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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Having REALLY strong O pain tonight. :( and :) I hope heating pad is OK. Stopped BBT this cycle, since it will not be accurate while I am waking up at different times on holiday. OPK seems darker, but not + yet. Will test again tonight. Hubby is being really sweet. :) He's the best ever!

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10 years ago

Hi everyone! Sorry ive been MIA, but cell reception at my MILs is sketchy at best. I miss keeping up with you all.

Yesterday was CD9. I was still spotting from AF, yet got a peak reading on the monitor! What the heck? I have some O pain, but no EWCM. i think ive been dehydrated since we got here on Thursday, though. Dh and i managed to sneak away and Bd. But i got another peak today at cd10. No thermal shift yet, so we'll try go bd today and tomorrow. Its hard with 11 people in the house.

Fxd for everyone. Hope to be able to catch up reading soon.

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10 years ago

Hi All, Nothing to report today except I have to agree that more and more BFPs appearing this month and I would say its absolutely good news!
Am hoping for me to be able to get BFP too!

Waiting- Congrats to you! Fill us more when you test again.

Pbc- Sorry that the witch got to you. ((HUGS))

Blushing- Thank you so much ! I hope so too!!!

Koti- pertaining your question, I have no answer. But you are quite right, we have a fair bit of BFPs this month. & I hope that we both get it too!! Of cos, w/o having someone close to us fading away....

Rebecca- I bet its fun!! BD!! BD!! BD!!! Hush hush BD!! Bady dust!!



xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

gds - hope AF is gone so those OPK's can start!

Tori - FX!

sugar - FX for you!

koti - see my other post with my progesterone update, thanks for asking!

blushing - thanks hun, unfortunately it wasn't, see my other post :( FX for you this cycle!

penny - what kind of gel is that progesterone gel? i hope that high temp was a good sign! thanks for all the input, i think you definitely nail all the scenarios, it's what i've been thinking. at my fertility appt in november, my first, they did mention maybe eventually needing clomid. we had decided to try naturally a couple more months first. thanks for the positive outlook :)

pbc - sorry about AF!

gvmdl - yeah i think she did say they wanted me at least over 10 at that point. thanks for the thoughts! i really hope I'm doing the o'ing, just maybe not making enough progesterone. we will see!

waiting - fx'd for a sticky bean!!

princess - fx'd for a sticky bean for you too!

2more4us- hope you hit that O!

rebecca - lol, i love that you guys can sneak off and BD ;)

AFM, yesterday i thought i had faint AF cramps but then nothing later. Woke up this AM and as time goes on it looks like AF has reared her ugly face. That means I made it to only 10/11 DPO. The last few months I've been seeing only 10-12DPO and my period has been lighter than it was years ago when i went off BC. Now it all maybe makes sense. My progesterone has likely been low, thus my luteal phase is too short, and since it's not beefing up the uterine lining it's making lighter periods. I have heavy flow maybe 2 days and a light day, then spotting. I used to have a good flow at least 5 days years ago. Well I'm heading to October's board, but maybe I'll stop in. I'll try to get that appt made for a sono HSG and the SA that way we can get a plan going. Likely this next month will be a ntnp, and a good time off before we go at it again. GL ladies and FX'd for the BFP's!!!

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Hello ladies...I joined the group a few weeks ago but I havent posted. Right now I am nearing the end of the two week wait. My Af is due on Tuesday. I havent been experiencing many of my normal I think I am pregnant symptoms and really jus feel out this month. I am sitting in the bathroom debating on if I should test or not as I type. I am not obsessing like I have done in the past but last night I became really dizzy and that is unusual for me. Now I am wondering what if... I just really dont want to get my hopes high like ive done before. I keep thinking I didn't bd enough or the right time. I use opk's but I'm still not sure when I ovulate as it can happen 12-72hours after and I seem to not bd much afterwards coincidentally when I get my positive. I havent been emotional or sentimental which strikes me as odd but I'm thinking now maybe because I havent the reason to cry.. its the holidays... idk.. I think I'm either 10 or 11dpo. Well here goes.. please please wish me sticky baby dust..

10 years ago

Penny- KMFXâ??d that hight temp means something and that the Progesterone helps you out.

First- Sorry about the witch and Iâ??m sorry I donâ??t have any insight. I just want to encourage you to try to stay positiveâ?¦usually, ovulation issues are really easy to get around. Taking a month to ntnp is always nice. We forget that we have a life outside of TTC once things get hard for us. GL!

pbc- ((hugs)))

waiting-Welcome and GL!

princess- Thanks for the words of encouragement!

sugars- Hi! I hope youâ??re able to catch whatever is going on with your DH before it gets too badâ?¦

2more- I hope you guys got a chance to BD yesterday!!!

rebecca- 11 people?! Sheesh! It should make for some fun sneaky sessions :-)

amommy-BABY DUST!

AFM- Nothing much to reportâ?¦just BDing for the heck of it right now. I will start OPKâ??s tonight. I decided to only do one a day since I only have a 7 day supply and I am only using them to get rid of themâ?¦I hope everyone is going to have a wonderful NYE!!!! Talk to you ladies soon!

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10 years ago

Yep, BD'd every day this week! :) He couldn't keep me off of him for the 3 days before that awful O pain last night. haha Not that he was complaining. At this point, I am thinking, "There is no reason not for it to work this month." I'm going to try to remain more hopeful this cycle.

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10 years ago

Ok ladies...

I just read a post on my Soy Iso board that reminded me that I didn't take enough SI this cycle..Unless my low dosage of Metformin kicks in, I most likely won't be Oing this cycle. Which puts me out. I'm so upset with myself...I really don't know if I'm going to keep temping this cycle or not. Or maybe I will temp until I O and if I haven't O'd by CD20 or so, I will stop. I almost feel like I got a BFN...*sigh*.

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10 years ago

Evening Ladies,

I'm new here ( though ivebeen lurking off and on) but just want to say I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of us! I will keep you updated and I look forward to seeing lots of BFPs for all of you as well.

Let's break out the crystal champagne glasses, pour up the sparkling grape juice and prepare to welcome our beautiful September 2014s in pink or blue.

PS - just for fun, Team Pink or Team Blue? My DH has his heart set on a boy but I honestly keep wavering back and forth. I smile when I think of my little boy but I smile and cry when I think if my little girl. Anyone else? This is a first for both of us so I honestly don't know...but it's beautiful to think about!

Me & DH: 41 TTC #1 As of today 11 DPO. Testing January 1, 2014 @ 14 DPO for EDD 09/10/2014. (An early 2nd anniversary present??? Hmmmm..... It could happen. We found out we were pregnant the first time 5 days after celebrating our 1yr anniversary! MC but we are ready for this little one to stick! Wishing us all, and a , MrsHill Come on all you beautiful September Babies !!!!

10 years ago

Hi All,

I've been MIA for a bit, but I'm back. I'm on CD 12, and tested positive my LH surge yesterday afternoon. I'm assing I will O today or tomorrow. My DH and I bd'd on CD08, CD10, yesterday and today. I'm hoping this month is our month!!!

Whoever it was that said they had a friend say something about someone close to you passing away as a sign of getting pregnant/having a healthy child made me think that I just recently lost my cousin and isn't there some kind of saying like with sorrow comes joy? I'm hoping that my cousin is watching over me and it's giving me a little more faith this month. I hope AF doesn't show up for the next 9 months!! Fx'd for myself and all you other ladies TTC!!!

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10 years ago

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