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2012 Bring Miracles into Our Lifes

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2012 will be the year we Succeed.

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107 Replies • 12 years ago



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mrspw_ Sorry i missed ur post..As i answered krunchie..I do not use opk nor bbt...It's hard to find where to buy opk and preseed over the counter...I went to malls and ask my friend where in this part of our country sell this stuff...Ugh..

Oh yeah, sperm analysis. My doc asks my dh yesterday...He present nothing. I think my poor DH is a lil bit scared..(lol) especially now that we found out mine is normal...The other day, He asks me to cook fish for while cooking i saw him reading. Why? He used to watch movie instead of i get this 2 pages of bond paper and read.."How to boost your sperm? Eating fish rich in omega 3....", that was all

Thank you dear friend...Im so glad, still here to support us..

Krunchie__Thanks..I do hope, we can fixed it easily...At this moment its early to tell that everything with me is OK...There is one morething im worried about..I just have read that hypothyroidsm/hyperthyroidsm makes the hormone imbalance...which my sister had goiter at 25, 8 yrs after she got pregnant with my nephew..Ugh i cant wait that long...
Im very much thankful that my dh is very supportive...

I follow the link:..You had a great plan..I do the same thing when the ruin my day...i go to salor for hair spa, manicure, pedicure, massage to swing back my mood..heehee

Hopefully, the cramping and twingesis bec. of lil bean in there..and this ugly wont visit you for 9 mos...Fingers Crossed!!! !!

12 years ago

Hello Ladies!!!

Hope that all is well with everyone! Thank you all for the kind words!

@bug -- I hope you get some answers soon, honey!! I pray it was just this one cycle that was a fluke!

@cleo -- This is HILARIOUS ->"How to boost your sperm? Eating fish rich in omega 3...." are crazy!!! But at least he is interested and willing to do something about it. I have a hard time just getting mine to take his darn vitamins on a regular basis. They NEVER think THEY could possibly be the reason that the pregnancy isn't happening. ahahha Silly men!

AFM... I haven't filled my prescription for my progesterone yet. My doc told me to use it as a suppository after I get a BFP so I haven't really felt a burning need to rush to the pharmacy for it. Nothing out of the ordinary going on with my body... I'm not certain that I even ovulated this month. I still have about a little more than a week before is expected so I'm just riding it out.

to everyone on this thread!

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12 years ago

Heartbroken, upset, disappointment, crushed, and beyond PISSED OFF. I went to my doctors appointment and when I got there I gave them the paperwork filled out and they asked me for my payment upfront. I was like can't I pay after the visit. No, we take payments before hand. Okay, how much? $125. Okay, well I can pay $100 today and can you bill me the rest. Let me go ask the doctor. Nurse came back. Nope. Can't do it, you need to reschedule. What, you can't do a payment plan. Nope. Okay on your window it says carecredit payment plan. Nope we can't do that. Would you like to reschedule or call back? I'll call back. with tear-filled eyes, I walked out. And started bawling my eyes out. I will not be making another appointment with them. And now my answers are on hold again. UGH.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Clivencleo - I had a scan of my womb and ovaries in october 2010 and they said it was all fine so I'm with you on the "why can't I conceive then?" haha confusing! I hope your next set of tests go well. I had the thyroid blood test also which was normal too.
Bugttc - argh nightmare month! My doc said sometimes women have a cycle where they just don't ovulate. AF might be a bit late? I hope not for you. WOW I can't believe you couldn't get in to see the doctor! That's shocking!!!
Mrspw2011 - I hope your pregnancy is going along nicely.
Destinystar - My Husband never takes his vitamins either haha. I've been to see my doctor a lot of times about out TTC problems as it's been 3yrs now and he hasn't been ONCE, I think a sperm test may be in order

AFM - I couldn't donate blood after all the woman doing my needle did it wrong and I ended up with a big bruise so they gave it up as a bad job. I think I am going to ask my Husband to see the doctor for a sperm test as he hasn't had one and we have been TTC for 3yrs now.
My Sisters baby is due in 8 days now eek!

I'm sorry if I've missed anyone

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

could someone please explain something as it really does mistify me and i mean no disrepect to anyone who has done this...

why would any of you go through YEARS of TTC and going to the doctors yourself to gets various intrusive tests and not get your partner to get his swimmers tested? His test is probably the least intrusive of all fertility tests and one of the most basic...

it just mystifies me as after a few months, we both went to the GP and i was give blood tests (to test hormone levels at a certain point in my cycle) and he was told to give a donation tp check his swimmers were swimming strongly in the right direction.

Do those ladies automatically assume its a problem with them? or is it the men not stepping up and taking responsibility? Is it fear of the results?

or is it something like the cost of the test etc. cos all those kinds of things are covered here in Australia through the Medicare system.

ellekayejaye - maybe you can explain. As I said, I really dont mean any offence or anything of that sort. it just seems like three years with nothing seems a long time to go with no results, yet you are getting scans and blood test etc.

I can understand that it might be a bit embarrasing for the boys, but lying flat on my back with my legs in the air while a doctor sticks various metal instruments in my lady bits is hardly what I would chose do to on a saturday afternoon...?

