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2012 Bring Miracles into Our Lifes

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A new year
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2012 will be the year we Succeed.

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107 Replies • 12 years ago



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Krunchie - My husband didnt get tests on sperm done as he has already fathered a child after only 4 months of trying and my periods went irregular etc so it seemed more likely it would be a problem with me.

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Hey my TTC friends!!

Glad to see the activity picking up on our thread. I look forward to reading yall's posts every day.

@bug -- that was terrible! Sorry you had to go thru that... hope you get answers at the new doc's office.

@airline -- welcome!

@fara -- good luck w/the moving, try not to overdo it!

@mrspw - can't wait to hear about the u/s!!

@elle -- that damn woman needed to be smacked, bruising you up like that. I have a strong dislike for phlebotomists that don't know what they are doing. LOL Makes for interesting pregnancy seeing that you are like a walking pin cushion and constantly giving blood. At the lab in my doc's office, I know exactly which one to allow to draw my blood. The other ppl in there suck. LOL

@cleo -- don't be so hard on yourself... I had an ex too, we were together 4 years, and I never fell pregnant (not that I was trying to). I looked at it as being thankful that I wasn't meant to have kids with his worthless ass LMAO (cuz he truly was a worthless piece of ****)

AFM... my DH bought me Zumba 2 for Wii a couple days ago. OMG I did it last night and today, I am kind of sore right around my hip area! I LOVE IT! I really wasn't expecting it to be much of a workout since it technically is a video game, but I couldn't have been more WRONG! I can't wait to get home this evening and do it again... it is quite fun!

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12 years ago

Farabug, yay, for moving, I hate packing though. Good luck with the move and who knows while moving a BFP will surprise you.

Destiny, Thanks, me too! I'm jealous, I want Zumba 2 for my wii my hubby doesn'think I will play it though. I'm really going to have to ask him to pleasely get it for me. LOL.

Ladies, I think I finally O'd. Cd 29 or 30 not sure. I got BDing on the 17th but haven't been pushing it like I was in the last couple of weeks. I'm just glad to see my temps finally rising. I'm going to see how my temps are tomorrow before I determine if I did O or not but here's to hoping they stay high. If I did then Af will be here in 11 to 12 days. Just glad to know I finally O'd even if I didn't catch the eggie.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Howdy Ladies!

Bug!!!!! That is awesome news!! Keeping my fingers crossed that it was the big O! Maybe this was just "one of those cycles"? Hell, more people probably have them than not, and just don't pay it much attention since they aren't temping/tracking. I hope your hubby does get Zumba 2 for you cuz it really is fun - it calculates your cals burned and keeps track of when you workout. :-)

AFM... I've had a looming headache since yesterday. Not strong enough to really take anything but strong enough to be annoying. Kinda like a foggy feeling. On second thought... maybe I'd better take something LOL -- I won't be able to concentrate on much here at work today if I don't.

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12 years ago

Fara - Good luck on the move. I hate moving as well. I pray the next house is "home".

Bug - That is wonderful news about getting into the doctor's so early!! Also great news about you o'ing. I hope your bd'ing on the 17th was just enough!! I pray you get some answers from your doctors appointment. My husband refuses to buy me games too because he doesn't think I'll play them either. Lol.

Destiny - I LOVE Zumba. My MIL bought them for me for Christmas. A GREAT workout. Especially for someone who doesn't like to workout.

Elle - I'm sorry your blood draw went so painfully. I used to donate before I found out I couldn't and no matter what I always ended up with bruises. It shouldn't be so painful to do something so good! Lol.

Cleo - I'm sorry you guys are spending all your savings on the dang doctors. It sucks they are so expensive. I wish that they would see the people who would make good parents and just give them all the resources they ever needed for free!! Then we could ALL have the help we need.

AFM: So far baby is good. Ultrasound showed a baby measuring 6+3 when I was 5+6. So that is exciting. Heartbeat of 122 bpm. I pray this is the one. I don't think I can handle a fourth miscarriage.

Continuing my prayers for you ladies. You all deserve to be mommy's-to-be.

Me 23 DH 25 TTC #1 since June 2011 5/25/09 - Blighted Ovum 07/10 - D&C 07/13 10/23/10(happy birthday present!) - Uterus over 50% full of blood on 11/17 MC on 12/02 lasted til 01/28 Diagnosed with MTHFR A1298C homozygous 03/07/11 - Believed Chemical MC on 03/21/11 01/05/12 - please be our sticky rainbown baby User Image

12 years ago

G d Morning...!.

_mrspw_thank you dear friend..My dh start taking his omega 3 last night. Great news..
YAY 6 weeks!! , im excited for you too...Im praying for you & your lil bundle of joy to stay healthy as always..

_fara_Finally, you found a new one...I hate packing and lifting drains my energy..Goodluck on your new house.

_DestinyStarr_Yay! i want to do the Zumba too, My sis in LAw love it very much...But i have to ask my dh first to buy me a wii.. . Oh sorry for the head ache..its really annoying..

_Bug_Yay!! ur oing..I hope its a super O..very !! on ur new appt..

_Elle_ and _Krunchie_ Hope everything is well!

Airline lounge life _Hi! Welcome!!

Afm, I got the result of my lab (smear) yesterday..But i did not able to talk with my Doc. ( Shes in the Op. Rm.), So, i went home with questions in my mind..about this educational notes "Mostly intermediate cells. Moderate inflamation." Although her assistant told me it's Normal and NO Infections found..

12 years ago

Destiny, Yes, awesome news indeed. You are right more people probably do have them and don't realize it. We decided to get me zumba 2 when we get income taxes back. Yay, hopefully in 2 weeks.
Sorry about your headache.

Mrspw, thanks. I hope bding on the 17th was enough too but if not at least I know another cycle is coming soon. LOL.
I'm glad the baby is doing well and I continue to keep you in my prayers.

Cleo.Thank you! glad you got your results in normal and no infections yay.

3dpo officially in the 2ww. Af should be here around January 30th and 31st

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12 years ago • Post starter

G d Aftern n Ladies!!!

That's Great BUG.. , Have a Fun bding..!

My fertile window is now Open...Just in case i OV, We last night, heehee. Hopefully, the matching (eggs) happens and stick. So, no need to take clomid or any meds to make me O, Which my OB will give me next cycle...

Have a GREAT weekend every one..!

12 years ago

Morning ladies

Not much to report with me, just that af came so I am on my new cycle and o should be right slap bang in the middle of dh being home so all good! And he bought up trying again so I feel it's him wanting this as well as
Me which is great!

Hope all is good with everyone else. Will post better later as am on iPod at the mo!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Hey Ladies!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!! :-)

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12 years ago

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