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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi ladies, I'm new here.

Me 31
DH 32

Ttc since our first since may 2013, started charting bbt in sept. Am currently CD20 but I'm not sure if I am 4 or 6DPO, my temps were a little haywire last week due to a cold and sleeping in a different house. my LP is usually about 16/17 so it will be awhile before I will know, am hoping so much this is our month.

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10 years ago

MrsHill: I know all too well the pain of the BFN and the hope that lingers until AF shows. I hope AF doesn't show and a BFP shows instead :)
Baby dust!

rebecca: I'm a little jealous by your adventures :) Sounds like tons of fun :)
I hope you caught that egg!

Blushing: HUG!

Blynn: Sorry AF got you :(
Baby dust for an October baby!

Mrs.Tiddle: I hope it is all good symptoms and not AF, fingers crossed for you!
Great job not testing :)

modernhousewife: Welcome, and I hope your TWW flies by with great results! Good job waiting with the testing, on my second cycle I was testing at like 9 DPO....
As for all the symptoms, I don't know what it is but it seems that the body does crazy things once you start TTC and new symptoms start to show every cycle.

gds: Sorry IDK about the infection symptoms, must suck :(, I heard people get infections from tampons. As for ovulation, may be delayed if this is a shock to your body. As for BD, as far as I know, you are not supposed to BD until the infection is gone.
You know there were some posts earlier this month about natural methods of dealing with infections, did you try any?

amommy: Sorry about the BFN, I know it is very painful. Especially with all the stupid symptoms we get the moment we start TTC. I have my fingers crossed for you, baby dust! And I hope AF is at least a couple days late so you can enjoy new years!

Blakeley: Welcome and baby dust!
Wow 16/17 day LP, maybe you can share a few days [LOL], some people here are missing a day or two :)
Are you using OPK or anything else other than temping?

AFM: CD14, temps are low, OPK very negative, I feel very positive and good this cycle, although when thinking about TTC, it just seems so distant and unreal that despite my hopes I feel like I will never see a BFP in real life.
Ok, I am shaking this off, I got less than two weeks until my vacation, working out every day, hoping ovulation is delayed another week or so so that I don't have AF during my vacation.
Happy new year to all!!!! :)

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10 years ago

Kotikd- ha ha yup, as long as my temps are accurate at least I know I don't have a LP defect. I try to monitor my cm but I find it difficult to get it very accurate when we are bd so I don't really note it. If we don't get lucky this month then I think I'm going to start opks next cycle.

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10 years ago

Hey ladies! I am so sorry to MIA for so long. This "break" has been much needed... I thought I was going to time to catch on the forum, but that has yet to happen... so I am just jumping back in here.

I am CD 25... with no meds, shots, no opks I have no idea if I O'ed without the Letrozole this cycle or not. Have no idea when to expect AF... with meds cycles are typically 27-32 days... guess I will wait and see what happens. Had a huge glob of CM a few mornings ago when I went to the bathroom which was odd and very late for O... we BD'ed just in case. We have just been having fun enjoying each other. I plan on having a few drinks on New Years and just celebrating my time with my hubby, while my son (14 yrs old) has a New Years celebration with my parents and some of his friends! He is excited about his first New Years "party". I'm glad my parents offered to host it. Haha!

We have decided to start doing OPKs next cycle and Letrozole but no more injections until February. That is when we will go back into it full force!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and has a very SAFE and happy New Years. The hubby and I are going to the casino for a band and some fun. We don't do bars. Be safe everyone. Here is to a ton of babies in 2014! Baby dust to you all.

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10 years ago

I got my first bfp!!!!!!! I'm 11 dpo, this cycle was weird.. I o'd on cd 14. Usually I get really sore boobs on cd 19, not as bad this cycle and I started cramping on 7 dpo so I went and got the Walmart .88 cent first signal, tested at 9 dpo, very very faint positive almost didn't believe it, then at 10 dpo did another one and same then tested this am and got a positive, still not as dark as the control line but it's definitely there... Even my mom and best friend see it. I'll post a pic if I can figure out how. Lol. So far I've only had nausea and and weird feeling in my belly, and fatigue... I work 7 12's at the eBay warehouse. And I'm on my feet the whole 12 so maybe it's just that but I'm also getting headaches.

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10 years ago

Hi, Ladies! CD21 here. I have no clue about O this cycle due to a yeast infection and a cold. Now, DH is sick. Maybe God decided that we needed a break! LOL. My cycles are typically 30-32, we will see if everything is delayed because of my cold, etc.

Hope all is well!

FX and baby dust!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Hi... I am new.. Hoping TTC#2... My husband swears I am preggers cause he has been puking in the morning for no reason like the last time we got pregnant with out 3 yr old son. I tested 9dpo - and today 12dpo and used the digital it said no... I am having sore boobs cramps and pressure ever since O... Really tired too... I am hoping I am so it doesnt break his heart we have been trying for almost a year now... Do you think the digital could be wrong at 12dpo?

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10 years ago

NEED TO VENT: I'm really going nuts I believe. This TWW has been excruciating. I got so sick last night I just knew it had to be a good sign so I caved and tested again this morning...sigh, another BFN.

AF is due wednesday but all my symptoms say otherwise. I want to cry/scream. Either I'm pregnant or AF is coming but this not knowing anything is wearing me down. We TTC right away, after we got married, because we are older and there's so much negativity about my chances. Despite it all we got pregnant right after celebrating our 1st anniversary. But we suffered a MC. After two months of getting my body back to normal we decided to follow everything to the letter. What else do I have to do???

I'm sorry ladies. I'm just frustrated today. I know many of you are in the same boat with me or your frustrations are worse. I just needed to blow off some steam and I don't want to bring DHs spirits down. Keeping both of us positive has been a Herculean task to say the least.

The good part to all of this is I'm not only holding on tightly to the hope that "this" is our month but so is DH! That makes the craziness all worth it...sort of LOL

Thanks for listening.

Me & DH: 41 TTC #1 As of today 11 DPO. Testing January 1, 2014 @ 14 DPO for EDD 09/10/2014. (An early 2nd anniversary present??? Hmmmm..... It could happen. We found out we were pregnant the first time 5 days after celebrating our 1yr anniversary! MC but we are ready for this little one to stick! Wishing us all, and a , MrsHill Come on all you beautiful September Babies !!!!

10 years ago

I just got a random phone call from my Mother. My Step Father's best friend's teen daughter is pregnant. She doesn't want to keep the baby and She doesn't want an abortion, but would like to do an open adoption. We live in Arizona and they live in Michigan. This is something we weren't expecting, but definitely something we would consider. I cried. My Husband is under the weather and sleeping - so I thought I would post it she is only 9 weeks...lots of time for it to come full circle or fall through the cracks. I would love to adopt...even while trying for our own. My emotions are all over the place!

I've been on this board for a long time - not as long as some, but well over a year now. This is literally some of the best news we've received since we started TTC. It's just another open door...

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

@myluckyduck - wow! I am excited to see how this plays out for you! Keep us posted!! Had you thought about adopting before?

I have already been thinking about and preparing myself for adoption. My husband was adopted at three weeks old and we have an adopted 20 year old daughter who moved in with us when she was 17.

I think adoption is beautiful, and I am trying to include that now as an "option" earlier in our story. (-: It also gives hope in case we can't conceive a healthy baby.

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago • Post starter

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