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March 2016 IUI/IVF

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Here we go ladies! Baby dust to all and can't wait for positive news from EVERYONE this month regardless of what it is!! XOXO

63 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hoping, so nice that you are moving to the next step, i hope IVF will work for you! Until then I advise you to have a very good time and enjoy yourself! I say it all the time! I had to wait long from last IUI till IVF and i did everything to enjoy myself. I am sure that has helped us and maybe raised the possibilities for success!

Jmolo, enjoy intercourse and i hope soon to have a BFP! Good luck dear!

Mrsford, welcome and good luck! I am sure you find this bowrd very helpful! Stay in touch!

Babypath, how injections are going?

Bens, fingers crossed! I am sure it is gonna be a BFP! Try to spend the 2ww with joy!

AFM, i am ok, babies, esp the boy are very active. I am so happy feeling them kicking! I get tired very easily and I have backpains. I dont complain, the only thing i want is babies to be ok.
Next week i will have a specialized scan which checks for abnormalities and heart problems.

Babypath, you asked me about names! We havent discussed this yet! In Greece picking names is a hard task.... as usually grandparents' names are given! And this usually brings families in bad situations! Everybody wants his/her name to be given!
We are not obliged to name them on the delivery date, we can do this later, so we just avoid to discuss it now. We just want them to be healthy!

8 years ago

Hey ladies,

I just wanted to pop on and wish everyone a happy easter. It's been super quiet on here so I'm hoping everyone is keeping busy.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Keth- Thanks for the luck! Keep your fingers crossed that we actually get to the IUI stage for the first time since November! I can't believe they're kicking and so active! And I didn't know that about Greek names. Thanks for the lesson :)

Bens- how are you feeling after transfer? When do you test? Thanks for the luck! Thinking of you too!


MrsFord- How are you feeling on Clomid? It can be a bit nasty!

Jfmolo- have fun the old fashioned way! We had quite the crazy mix up with the injections this weekend because of the instructions from the dr's office (basically, they said to make sure I had enough for the planned dosage plus one extra night based on my next appointment. I did that, but the appointment was Saturday, so when I needed more than that I couldn't get more meds sent until Tuesday from the specialty pharmacy) and ended up driving a bit over 5 hours yesterday to pick up another follistim vial from a pharmacy that had one in stock a few states away.

Hoping- hooray for big leagues! We doubled the injection dosage after the first follow up appointment, but they're going well with the exception of yesterday's adventure and the pen jamming on Saturday night (so I'm not entirely sure of how the dosage went Saturday). Metformin is actually a diabetes medicine but it is sometimes used for PCOS to help quality egg development. Today I'm starting my first double dose (soon it will be a triple dose daily).

afm- Today is CD13. I've had two blood/US workups on CD7 and CD11 and both showed a whole lot of nothing really happening and low estradiol levels. Saturday was CD 11 and when I went in I had 4 follies that were thinking about responding, with 8/9/9/10 all on one side and nothing on the other. I continue with follistim and metformin and will be back on Wednesday (CD15) for the next check. Hopefully it's trigger that night and IUI Friday. I'm a little nervous being pushed out that far given what happened last time, but with such a lack of response I'm trying to trust them. Like I said above, we had a really crazy adventure yesterday for additional follistim (again, due to poor work from my clinic... frustrating), but it turned out. Maybe we just needed a little extra insanity for it to work this time.

8 years ago

2moms2be - Hi! I am on day 4 of Clomid...

Day 1 - I had a headache (but I had a headache off and on for a couple days before so not sure if it was the clomid or left over from that)
Day 2 - EVERYTHING hurt my feelings! I felt like I could burst into tears at any moment... I actually said to my Hubby "what's wrong with me?"... then I remembered mood swings was a side effect...
Day 3 - Yesterday I was having major hot flashes! We were shopping and I had to strip down to my tank top I had under my sweater just to make it around the store :S
Day 4 (today) - I only took my dose a few hours ago and so far so good! Haha

I have noticed my BBT is slightly higher than my normal Pre-O temps so I assume it is from the Clomid but I guess time will tell. I am to start OPKs on CD9 and I have a U/S on CD12 and presumably the IUI around CD15 unless my cycle changes things up with the meds.

Thanks for checking in :)

8 years ago

MrsFord- that all sounds about right! I cried at everything on Clomid and I remember the hot flashes! I usually took it at night to try to get around some of the side effects while asleep... though sometimes that meant waking up in the middle of the night from hot flashes!

8 years ago

MrsFord - good luck on this cycle and dealing with Clomid! I've never used clomid, but hear from some of the others that it's a brat!

2moms - so sorry to hear about your insane injections and all! I hope all gets better for you!

Keth - very interesting on the Greek naming history, I had no idea! I don't blame you for not wanting to think about it right now :) Glad to hear babies are doing great and active for you!

Margie - thank you for the Easter wishes, how was your weekend?

Bens - it's been 5 days, have you tested!??? Thinking of you!

DMon - did you have your IUI over the weekend? How is your cycle going?

Hoping - best of luck to you on your goal! I have faith in you :-)

AFM - we haven't started injections yet this cycle, to answer your earlier question, Keth. We go in for baseline a week from tomorrow, so injections should start 3 days after that. I have seen so many pregnancy announcements lately. Also, one of my friends daughters just found out she's having triplets! I'm ready to be able to announce mine again!

Also, since she hasn't been on in a while to announce, While had her baby last Thursday! I was going to let her make her own announcement on here, but I'm sure she's busy being mommy and I wanted to let you all know!

Has anyone heard from Chaffins or Basia lately??

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi All - I am definitely not testing until this weekend, probably sunday. But I feel positive - I feel like it worked but I don't want to allow myself to get too excited just yet... trying to stay even keeled... I had a dream last night about my grandfather (one of my guardian angels) and that I was pregnant. I felt happy when I woke up....

8 years ago

2moms, I really want to hear positive news from you. I hope for a last minute response and successful IUI. Fingers crossed! Stay in touch, I ll be waiting for your news.

Bens, I am positive for you too! I wish this weekend will be super for you with great positive news! I am looking forward!

babypath, I though you had started the injections. I am wishing you the best luck!
As about While, I am so happy for her! Succeeded stories are always making me happy! I hope this board will soon be full of announcements of positive tests, good pregnancies and deliveries of healthy babies!

Mrs Ford, clomid made me feel hot too! Dont worry about that! Best luck for the rest!

Margie, Happy Easter for you too! I hope everything will go perfect for you!

8 years ago

Thanks Keth. It means a lot!

I went in this morning CD15 and somehow have even less going on than Saturday, now showing just a 12 and an 8. They're planning to continue low dose injections and the metformin through CD17 and have me back on Saturday CD18. I'm trying to be hopeful, since when I was just doing OPKs at home the surge wouldn't come until around CD29 and I've heard that slow and steady wins the race when using PCOS and injectables. Realistically though I'm not sure how far we'll get.

8 years ago

Update- they've upped my injections dosage again because the estradiol level came back so low. I'm still going in on Saturday for another check of u/s and blood.

We asked the nurse why we'd see fewer, and she said sometimes they regress (the 8/9/9/10 on Saturday to 8 & 12 today was not great news). She said not to worry, as long as they're still seeing growth we keep moving forward. Easy for her to say I guess.

8 years ago

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