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Beyond Ready for an August Baby

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Here is the August's listed under TTC My First but I know we have many members trying for another. Wish there were more options..

719 Replies • 10 years ago



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Cristi: It must be so hard to let go of all the testing and temping... But I bet it is for the best .
My DH is like that too, but sometimes he doesn't understand, but mostly he does, or tries at least. It would be scary if a guy could truly understand a TTC woman.
Both DHs are Leos right?
I live on Vancouver Island (Canada), so this is my fastest and closest option. I hope I will get to cancel on them because I will be 20weeks pregnant , a girl can dream right?!?!
Wow, I wish my sister was like that. Sounds great!
And for sure try breathing exercises... I started about a week ago, I do them before I go to sleep, takes about 3-5 minutes. At first I thought it was silly, but by the second day I felt all happy and optimistic and overall more energetic and less koo-koo , so worth the 5 minutes a day.
I have my fingers and toes crossed for your !!!!
When do you get to test?

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10 years ago

AF has arrived. Light pink spotting. I'm sure she'll be at full force by bedtime or tomorrow morning.

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10 years ago

kot- I'm happy you had favorable results. It is so true it is hard to tell what's going to happen with our bodies. Which for me has made TTC so much harder. UGH! Nonetheless optimism is key. For me its hardest when AF starts but after a few days, I come back down to reality and I can still see the big picture.

Rebecca- So sorry about AF. I hope she comes and goes quickly for you.

Cristi- I can't decide if I'm going to try to stay in Atlanta (where I'm from) or here in KY for the Christmas season. Either way, I can't WAIT to do some decorating! Oh and happy TWW! the breathing exercises that Koti are suggesting are surely worth your time! I usually end up falling asleep within 5 mins of doing them.

tg- I hope your right about your suspicions of O pains. And NO symptom spotting is not reliable! GRRRRR!

sugar- Thanks for the video. I've been doing some massages off and on for a while now. I'm sure I need to be more consistent with it

gds- So sorry about the AF show!

Bammom- How are you doing!?!

AFM- My procedure is tomorrow. I hope that my RE is able to give me an explanation of whats happening in there. Hopefully, he will pass me or DH some resulst to read once I regain my faculties. I have to make a post op appt 7-10 after the procedure and I just don't know if I can wait that long to find out WTH is happening!!! I'm a little anxious about being in pain. DH is nervous too about taking care of me on his own. He likes to be left alone when he's feeling bad so he thinks thats how everyone feels. Well I'm the opposite. Which is why I'm always checking to see if he needs anything when he does get sick. LOL! We shall see how this goes.

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10 years ago

Blushing: will b praying for u
Gl tomorrow dear

Rebecca : sorry af got u. Seriously, can't this witch just leave us all alone for 9 months?!?!?!?
Fx for next cycle!

I'm keeping all if u wonderful ladies in my thoughts and prayers
It has been a blessing to be so busy n not paying attn to my symptoms, they can be so unreliable.
Just hoping like each one of you that we get blessed one day with a healthy sticky bean(s).

And I'm sure we all will!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Blushing...praying for your procedure. Hope it all goes well. My dh is like that too. Put him in a room and leave him there, and he's happy. Lol! I'm totally not like that either.

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10 years ago

Blushing:good luck hun!

10 years ago

Kot, yes both leos! Haha! I hope you are 20 weeks pregnant by then too! They will call you to confirm your appointment and you can say "well you see I don't need your assistance after all"! My sister is absolutely amazing... I love her to pieces! Free massages... added bonus! I won't test until 11 or 12 dpo I think... because I didn't test the trigger out.. I would be scared to test earlier for fear of a false positive! Going to be a long 10 days!

Rebecca, sorry the witch showed up!

Blushing, happy decorating! Thank you for the input on the breathing exercises.. never thought about it but for the past 4 nights (since doing the trigger shots) I can't fall asleep.. it is always after 3 am even if I have been up since 6 am! Ugh... so over that part! Sending lots of prayers for your procedure tomorrow and hoping you get some answers.

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10 years ago

I'm not devastated but disappointed that AF showed. I thought it was spotting and everything going good towards pregnancy signs and symptoms and then bam.....out of nowhere, the witch flies in full force. I hate passing these large clots and cramping so bad it feels like my va-jay-jay is being ripped out. I'd rather go through labor than deal with this every month. It's always like this though just didn't expect it to start so slowly.

Anyhow, Cycle Day 2. Waiting to ovulate and will chart temp this time around.

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Blushing- doing pretty good :) No cramping or bleeding or spotting so I can only assume the baby is fine in there. I'm eager to get to my next appointment just to make sure baby is well, but that isn't until December 19th. Symptoms tend to come and go which is normal, but when they go I usually start thinking too much I stay off of CTP for the most part because lots of things freak me out, but I'm still stalking and skimming this forum. Been waiting for good news from all of the lovely ladies here Other than that, just enjoying being pregnant! Still feels pretty unreal and too good to be true.
Good luck and best wishes on your procedure today! God bless you ladies and

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10 years ago

Bammom - good to hear from you! So glad things are going well.

Gds3 - We're in the same boat, dear. I'm CD2 as well. I didn't expect AF to start yesterday, but once I started thinking, it made sense. Last month, the progesterone delayed AF by a day, so by it coming yesterday it got back on track. But it started with a few hours of spotting, which it never does. When she comes, it's full on, no messing around. So there I was last night, hoping it was just pregnancy spotting of some sort yet knowing it was AF, when about two hours after she first showed she turned it on. Oh well. On to December.

I've decided to start temping. Set my alarm, had my thermometer on the table, and my phone. So we'll see what this shows me. If nothing else, it'll give me something else to obsess over.

GV - How are you hon? You're right, symptom spotting just drives you nuts.

Koti - I do something similar to the breathing exercises you mentioned at night, too, on days when I'm feeling especially turbulent. My therapist suggested it, so I can take a moment and calm myself enough to clarify the emotions that are driving me. When I've had to do it, I almost always fall asleep within 5 minutes too!

I'm sure I'm missing some of the info from yesterday, but once AF showed it threw me for a loop. So I apologize to anyone I missed, it wasn't intentional. Hoping I can get my emotions back to a more steady beat today.

Acrichton - did you post your numbers and I missed them? for you.

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10 years ago

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