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2016 IUI/IVF

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Ladies we've had some great news lately, let's keep it going! This is for everyone starting out for their first or trying again! Best wishes to everyone and loads of baby dust!

540 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi ladies! We've been quiet!

Mrsford- have you tested? Hoping to hear a BFP from you!

Basia- CONGRATS on Sebastian's arrival! Sorry to hear about his allergies. I'm sure you will figure it out :)

Bens- Sorry to hear about the blood but I'm glad everything is going well now! A friend of mine had some bleeding in early pregnancy that scared her as well but now she has a sassy toddler

Jfmolo- sorry about AF arriving, but gl at your midcycle ultrasound today! Keep us posted!

Baby- how are your injections going?

Margie- I always set an alarm on my phone for injections like Keth mentioned!

Keth- glad to hear about those babies doing well!

Momto2- fx for you!

afm- Currently 11dpiui. I did something different this time and tested out the trigger with internet cheapies. After that I kept testing. When it was another bfn yesterday on the dip strip I took an FRER and it was stark white. I used a store brand one today mostly to get rid of it because I don't know how sensitive it is like the others. We decided we'll use another FRER tomorrow for our final answer. Then we'll use any kind of test on Thursday because the doc wants you to check for BFN on 14dpiui before discontinuing meds, though we pretty much know what to expect on both the tests. This one is a little extra sad because it's my first time on the 2x/daily progesterone suppositories and I'd gotten my hopes up a bit. I had all sorts of different symptoms than the rest of the IUIs but they were all progesterone tricks. I'll keep you all updated, but it looks like we'll be headed into the big leagues.

8 years ago

Hey ladies! I hope everyone is doing well!

2moms~ don't give up quite yet. U never know :) I sure hope your test turns positive tmrw :)

Baby~ how r ur injections?

Basia~ yay for your little mans arrival :) congrats!

Keth~ so glad your little ones r doing good :)

Momto2~ stay positive even tho I know it can b hard to sometimes :) FXed!!

Bens~ glad work is a good distraction for u :)

AFM~ we had our BABY BOY!!! Easton was born 4-6-16! I can't believe he will already be 2 weeks on weds. We r finally getting into the groove of things. Breastfeeding was a little harder than expected but we finally have it figured out :) looking into his eyes for the 1st time made all those failed IUI's, BFN's, and tears so worth it! Don't give up ladies!!!

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8 years ago

Shan, congratulations on your baby boy! I wish him to be always healthy, lucky and happy and for you parents I wish to be always proud for you son! It is true, every new baby announcement in this forum, is a hopeful message for all the girls! Thanks Shan for staying iñ touch and sharing your good news!

2moms2be, i hope you get the BFP. DPO 11 is early for testing, you are still in the game. Fingers crossed!

AFM, i had the glucose tolerance test, which is not so pleasant. Although my stomach problems have stopped, the glucose made me wanting vomitting. Thanks God i didnt, so the procedure got completed. Then i went at work and i was very dizzy. They told me that it was because of glucose.
Finally, the results were normal, so i guess i wont have to pass it again.
Babies are active and my belly is very big! Funny!

8 years ago

Hello ladies! I meant to update yesterday but had a horrible headache and ended up going to bed super early.

Bens - hope everything is going well with your pregnancy and you're feeling good.

mom2angels- how did the ultrasound go? Fingers crossed for a nice lining!

2moms- just like keth said 11dpiui may be too soon to see anything yet so you are not out yet. fingers crossed for a bfp!

shan- congratulations! it's so wonderful seeing these birth announcements. helps me feel that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

keth- that glucose test does not sound fun. glad you passed and won't have to do it again.

afm- had my mid-cycle ultrasound (CD10 as sometimes I ovulate on the early side). I had one follicle on one side measuring 15.7 and another one measuring 12.7 on the other side. I'm not sure if that's good or bad with the femara. On the clomid at cd10 I had two around 19 so we triggered that night. This time around we are waiting for them to develop more so they are having me continue the opks today, tomorrow, and thursday. If it's still negative on thursday they will have me trigger and then iui on saturday. I hope that it what happens as I would love dh to come with me this time. He's not on call this weekend so he'd be able to come and we could use a fresh sample and save the frozen if it doesn't work. And of course just having him there for the support would be wonderful instead of having to go by myself like last time. I also read that follicles grow around 1-2mm a day so I hope my eggs get to a good size before I ovulate.

