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BFP! Babies due in May 2019 and after! I’m due in August!

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Hey ladies! of your !!!!
My name is Renée and I wanted to start a new and current group for those who finally got their and those that are due in the summer of 2019 and after!
Some info about me,
The Mirena was removed at the beginning of September, and I’m currently 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Im due in August with my 3rd child. This is my husbands first child. We were married at the end of September. Symptoms right now- I only get nauseated while riding passenger or when I’m hungry, my nipples sting but boobs are still the same size, bummer lol. I’ve been bloated beyond belief every since I found out I was pregnant and look like I’m 3 months even though baby is the size of a blueberry currently.
Now let’s see all those success stories! Look forward walking this journey with all of you!

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450 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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On a separate note, there are so many woman i know or know through others around me with the same due date or a few days in front of me/behind me and i find myself really irritated/saddened by this, like my pregnancy isn't special. Someone please tell me that they've felt something similar or understand what i'm saying?!
My sister says i'm being ridiculous so maybe it's just a hormonal thing and will pass soon?

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5 years ago

Awwww! Beaut! You’re the first to pop out of our group! He’s absolutely adorable! Congrats!

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5 years ago • Post starter

Sam lol, I think it might be hormonal my friend. There are a lot of Preggos around me too, but I don’t get irritated with it. The only person who does irritate me that’s pregnant is just an irritating person lol! Debby downer type of person. Hopefully your feelings will pass soon. I can’t remember if you said that if this is your first child, but if it is, that might be why you feel it’s not so special. But believe me, it is!

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5 years ago • Post starter

Here is my little guy. We have yet to decide on a name, my hubby doesn’t like a whole lot of what I like lol. The struggles, but we still have time to come to an agreement
Ultrasound tech said he was breech at my last week scan, but he still has time to turn so I won’t stress about it.
Anyone else have a breech baby in the second trimester and they turned ok?

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5 years ago • Post starter

Renee what a great scan! How cute! Thankfully my partner and i have the same taste in a lot names and we have a fave name and a few back ups! This irritated feeling comes and goes, its mostly when they post updates on social media..most of the time its not even in my mind, so silly i know!

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5 years ago

Congrattttsssss Beaut1ful38.. Your baby looks so adorable.... hope you are settling down well with your newborn and the bf journey is gg well..

So happy to see all the positive updates and scan pics.. I am officially on 34 weeks right now. 3 more weeks to safe delivery. Having strong gut feeling that my little one will arrive at 38 weeks. Having strong nesting instincts so set up the baby room yst and preparing the house for his arrival. Have not packed hosp bag yet though. Planing to do that after my gynae visit at 37 weeks where i will have my cervix check. Praying hard i would not need to be induced. So far baby is weighing well. excited but scared at the same time..

5 years ago

Sha-RK how exciting for you, i wanna say you're on the home stretch and everything crossed that your precious bub doesn't show up too early!

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5 years ago

So I can finally add a little photo of bubba boy!
We had our midwife appointment today and she advised that he is perfectly happy and all vitals are good, best news all week!

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5 years ago

Hey ladies, I'm loving seeing all these beautiful ultrasound pictures!
I had a midwife appointment today, head down still measuring a week ahead. Had some bloods taken suspected low iron so I'm most likely going to need an infusion soon and then booster shots other than that baby is happy and healthy.

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5 years ago

Confuzed, so glad to hear all is well!

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5 years ago

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