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July 2015 Babies!

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I am out for June so why not create July board.

Good luck girls :)


Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

1008 Replies • 9 years ago



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Lolo - I sure hope so!! Definitely trying to hold out hope but don't want to be disappointed again. Just doing my best to think positive and that its nothing bad!

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9 years ago

awebste - I know how that feels. it seems like I'm surrounded by pregnant women. Its ok to feel a bit annoyed by your friends complaints and if your need to have a small pity party for yourself that's ok too.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Bumpin - I finally had time to go do the math. If I go with the second potential ovulation date I would be 30 dpo today. So only a little over 4 weeks from conception, but 7 weeks tomorrow from the menstrual cycle before ovulation.

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9 years ago

Lolo: IKR?? This our 7th cycle and you would think I would know a little something by now.. Really 7 months seems like nothing compared to 20 months, though the repeated heartache is all the same. I plan to BD tonight and still every other day for the rest of the week. I am feeling confident this cycle even though I tend to beat myself up from time to time about it all. I am praying that I O today. I have my CTP set as yesterday was O day, but a guess just one day won't make much of a difference.

It is exciting to feel that activity in the ovary area, isn't it? Happy BDing!!

xoxo: Well, I have always heard that a lot creamy CM is a good sign! Hopefully that is the case for you. It could have been yours and his mixed together..?

awebste: I know exactly how you feel and I still feel that way everytime I see someone who is pregnant, has a baby or just announcing. It is hard. I am here if you need to talk!

Danielle: I would def be concerned if I were you. That just doesn't seem right or maybe it was just a weird AF...? I am not sure but I know I have had that happen to me before as well.

AFM: Nothing.. No CM at all..

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

just being over dramatic i am sure - it will pass!

xoxo: i am not well versed in the differences in the cm - but i have heard the same as Bumpin - the creamy cm is a good sign.

Bumpin: that a girl - keep that confidence up! get to BD'ing - you can just never be sure when you O, so there is def still a good chance you can catch an eggy.

afm: still no witch. but my body feels like i could be having it - got the cramps and the subtle gushy feelings...but everytime i go its still the pasty or watery cm. I might just break down before the weekend and give a test a whirl. maybe even DH is at a hospital meeting so he couldn't catch me LOL

9 years ago

xoxo- Do you have any unpleasant symptoms? Like anything resembling a yeast infection? If not, then it's probably OK.


Danielle- Man, I think jjgibson had the same issue last cycle. Speaking of, I haven't seen her on in a while... I had a jacked up cycle in June. Similar to you, 2 days of moderate bleeding, no cramps or clots or anything, about 2 weeks after AF. I had a real AF exactly 4 weeks later, so I assumed it was just a whack cycle

Bumpin- You could definitely be in the window! I know it's tough to hold out hope when everybody stresses the importance of BD on O day or the + OPK day. But, in reality and good environments, BDing 2 or 3 days before O could for sure yield a positive result I have to keep telling myself that as to not get too discouraged myself. The last time we BD was Thursday morning, and I'm pretty sure I Od on Saturday...

AFM- Today is DHs 29th birthday, so we are going to dinner. His 2 groups of guy friends have taken him out the past 2 nights, so I'm glad to have him to myself tonight Except for the fact that I don't have a whole lot of CM right now... Trying not to read in to anything.

9 years ago

Tigerlily14: Sounds like you have a good plan there to EOD BD now...just to be safe. for you!

