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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

341 - 350 of 659 Replies | Last Page

Blushing: What are the Soy Iso for? What is it, supplements?
Results 3-4 weeks for another 1-2 weeks now, will go see if they are in tomorrow and book an appointment before I go on vacation, also really want to test progesterone.
Common catch that egg! :) Don't give up, there is no reason with your more relaxed approach that you will no ovulate on your own this month. Don't be discouraged, there is always hope!
Baby dust!

pennylane: Did you test? I hope this is it for you!!! Fingers crossed for a sticky bean!

Firsttime: I hope your progesterone jumps back up. I think I will be testing this month as well. I suspect I have progesterone issues too. But I started working out, acupuncture, and seed cycling, all of which are supposed to help regulate hormones, so I am hoping for a better cycle this time.
Have you tried anything for progesterone levels yet?
I read in a book that it can appear as if you ovulated when you didn't with the temp shift and anything, but I don't remember a sign of what it was. In any case it can just be stress, I hope that is all it is.
Baby Dust!!!

pbc: Like your attitude, make yourself and DH healthy :)
Baby dust and fingers crossed for an October baby :)

GVMDL: How are you? How is your cycle going?

waiting: Congratulations and healthy and happy 9 months to you.

princess: Congratulations and healthy and happy 9 months to you.

sugar: What is your temping process? And when did your period end? CD8 is a little early to tell if it seems right or not because AF messes up temps. I heard some people are stressed from temping but I love it as it confirms I am in the luteal phase which takes a lot of stress off guessing when to expect AF or test.
Baby dust to you, fingers crossed for good news in a week :)

2more4: Hope you caught that egg! :)

rebecca: I hope your sneaking efforts will pay off :) Baby dust!

amommysluv: Welcome and baby dust! I am praying for a BFP for you!!! Please share your test when you do decide to test. We are here for you!

MrsHill: Fingers crossed for a BFP for you!!!

GB: It was my post about losing someone and getting pregnant, I hope no one needs to lose people to have a baby, I was just sharing something someone told me and I started noticing pregnant ladies losing a loved one.
In any case, baby dust!

AFM: CD13, nothing to report really. OPK negative, CM all over the place, been missing many temp days because of sleeping in with all the days off this cycle.
Have no idea if the seeds made any difference so far. Noticed 2 things, a lot more CM than I am used too which is great news, also nipples started hurting yesterday which is annoying and new.
Other than that, started this 30 day shred workouts which I will be doing in 20 days since that is all I have until Mexico, been feeling great (except for the sore couple of days).
Baby dust to all :)

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10 years ago

Thanks kotikd! AF is due on the 1st but I'm praying for BFP instead. Broke down and tested this morning and it hurt so bad to see a negative. But it ain't over till AF arrives, so I'm going to chalk it up to being too early. This TWW has been torture. I feel like I'm about to lose my mind at times. Trying to stay positive while waiting for one is a serious battle! LOL

Me & DH: 41 TTC #1 As of today 11 DPO. Testing January 1, 2014 @ 14 DPO for EDD 09/10/2014. (An early 2nd anniversary present??? Hmmmm..... It could happen. We found out we were pregnant the first time 5 days after celebrating our 1yr anniversary! MC but we are ready for this little one to stick! Wishing us all, and a , MrsHill Come on all you beautiful September Babies !!!!

10 years ago

Sorry to be quick. Promise I'll catch up later. We snuck away to bd again, but ALMOST got busted by my FIL! My poor dh jumped up and got dressed in 5 seconds flat! It was too funny. We had to laugh...felt like teens again.

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10 years ago

Koti- Thanks for the encouragement! Hopefully I will be able to stay calm...

Rebecca- How fun!!! We've been staying with my dad in Atlanta and have had some pretty sneaky high school BDing going on too! :-)

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10 years ago

I'm out for this month :( AF is here... Hoping clomid works for me for an October baby! Good luck you guys!!

I'm 28, DH is 29 Married since 2007 TTC officially since October 2013 I have PCOS. 11/15/13: first round of clomid 50mg (no ovulation on cd21) 1/2/14: second round of clomid 100mg (cd21 tested at 11!!!)

10 years ago

Hi all - sorry will have to have a proper catch up when I'm not on my cellphone

12 DPO today, and AF is either due tomorrow or in the next couple of days (27-29 day cycle)
Am staying with family until the end of this week so won't be testing until after AF is late, if she is! Missing my husband as he wasn't able to come with me- would love to have some super good news for when I get back.

Sore boobs have almost disappeared, but have had twinges, yellow cm and a couple of wee red tinges. Very stuffed up and have a super runny nose today - feeling like crap lol[sad]

TTC #1 with Hubby As of Jan 9th 2014 - found out we are expecting #1 User Image

10 years ago

Hey Fellow TTCers

TTC Baby #2 Cycle #2 Ovulated on 12/21/2013
Planning to test 1/4 after work if I can wait that long

Baby # 1 is 4.5 years old
ME :25yo
DH: 30yo

last month I was convinced I was preggers on the first try... WRONG! and I was very sad about it. I was so shocked that I wasn't because I felt all the symptoms but I guess it was all in my head! either that or pms (which I never get). I'm taking a more relax approach this month I took a few opks but not nearly as many as last month! and I haven't taken on hpt yet last month I was taking them at 4 dpo (lol I told you I was convinced I was preggers) i could probably test at 12 dpo but would mean risking being negative all day at work if I got a BFN! and I don't want that! if its a postive I might be so excited I might tell people so I'd rather wait for the weekend to give me time to process things... Any ways Good luck to all you wonderful mothers and lots of baby dust

PS anyone else planning to test Jan 4th!! want to be TTW buddies message me

10 years ago

Huge bummer this evening. Have a dumb yeast infection. Hoping to get meds to treat it tomorrow. Will this throw off my O day and my BD'ing days ?!?

Have not had one in 3 years. Started feeling nauseated Friday and thought it was something I ate. Just finished AF yesterday morning and noticed swollen area this afternoon and it has gotten worse since. Noticed odorless clumpy discharge so I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

Anyone else experience this after AF?

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

So ladies... I tested.. and guess what... negative :(.. I'm not surprised. Well one more day til my period and right now the only thing I'm sad about is that it will b on for NYE and the new years. No new years loving for me. Anywho somethings continue to be weird for me but that's ok.. we will jus wait and see. Oh God please let this be it. Keeping fingers crossed still..

10 years ago

Gds3angls: Last cycle I got a really bad yeast infection that lasted about a week, followed by a UTI! There was literally no BD at all last cycle cos I was in so much discomfort, and it started as soon as AF left!

amommysluv: remember it's not over until AF shows!

Just saw my ticker said a test may work today- so tempted to test but will wait until AF is late by a few days, determined not to go nutty over TTC!

TTC #1 with Hubby As of Jan 9th 2014 - found out we are expecting #1 User Image

10 years ago

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