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Beyond Ready for an August Baby

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Here is the August's listed under TTC My First but I know we have many members trying for another. Wish there were more options..

719 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

401 - 410 of 719 Replies | Last Page

Part 1 of 3:

rebecca: So sorry got you, I hope you are feeling better already .
Welcome to the temping world , you will love to see it all come together.
Yoga and breathing helps my anger.

blushing: Yeah, the TTC process sure has its ups and downs. Staying positive is key but so hard.
How are you doing? How are you feeling? Is DH taking good care of you?
So glad the procedure went well and you will now have no problems concieving!!!
I that all of this time and pain led to this moment, where in a month or two you will have a sticky bean!

GVMDL: I am doing ok, busy, confused, I'm just having a weird month, pretty sure this is not my month.
How are you doing? I see you are keeping busy again, are you relaxed and positive?
I pray for a for you, a very sticky one!

Cristi: How is it going?
Did you try a long walk and some breathing exercises for sleep?
Guided meditation before sleep?

GDS: Sorry got you by surprise, I so know how horrible that feels. I hope you are better now and excited for a new cycle.
Welcome to the temping world

Bammom: Miss you. Happy everything is well with you

acrichton: Wow, numbers more than doubled, multiples???
Congratulations on the sac!!!! for you!!!!

MyLuckyDuck: You don't have to use OPK, you can predict by CM and confirm by BBT after ovulation. If it is always the same then the chances are good it will be the same unless you had more stress and ovulation is delayed, which you will know by your temps. Good BD plan!

pbc: Good luck with the RE, I hope you get your answers.

tgpreg: I hope it is not an infection. I hope you caught that egg!
As for the itchy, that might be because CM dries up after ovulation and results in an itchy sensation, normally not an infection.

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10 years ago

Part 2 of 3:

Kizzy: Did you try a naturopath? Maybe they can help your body adjust by itself?
YEYEYEYEYEYEY!!!! Congrats on the high temps on 12DPO, when will you test???

Sugar: Follate is great, folic acid (what you have in the Blackmores) is not natural follate but is ok as addition to follate. The Blackmores just looks like some additional supplements to help your body be healthier for TTC.
It is minimal though. You are taking prenatals right? Natural ones?
If you have supplement questions, we here researched a lot about them.
Yeah people don't realize they just piss you off by telling you to take it easy, we all feel this way, you just have to forgive them, they are just trying to help.
I love zumba! Wow 3 hours of zumba for a first time, that is crazy.
It looks like you OPK is getting darker, ovulation must be near.

While: for a for you this month!

Ashley: Sounds like you ovulated 3 days ago, which should be corroborated with the rise in temps which will stay high for a while.
Congrats for being in the TWW! Hope you caught that egg!!!

Genie: You are not out until you're out!
I hope I don't sound like a broken record, but did you try a neuropathic doctor + acupuncture? For both you and DH?
Also, did you hear about seed cycling? I am starting with that next cycle, heard it works wonders even with people who have PCOS and have almost no cycles.
I hope you get a really soon!

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10 years ago

Part 3 of 3:

bbye: Welcome, and for a for you!

penny: I also keep a chart in both CTP and fertilityfriend. The coverline here is adjusted daily, you will only see the real one few days DPO when it adjusts. At least that is what happened in the past couple of months for me here.
I don't think it is a glitch, I think it is just adjusting as it goes.

AFM: So I am having another odd cycle. It is 18DPO, temp went up yesterday and higher today, if it is high tomorrow too I think I am in the TWW. However, I had no actual EWCM (except for little ones maybe 1-2CM strech, sorry TMI). I did not have a +OPK, unless it was less than 24 hours and I missed it.
I just don't know what to think, I guess we'll see my temp tomorrow.
I am pretty sure I am out, maybe I just did not ovulate this cycle, maybe the cysts messed things up. I have some blood colour in CM yesterday. But no actual ovulation pains like I normally do.
DH is walking around here and asked me to say Hi from him to all the ladies here
I had my first acupuncture yesterday, I cannot say the needles did not hurt, but it was a nice feeling afterwards, and if it helps anything I will let them stick needles all over!
My new neuropathic doctor asked me to start seed cycling from next cycle which is supposed to regulate the cycles (that takes several months) and is supposed to help the body naturally produce the right hormones in the right amount, so I am starting that soon.
He also went through all of my supplements and vitamins and all the labels and said I am doing a great job in supporting my body and giving it waht it needs, so I am not crazy like I thought!
I have another acupuncture Wedn.
Do you think I should get progesterone tested at 7DPO this month to see if there is an issue?
I think I will, the ND agreed that there may be a luteal phase defect if I had 3 out of 9 cycles where I was spotting and bleeding from 6-7DPO to .
Anyway I think I went a little overboard with writing again.
to you all amazing ladies!