8 years ago

Hi all!

Bens, how are you and baby bens doing??

Keth, so sorry for the awful tasting and testing with glucose but glad it's over for you. Great to hear babies are active and growing! I bet you look at cute as can be!

2moms, thinking positive thoughts for you!

Jf, best of luck on the final growth of the follicles and that timing is right so that DH gets to go with you this weekend!!

Momto2, looking forward to hearing an update!

Shan, baby Easton is just precious! Glad the breastfeeding is going well now!

Basia, I hope little Sebastian's allergy and your feelings get better!

Mrsford, update!?

Margie, how you doing dear??

AFM, we have gone longer this cycle than we ever have, but hopefully in the end we have great results. We trigger tonight at 2:00am for a Thursday retrieval date at noon! As of last ultrasound report, there are 18 follicles showing. Hoping and praying most (or all!) of them have mature great looking eggs!

Can't wait to hear more great news from everyone :) XOXOXO

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies!

babypath- I hope you're retrieval goes well today! Finger's crossed for lots of healthy eggs.

afm- My IUI is going to be tomorrow. I had a positive opk this morning (CD13). In a way I'm not surprised. Last month when we tried naturally I had positive opk CD 13 as well so at least I'm consistent. I'm disappointed though because now I'll be doing the three hour each way drive myself and DH won't be able to come because he has to work tomorrow. I was really hoping for IUI Saturday but I guess my body has other plans. I'm also nervous because last IUI I was able to trigger before my surge but this time I am surging naturally. I hope the timing is still good and that my follicles grew enough. I asked the nurse that I spoke to and she said tomorrow should be good timing. DH and I dtd yesterday and will again day of IUI and day after so hopefully that will be enough. Fingers crossed for me ladies!

8 years ago

Jf, I'm sorry you weren't able to to do your IUI on Saturday so DH could go with you but I'm praying for you that the timing as it is works in your favor!

AFM, retrieval today went ok. Out of the 18 follicles we had, we only retrieved 7 eggs. I'm trying to not be disappointed in that as we expected more, BUT praying that out of the 7, we have a great fertilization rate and then growth. We'll find out tomorrow morning how many were mature and able to be fertilized. After last cycles numbers I'm worried but hoping since the egg number is lower that the quality of those retrieved are good. Always a waiting game and as much as we try not to stress over everything, that is difficult not to do! Going to do my best to stay positive as much as I can. If we can get even just one more that grows and tests normal then I'll be ok with it.

Hope to hear some good news from you all soon too!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello Ladies!

Thanks for checking in... Sorry I didn't update sooner.

I went for a blood test on Monday (18th).. BFN... I had expected that tho as I had been testing at home and didn't see even a squinter of line :(

AF was 4 days late but showed up yesterday which I assume is due to the meds. We will do another Clomid/IUI cycle this time. The clinic is going to bring me in on CD9 for an US as I ovulated before our scheduled CD12 US last cycle. Fingers crossed.

I have my fingers crossed for everyone!!!

8 years ago

Babypath, i hope most of them will be fertilized and be of great quality and so go on with the process. Stay positive dear! I ll be waiting for your tomorrow news! Fingers crossed!

Mrs Ford, i can understand how you feel! Going for blood tests when you know they will be negative. I am so sorry! Hoping next cycle begins soon and brings the bfp!

Jmolo, good luck dear!

8 years ago

Hello ladies I would love to join this group. I'm just getting started. This is from my journal I posted today.....It's been a long time since I've posted and I'm back. June last year I had given up hope because after hsg showed tubes were blocked I gave up. I thought my heart would forgive my brain and I would move past Ttc..... No such luck. So I pressed my dh about ivf and he was game !!!!! After making an appointment for consultation I had dh to check his insurance to see if we had any coverage ;/ found out that we do after our 2600 deductible we were eligible for 80% coverage and a lifetime benefit of 35000!!!!! So now starts my new journey ivf.......

I would love to be part of you guys so I can learn and get support

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8 years ago

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