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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hey ladies, I was MIA for 4 days, which helped me keep my mind off DPO. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. i ate way to much lol.

Pearl325- i am soooo sorry to hear AF came, i was really wishing you a bfp! i wish you the best this next cycle.

dragonfly- keep using the OPK, i usually get a dip when the egg releases. best of luck and baby dust

FlamingoGirl13- How is the opk coming along? did you get a + yet??

AFM, NOTHING unusual that i noticed, but yesterday..i had some strong stomach cramps that made me feel like i was going to have to run to the RR, i even told my DH we might have to leave church early. It happened throughout the day off and on, but never had to go to the RR. Strange!! maybe it was bc we were moving around alot in the attic getting Christmas decorations out. So i blamed that LOL. today woke up with 98.2 temp and a stuffy/runny nose. not sure if its allergies again. That is all with me so far!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Thank you! I will keep using the OPKs. I feel weird in the right hip area like cramps. I changed my countdown ticker as I haven't ovulated yet. Not sure if you can answer this, if the temp drops and then rises the next day, does that mean the egg dropped yesterday and making its way down or today as the temp rose up but not into the 98's? Need a how to book on ovulating to help.

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6 years ago

@ Dragonfly - I'm not sure about all the BBT timing as I just started charting that this cycle. I agree though a book would be helpful! Looks like yours in on the rise which is a good thing at this point in your cycle! I'm still waiting for a rise in mine.

@ Beaut1ful38 - taking a break from here while in the tww was a good idea! The OPKS are coming along well. I'm using a brand that gives me a low, high and peak fertility. I've had the high for four mornings in a row now, so I'm thinking that means my estrogen is increasing. Now I'm waiting for the peak reading that comes with the LH surge. I've been testing once a day but now that I've had four high days I'm going to test twice a day so I don't miss my surge. The information that comes with the kit says that 88% of women experience four high days before peak. I'm this means ovulation is tomorrow!

6 years ago

Good morning Ladies!
I hope it was a good weekend for everyone!

Dragonfly- I usually can feel when I ovulate and it sounds similar to what you described. It's closer to my hip and a pinching type pain (and have had it confirmed with ultrasounds during my monitoring cycles, so for sure know what it is)! Hopefully you catch that little one this cycle!

Flamingo - I know right, men just think so differently! DH has been cute lately though, when he's in the mood now he just says, "let's get you pregnant!".

This morning went well - I have a 20 mm follicle on my left (CD10) so a good ripe one. So we are in the fertile window and will go back Wed to check the follie and will likely ovulated on Thursday.

6 years ago

dragonfly- This is what i found online.....our body temperature dips a bit just before your ovary releases an egg. Then, 24 hours after the egg's release, your temperature rises and stays up for several days. Before ovulation, a woman's BBT averages between 36.1°C (97°F) and 36.4°C (97.5°F). Not every women gets this though.

flamingoGirl13-Well get busy girl!!! LOL. Best of luck for you this cycle!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Thank you for the information. It helps and yes, not everyone experiences every point in their cycle. I will take an OPK test when I get home from work and hopefully can either BD tonight or the typical tomorrow, but if it is tomorrow, I don't want to miss out, however, we did BD yesterday morning so will have to see how it goes.

@twwtoolong. Yes, It is also starting to seep into my back. So, must be very close. Hope those follicles keep growing for you and that you ovulate very soon. I hear you with regards to men. Last night, I was getting stuff ready for tomorrow and my husband comes in and asks if I was okay, and I said yes and then I asked if he was okay and he too said yes. Then I am like good. He's then was like, what do you mean by good? I have a beautiful wife and 2 beautiful kids. Please note, we only have one kid and working on number 2. So, it makes me smile that he thinks that. Sorry if my story sounds boring but its the ending that matters.

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6 years ago

@ dragonfly - You're story wasn't boring! It sounds very caring and loving. It also means you two on the same page as it sounds like twwtoolong's DH is too. I love hearing about the caring words a husband uses while ttc. :)

@ Beauti1ful - We're getting down to the BDing earlier this cycle then normal! Hoping it pays off! We also have a lot more time to ourselves now, since my twin and her family moved out a week ago.

6 years ago

Dragonfly- I frequently get a drop in temp on O day, I bet in a couple of days your chart will reflect CD16 possibly CD17 as O day. If you look at my chart I had that dip this cycle.

Anyone testing today? Don't forget to upload the pics so we can all obsess LOL

I'm feeling very positive. Yesterday I was starving, all day. Which was weird because the days prior I was not hungry at all and barely ate. When I wake I feel like I haven't eaten in days. That and weepiness are my 2 earliest symptoms I've noticed in past BFP cycles. My ticker symptoms match my new daily symptoms I'm one of those that just "knows" when I'm pregnant and I'm really feeling it this month. I'll be surprised but not discouraged if I'm not.
to all!!! FX for Christmas blessings!

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6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. Thank you! I love hearing the mushy stuff too. It puts a smile to my face.

@twwtoolong. I am now on CD17 and my temp rose today, so hopefully tonight I will get the postive OPK. Here's to hoping.

So, I was reading reviews about the First Response Ovulation kit for the month and read some bad reviews. Once, reached the LH surge, the machine shuts down for good so all the remaining tests are useless unless you but another reader and I won't for that price. I just wanted to see how longe the surge is after I get a positive. It also says to start on CD5 or spotting. I started testing on CD7 but still had a little bit of spotting; so two days passed on what the box says. But nothing where I read where you have to use fmu. If things don't work out this cycle, I am going to try a different brand. Any suggestions on which brand to try next?

On the bright side to my day, my husband just texted me to say I did a good job at the kids Christmas party yesterday and I did not have any anxiety/panick attacks, as I don't do well with a whole bunch of people.

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6 years ago

Beautiful - Your chart looks great!! Those cramps sound very promising!! I get diarrhea type cramps in early pregnancy, from the uterus stretching. It's a very exact feeling, not like AF at all, but like you said you feel the need to go immediately and then nothing happens.

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6 years ago • Post starter

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