Am I missing something?

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Bug - I am so sorry. I can't believe your doctor's office would do such a thing. That is just horrible customer service and I'm glad you are not returning there. I pray you find a new doctor who can get you in soon and get you the answers you need.

Elle - I'm glad your DH is getting tested. He could be the problem with your infertility. I pray that when he does get tested it comes back with positive results.

Cleo - I definitely think you should get your DH's swimmers tested, especially since all your tests came back normal. Even if the problem is with him, it could be such an easy fix that you two could easily be on you way to a pregnancy if you got it situated. I'm glad he is being proactive though. Lol. There are vitamin supplements he can take that have omega 3 and DHA. Plus selenium helps with their tails, giving them a better chance to get to that egg!

Tomorrow I have an ultrasound where I will hopefully get to see a heartbeat. I'm praying so hard because I am so scared to lose this one. I am taking progesterone and lovenox though. So hopefully I am on the right track and all will be well. (I'm trying not to talk to much about my pregnancy. Believe me...I know how it feels. )

I'm praying for you ladies. I can't wait til we all have our dream of motherhood come true!

Me 23 DH 25 TTC #1 since June 2011 5/25/09 - Blighted Ovum 07/10 - D&C 07/13 10/23/10(happy birthday present!) - Uterus over 50% full of blood on 11/17 MC on 12/02 lasted til 01/28 Diagnosed with MTHFR A1298C homozygous 03/07/11 - Believed Chemical MC on 03/21/11 01/05/12 - please be our sticky rainbown baby User Image

12 years ago

__Krunchie_ I understand what you are emphasizing...You and aroma convince me to ask docs help..And i thank you for that. You guys cheered me up!!

I myself conclude that the problem is in ME...(my secret life 2 yrs ago i had previous relationship (he is faithful and very loyal to me) for almost 5yrs. and we are not aware that time bec. having a baby is not my priority still enjoy being after a few months (2 mos. i think) we broke up He's new GF is Pregnant...Oh Why? In 2 mos. time she got Preg?...That's a Big questions that my friends asks me..
Now that we're in process of concieving...Dh understand all the procedure we have to undergo. It needs a lot of time and money. Unfortunately, coverage of health insurance is limited..only confinement is allowed. So, every Doc visits we pay in cash..:-/ . Our savings is for the baby Not for the Doctors..
on Saturday..

_Elle_ Excellent idea, the doc will explain it to your hubby. My doc said 40% the problem is in MEN..its better to know early to start the medications/vitamins if needed...The one thing i regret...we should work it out the first month we failed.. :-(
to your sis!. Oh that nurse intern?..she/he must check the viens before inserting the make sure the blood goes out in one shot..

_bug_Oh i dont understand Why there's doc like that? Or What kind of policy they have? Pay before the consultation? Here That's prohibited...he's license will terminated. It made me waiting for the results..sorry for not getting the answers.

DestinyStarr_LOL!, Yeah dh preparing..he takes the vitamis regularly..morning and night.. I remember one time he asks me if "he can take my folic acid too", ..crazy!!
I hope, this week your have a super O with a enjoyable bding ..

fara dear..HELLO!!

_mrspw_rub ur belly for me and say "hi" ur lil bean..

to all!!

12 years ago

Hi girls, can I join?

I loved the title and original post of this thread.

I am currently on CD28 and 1-3 days late for AF for me. I took a test this morning and it was negative, but then I found out it only detects 100MIU.

Good luck to everyone!!

12 years ago

Elle, yes it was a nightmare and this whole month has been. Ugn. Af seems like she will be late. As I still haven't O'd and not sure when to expect her. Sorry about your blood donatation experience.

Katie, I totally agree with everything you have said and asked. I'm going to make sure my DH gets checked right away. They even have home kits you can order offline as well. I tell my DH that I think its a combination between the two of us thats the reason why we haven't gotten pregnant. So, he's on maca to help his swimmers out and since I"m seeing the doc he's going to test right away as well. Since, he chews tobacco and I have ready that can have a major effect on swimmers.

Mrspw, thank you. I do have an appointment already set up for the 26th of januray only a week away. I was just glad they had one open that soon. Hope your LO is all snugged in tight and your U/s is fine.

Cleo, I totally don't understand anything but like I told Mrspw, I have an appointment already set up at a new docs office. I to haev to pay cash cause I don't have insurance.

Welcome, Airline. Fx'd you get that BFp soon.

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12 years ago • Post starter

hey ladies sorry i havent been on much in the process of doing a spring cleaning of a sorts and packing will be moving soon trying to purge all that nonsenses we collect in day to day life lol i dont realize how much stuff this family accumulates in one year but it feels good to purge and start anew even though i really hate moving and seems like we have been doing it once a year just looking for the right home for us thought this was it but guess not im not living here and paying all this rent just to have everything break and not get fixed its a shame such a nice house and neighborhood but cant be helped hopefully our new house will be home for a very long long time lol holding off on TTC til after we get settled

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12 years ago

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