Basia30: Well, I can't tell you if there is a difference in BBT because every month seems to be But so far my cycle with symptoms has definitely been different, even in my pre-ovulation phase or follicular phase have I noticed differences so far. It's weird, I have never felt much during this time frame in the past but the symptoms I have been having now are fatigue, sore BB's, low back pain/stiffness, headaches and nausea. Today not so much the fatigue and headaches. But wow I can actually feel something going on near my ovaries! Hope that's a good sign! The doctor has me on 5 mg of Letrozole which I guess is basically the same thing as Femara. Yesterday was my last day in taking it. Had me taking it from CD 4-8. Supposed to start using OPK's on Friday and go back in for an U/S on Monday to see where I am at. If I am supposed to have the IUI on Tuesday then I am out this month. DH is working and there is nothing we can do about it. If it looks like we are doing the IUI during the following 2 days Wed/Thurs then we get the trigger shot and the IUI. Hoping that's the way it plays out. If not we try again for the following month. It sucks that my DH's vacay starts literally the following week. Why can't anything go according to plan? But the RN did say that even if we don't get to do the IUI then we can still BD and there is still that better chance to get PG on our own because of the Fertility meds boost.

awebste: I know exactly how you feel...I go through the same thing. Hearing about others getting PG and then later hearing about how rough a time they are having. Part of me wants to tell them that I don't want to hear it because I wish I was in their shoes. But then when I am and I want to complain on some days then I don't want the kick Hang in there, it will be our time soon enough!

I don't know how you can wait to POAS! It would be driving me would be testing every other day until AF arrived or I saw a BFP!

xoxocouture: Do you usually have such a long luteal phase? I was always told that 14 days was the length of the Luteal Phase and any days after that you are considered late.

Bumpin4Baby: 7 months is still a long time too. And you are definitely right...the heartache is still the same. But at least you know you can get PG without outside help...since you were there a month or 2 ago. FX'd that now you are in your fresh cycle that it happens for you this month!

Well, YAY! My day is over and I get to go home! Have a great evening everyone!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

i think I am hesitant to test because I fear there is some residual hcg left in my system which would result in a false positive.....its been 4 weeks since the d&c so I would think I would be back to 0 by now...but you never can be 100% sure until AF comes.

I am breaking down tho - I didn't go and get any tests tonight, but I think I might tomorrow on my lunch and test when I get home from work.

chances are - the moment the cash leaves my bank account AF will show her face! lol isn't that always the way!

9 years ago

Hi ladies! So a little about me I had a very disappointing false positive last month out of a million test I've taken that was a first. This prompted me to go to the dr to finally figure out why I haven't had 20 babies by now. I unfortunately was diagnosed with PCOS. Luckily my dr is awesome and immediately started discussing clomid with me. I miraculously started my period immediately after that appointment so I was able to start my first round of clomid on cycle day 5. I had my first follicle scan yesterday and had 2 on one side and 3 on the other. My dr recommended for this month using an at home ovulation kit to determine official O day. If I don't O by Friday he is going to give the HCG shot on Friday. I did get a high fertility smiley on the clear blue today and my husband jumped me as soon as I came home from work lol! Obviously we will do it agin on Friday. Fingers crossed this will be our month. He is such an amazing step dad I can't wait to give him a child (or maybe twins) of his very own!!!!

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9 years ago

Hi all

I've been on CTP for a while, but haven't been on the forums due to not being well over the summer.

I'm 41, DH 45, no children, and we've been trying for a couple of years, on and off but more on this year. We've both had tests and all seemed fine.

I saw a psychic in May who told me there was a problem with my stomach which I needed to sort. He said it wasn't serious and was due to a deficiency of some sort and I'd be fine. He said once I sorted that the babies would come.

Well, I felt fine the, but by the end of June was having bad stomach problems. Bloating, pain, indigestion, constipation then runs. Went to doc and after blood and other tests she found a stomach infection. Treatable, but a bad one.

I went back after the course of antibiotics and said I was still drained so she ordered another blood test for vitamin D. And guess what? I didn't just have a deficiency ... the level was non existent. So I am now 3 weeks into a 10 week boost of tablets.

I've done much reading on this and found that vitamin D deficiency can cause infertility. I went to Boots yesterday to top up on folic acid and what's it next to on the shelf? Vitamin D!

Now this guy may have picked up on someone else's babies so I could be getting excited for nothing, but he hit the nail on the head with stomach and deficiency.

Looking forward to monitoring all your journeys.

Baby dust to all!


9 years ago

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