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10 years ago

While- KMFX'd for your sticky bun!

Rebecca- My recovery is just a few days. In fact, I felt pretty good afterwards on Friday. I can't say that I felt good enough to do anything more than lay around, but I can say things were much better than I expected.

Kizzy- Bless you!

Genie- Sorry about the delay in results for you DH. Hopefully the answers you get will be an easy fix and won't take long after to get you a sticky bun.

bbye- Welcome! Sorry for you loss. We are all certainly here to support one another.

GVMD- I don't blame you for you being ok with the YI. LOL! If a YI would mean I were going to have sticky bun, bring it on!

Acrichton- How are you and the bun doll?

Penny- I agree with you about FF symptom tracking. Its so frustrating!

Koti- That's awesome that your NP agrees and supports the supplements you've been taking, What is seed cycling? I'm doing super well and yes DH has been an amazing nurse over the past two days! He's been back and forth to the store to get one thing or the other that I've asked for. He's been such a sweet heart. If I weren't sore and bleeding, I would totally jump his bones. LOL! (TMI).

AFM- Nothing much to report. I pretty much slept all day Friday after my procedure and a good bit yesterday. DH and I went to the movies this morning and I was exhausted afterwards. So now we're home and he's watching football and I�¢??m about to take a nap :-) I'm a little anxious to see what the next couple of cycles are like for me. Hopefully I will be one of those success stories of "1st cycle post lap". I don't think I'm going back to temping just yet though. If I decide to, I will most likely temp until O and stop. We shall see. Have a beautiful Sunday ladies!

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10 years ago

Koti - I would definitely test at least twice a day. When I'm' nearing what I think is my fertile time I sometimes do 3x a day. I started doing this because the first time I ever got a postiive OPK I had tested in the morning and it was negative, then something told me to try again that evening and it was a blazing positive. The following morning it was back to negative. And that's happened a couple times since then. It's very possible to have a very short LH surge. I also don't really get much EWCM, either. If I really dig up in there I have a little, but nothing that is noticeable just when wiping. In fact, last month was the first month I had a long LH surge and EWCM and it was my first acupuncture cycle as well. You may find that you see changes sooner than you think.

10 years ago

Hi ladies!!! I am back. July baby was a no go so we are hoping for an August baby. I promised myself this cycle that I am not going to be a complete POAS addict also. I was terrible last cycle!!!
Currently on CD 8 and started doing temps this cycle and the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor. Going to do our best to BD every second (started yesterday) until CD 18. Last month we only BD'd twice. Once when I got a high fertility reading and once on what was supposed to be my peak day. TTC after a TR

10 years ago

Kotikd - I don't temp either! Lol. Thanks though. Guess I'm just having faith this month.

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Acrichton, the numbers sound great and awesome for the u/s... FX and prayers for a great ending! :)

LuckyDuck, I say if you don't want to use OPKs don't... just enjoy your hubby! :) FX and BAby Dust!

tgpreg, FX and Baby dust!

Bammom, that is awesome. Prayers and Sticky Vibes!

Blushing, thank you for sharing that... I will start doing it tonight! :) That is great news from your procedure! Big Prayers that the dr was right!

GVMDL, I am still here! Just waiting and waiting some more... wanting to test so dang badly but I know I can't because I didn't test out the trigger shot! UGH!

While, FX and baby dust! And I bet your hubby is going to LOVE his Christmas present! Good for you! :) I'm not brave enough for that!

Kot, Maybe this is it for you!??!?!?! FX and Baby Dust!

AFM, 5 dpo (Sunday) and no symptoms or anything like that... just waiting and waiting some more! Getting excited for Thanksgiving for sure... I am already hungry! :) I am sending loads of baby dust, sticky vibes and prayers to you all!

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10 years ago

Well, the witch showed yesterday so we are officially cd2 today.

10 years ago

heyyy girls!!!

kizzy: ugh sorry the witch got you :(

Cristi: Hi!! Thanks, I really hope it works out! Barely any symptoms still, just sore boobs at times and a little cramping. Got a third beta this AM, should get the results tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed for good numbers, would really love to be able to tell our families good news over the holidays . How are you??? Are you planning to test on Turkey day or wait for AF date?? OMG I have my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed for you!

Blushing: I hope the bun is ok!! Waiting on the beta result and will probably be a nervous wreck till I get it. My DH is cool, calm, and collected. Don't know how he does it, I am going a little nuts!

Koti: Hi back to your dh!! lol Good luck with your progreterone test!

GVM, PBC, anyone I missed, HI!!!

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

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