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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 7 years ago



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That is awesome news lucky! !!! I am so excited for you. Can't wait to hear that you have a baby bun or two in the oven. Woohoo!!!!!

Marie: maybe you ovulated but it didn't register on the opk's. I know that's happened to me before with monitored cycles.

Looks like everyone is headed in the right direction - our bfp's are just weeks away.

7 years ago

Lucky cool you got the loan!! This is happening! You must be so excited!
Good news also for me I finally got blinking smiley! Very late o which is weird but feeling optimist as husband will be here for two most fertile days!

Girls this month is so far a good one for this group! Let s hope we continue like this!

Have a good day!

7 years ago

Lucky, yes It would be great to save that money. Ive sold stick I cant buy back into but I would definitely reinvest most of it. Dh said if we get prego with month with out ivf hes buying a boat. Lol. What are the odds of that happening twice? Lol
Marie, thats great news! Yay for upcoming ovulation with dh around : ) good deal. Glad thats working out for you.
Cronins when do you plan on starting your opks?
Afm. Woke up this morning with my ovary area so stinking sore! So I think Ill call today 1dpo even though fertility friend has me as 2dpo. My opk is still positive but test isnt darker than control anymore so I think lh levels are on the way down now. Still cant believe went from no ovulation at all to two follicles!
Oh the urine sample at dr office was for a hcg test before they did the shg.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies,

We are all definitely on our way to bfp's. So excited that it's working out for us so far.

Dabdy: yeah for ovulation pain lol. Welcome to the tww. I am going to start opk testing on CD 7 or 8. I finish my clomid cd 7. So I plan on trying to wait until CD 8. I am taking the black cohosh until CD 10.

Marie : that is fantastic news. Woohoo, you're heading into your tww.

Lucky : I can see you now beaming from here lol. So excited that you got the loan.

7 years ago

Cronins I am so excited! I just know it's going to happen now, I can't wait. I'm hoping for a June transfer but don't know how long it will take to sync our cycles. I haven't felt this good in a long time.
Marie thank you. Glad your DH will be there during your fertile time. That has to be a relief.
Dandy still praying you catch the egg and don't need the Ivf. It's crazy how you wentvto 2 follicles.

7 years ago

Lucky, I know right! 2 big ol follicles, I am still in shock and so excited to test this cycle. I cant help but be hopeful. I have two months of back to back good chances. I bet we are both in the running for most excited. Lol. Will they need to keep you from ovulating? Or how will that work? Just bc to get you sinked up, then what?

7 years ago • Post starter

I actually just spoke with my nurse and I will begin Lupron shots next Friday for 6-10 days she said then get a period and get in for my baseline. I can't believe this is really happening! I am so excited about this :-) so in a couple weeks I will be thickening my lining and getting ready for these little embies to implant. Granted my donor needs to do her job first lol.

Dandy you do have a good reason to be hopeful. And probably feel better knowing there is a back up plan that you will be able to start right away.

Cronins how are you today. Any symptoms yet? You can get us all started with these bfps.

7 years ago

Ladies, I am super over the moon excited for you two. I am about ready to cry tears of joy for both of you. As for me, things are going really well so far. I can definitely feel an ovarian pressure. The clomid and black cohosh are doing their job. However, my little 1 year old is very sick with a 103.3 fever and upper respiratory tract infection. Totally stinks. I hate seeing her so sick. Getting lots of cuddles though. Pretty soon both of you will be doing this. I so can't wait to see your bfp's. Woohoo God rocks!

7 years ago

Cronins. Yes GOd is good! Prayers for your little one. Isabella, is it? Poor thing. My heart breaks when mine is sick. Heavy ovary feeling is a good sign! What cycle day are you?
Someone keep me off the internet! I started looking up how many days some ppl stim and got into some bad stories now im nervous. Stepping away from my phone for a while. Lol. I jst gotta sit on my hands as long as I can stand it to start testing now.

7 years ago • Post starter

Cronins poor little one, hope she starts feeling better soon. That's good everything is working like it should. Maybe that black cohish is the magic.

Dandy my first round I stimmed for 8 days before being converted to IUI, second round 13 or 14 days and third round was 10 or 11 days. The second time I was at the REs for 7 days straight. Don't be worried, its really not too bad. I kept all my papers so if you need anything I can let you know. Do you know your protocol?

7 years ago

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