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TTC to BFP - TTC Support Group for TWW and Beyond

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Ok, ladies, decided to start a new thread! Hopefully we can get some new faces in here.

For the new people! Hi, I'm Kat, but all my TTC buddies call me by my online handle: Blade. I'm 29 and this is my 18th cycle trying. I'm near the end of my TWW, but I can always use new cycle buddies!

We have a chatroom, which I'm usually in all damned day long by myself. Carol keeps me company from time to time. You can find the link in my signature if you want to check it out.

My symptoms this week? Bleah, just check my chart. xD The only thing I'm not monitoring this cycle is cervix position because I now have fake nails.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

74 Replies • 10 years ago



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Aw, hunny, I'm so sorry. I'm glad he talked to you! I imagine that was really hard for him. Can't be easy for any guy or couple. You guys will get through this though. Be sure to keep us updated here if not in chat.

As for me? I'm really hoping O is today, but I think she might show up tomorrow. Poo! I was really hoping my temp would rise this morning so I could have a longer LP. Maybe that's just gonna take a month or two on the B-Complex. Oh well.

Anything going on with anyone else? Anyone new lurking?

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

I am glad to say af has finally gone hopefully for alot longer this time.

I am new here so I thought I would say hi and I'm glad things are improving. Best of luck at the appointment and Happy Anniversary.

hope all our dreams come true ...Ruff

10 years ago

Hey my name it Samantha. I'm new to the site just started today! I'm TTC and now I'm in my TTW and 7DPO. Trying for baby number 3. Hoping for BFP this cycle, took two test today (one by answer brand the other first response 6DS) my next cycle starts on the 20th. Like I said hoping for BFP!


10 years ago

Hello ladies my name is Tiffany . Im currently in limbo some where with my tww lol . Im sure i ovulated before my opks got here in the mail soooo not 100% on my ovulation date . But based on my last few clomid cycles and symptoms that i usaully get when i ovulate I am 16dpo . Which means i have missed my period . But I am terrified of taking a test . I guess you could say im looking for support from you ladies .

10 years ago

Hey Typhani, if your 16 dpo and AF has already missed her due date I'd would go ahead and take a test. I took two today and both BFN bit I am only 8 dpo but I have symptoms that tell me I am Prego so I am still hopeful. Good luck and I hope for the best for you with that BFP!


10 years ago

Ruff: Woot! Time to start again and hope the witch stays away.

Samantha: Welcome to the group! TTC #3, that's cool. You have boys, girls? I've got two stepsons. I'm praying to have a girl. >,<

Tiffany: Hello! Nice to meet you and welcome! Samantha is right; if you have the symptoms and AF is late, go ahead and take a test. I like to wait until 4-6 days past my period, which for me is about 16-18dpo. But, if you feel like you want to, go for it.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey Blade and thanks! I have two beautiful little monster daughters lol hoping for a boy (that is if I get a BFP!) but this would be my and my fiancés first so I'll take whatever God blessed us with! Lol your lucky to have some boys around I've been pretty in pink for 3 years now. Girls are really fun though and TONS of cute stuff to put on them!


10 years ago

Samantha, yea, I love my two boys. I'm very gender neutral when it comes to kids, just so you know. We've decided when we have a child, boy or girl, that we'll go with black and white for the colors of the bedding and room--whatever. I want to do a Felix The Cat theme for two reasons; one, the colors are gender neutral, and two, black and white are really good for a baby's developing eyes. So, I figure I'll surround them with those colors are much as possible and try to keep them away from the TV. It's not ideal, but I'll give it a shot.

I'm just really hoping we catch the egg this time. We've been going since September of 2012. We have a few back up plans; I just really don't want to do IVF. I'm open to IUI--maybe.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

UGH! My temp still didn't rise today. Went back down again! >,< I KNOW I Oed on CD 16. My cervix was really high, really soft, and really open. Blah. I should probably still BD tonight. Really getting sick of your shit, body... V,V

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey again ladies, I know this is tmi but I'm feeling some type of way right now. So today is the 16, I'm 10 DPO and AF wasn't supposed to be here until the 20th. I just don't get usually always on time and I honestly thought with everything in me that I was going to get a BFP. I have alot of the symptoms of pg, headache, backache, really vivid dreams, sore bbs, bloating,fatigue, and nausea. I don't get any of these anytime I am expecting AF except backache, I mean like I don't even get cramps BC I have both of my girls via c section and have no feeling in my lower stomach. I guess my question or concern is if its still possible for a BFP or am I out this month? Like could it just be the implantation bleeding? I've never had that or any other kind of spotting with pervious pg? Any advice would be highly appreciated!


10 years ago

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