister had a miscarriage. However, she was also drinking and smoking while pregnant. She was 2 months going on 3. But having someone there and then having them leave. The worst part is also reliving the story over . My sister gets annoyed because her friend call her every 5 minutes asking is she ok.

I just want us all to have a healthy baby regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. In the beginning I wanted a girl so badly but with it being so hard to have this one now I don't care what I have just as long as she/he is healthy and happy.

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9 years ago

For the last week I've been waking up at 2 am to pee, cramps in my feet, mild low back pain and my hips and legs feel achy. My nose has been stuffy for weeks and keep a mild headache. Now indigestion has started in the last few days. Today I'm just so tired and feel moody. Mild cramping has been happening last two weeks. My breasts have not felt sore or tender but never feel that way even with pms. My AF is due to show her ugly self come Sunday. I had a cp last month. Doctor gave me a go ahead to try again but this time I could not pin point the day I ovulated which is unusual for me. My AF is always on time so I went by 14 days. Had relations on the 17 th then on the 19th and 20th I noticed some discharge then relations on the 20th. So praying our timing will give us a chance. But sadly I am feeling doubt. Congrats going out to you all that got a BFP.

9 years ago

First and Foremost... Congrats on the BFPs. Can't wait to get mine. I am only 3DPO and cannot quit symptom spotting. I wish I had a distraction like I did when I got pregnant with my daughter. Not sure how I am going to make it to my expected AF day or later. I would be a POAS addict but I live in a small town and you can't buy a test for under $6.00 a pop here. Used to have $ store ones stocked up but used them every time I thought I might feel something. I have one good test left and I want to wait until missed AF to test.

But OMG the gas I have had the past two days is miserable and today I am SOOO tired and kind of crampy/nauseous. UGH.

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9 years ago

Blood test that was ran today came back at 118- LMP was 6/27, and I think I ovulated on 7/13. I am hoping that level isn't too low.

They want me to come back Thurs/Fri and re-test to see if it doubling.

9 years ago

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