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Fingers Crossed for January 2015 babies!

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Hello ladies!

I didn't see a new January board so I created one. If there is one already created, feel free to post the link in a comment.

I'm 27 and my DH is 28. We have been married for three and a half years and are trying for our first baby. This cycle will mark 2 years for us ttc. We went through 6 unsuccessful rounds of clomid and have suffered through 2 chemical pregnancies and an early miscarriage. His semen analysis came out perfectly and all of my bloodwork and ultrasounds have come out normally. My doctor thinks it might be a blood clotting issue, but unfortunately my insurance won't cover the tests I need to test for that until I have 3 DOCUMENTED losses. Only 2 of my losses have been documented. So, I'm just taking a low dose aspirin and hoping for the best. Getting that BFP is a great feeling, but it's pointless if I can't STAY pregnant.

In addition to taking a low dose aspirin, I'm also taking a prenatal vitamin and evening primrose oil. I'm also going to give immune suppression control another shot this cycle, which goes something like this:

Starting at 3 DPO:
Morning: 1 Claritin and 1 Pepcid
Evening: 1 Benadryl and 1 Pepcid

I haven't been charting for several months now, but if I don't get pregnant this cycle, I'm going to start again next cycle. I have not had much luck with OPKs, but I may give them another shot too.

So, what about you ladies? Is this your first baby you are trying for? What have you tried? I love to hear everyone's stories!

Fingers crossed and baby dust for January 2015 babies!

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

97 Replies • 10 years ago



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YAY my temp finally rose above 98! I was starting to wonder if it would. Lets just hope it stays up. Still have a feeling I am going to end up getting my Lap done. But, trying to hold out for some hope that I get my !!!

claudiamarie23: I hope you get your smiley soon too!

Prinder: You had mentioned you were at CD13 yesterday! Keeping my for you too!

As for the rest of us I truly hope we all get our

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

10 years ago

@Lolo OMG, that's great! Keeping my that you have that ! I'm actually DPO 15 today and today is the day I'm expecting to see , that it doesn't show up before Sunday - that is the absolute soonest I'm going to let myself test. to you!

10 years ago

Hey again ladies!

Just a quick update from me - we did get a positive hpt earlier this week but then AF showed up. Blood work is confirming a chemical pregnancy so we are out this month. If there is a silver lining, it is that this should count as our third loss meaning we'll qualify for coverage for chromosomal testing.

Good luck to you all and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

10 years ago

@cosmoholic im sorry :( but like you said there is a silver lining and youll get you BFP soon enough!

@prinder fx that af stayssss away!

@lolo eek same to you! hoping for you BFP! im still waiting for my biggg smiley. i got super down yesterday cuz no smiley and no smiley today either. still hoping itll show tomorrow

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

Hey ladies,

This is my first time commenting on a discussion board. I fear I have become so concerned with getting pregnant my husband and my poor sister (who are stuck talking to me all the time) are kinda over hearing it every month. Plus it's not my intention to ruin the experience for my husband by being obsessive, so I turn to all of you. Future Moms that all seem to be in a similar boat as me.

My husband and I were married this past October. I haven't been on BC in years so that wasn't an issue. We started actively trying to conceive in February. I've downloaded at least 4 apps to help me find my fertile window. I'm always very regular, period every 29 days. But haven't been successful yet. This month we tried OPK. Ironically, I must ovulate very early, we got a positive OPK April 27th/28th, just a few days after my AF ended. Every app or means of narrowing down my fertile window stated I would ovulate a full week after I got the +OPK. I wonder have we been missing our window this whole time?

I'm 10dpo and so nervous excited to see if we were successful this time. I'm trying to wait it out until May 17th to test, but it's getting hard. Yesterday 9dpo I felt exhausted all day with a constant queasiness that wouldn't go away. I was sadly excited about this thinking maybe I'm pregnant. Today I woke up totally fine, and am kinda bummed about it.

Hopefully, I can report back with good news within the next week. Wishing all you ladies the best of luck. ð???ð???

10 years ago

@MK i totally understand the feeling. my wife and i had this convo last night because shes stressing out because i am and i told her there times where i dont want to talk to her about it because i dont want my stress to become hers. so i love coming here because you all are on the same boat

goodluck to you! dont lose hope i know its easy to do trust me im there lol

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

@cosmoholic I'm so sorry to hear that. You're really amazing to be able to look on the bright side of things right now. You have all of our support, of course. Hopefully this brings just the help you need.

@claudiamarie Thanks, hopefully it does. The day is more or less over for me now and no sign of it yet - but the night is still young so don't go shooting off fireworks with my name anytime soon! How are you hanging in there?

@MKWeber Welcome aboard! I'm a newbie here too, so you're in good company. It's possible you're someone who does O early, but now that you know you can make some plans, if you see what I'm saying? Halfway to a solution is, after all, understanding the problem. We have the same number of Cycle days, though I'm already due for to come along and bring me back down to reality. It can be so hard not to get overly fixated on symptoms, but keep in mind sometimes they can and do come and go at will so don't go getting too discouraged. It isn't over until it's over. and I'll keep my for you! That's the really nice thing about these boards, is that we can share with others who really understand what we're going through and are 100% behind us every step of the way.

10 years ago

@prinder im hanging. i get sader each day that goes by with no smiley ugh so frustrating. but i still have tomorrow so well see.

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

@claudiamarie It's really demotivating sometimes, just waiting for the right signs - sometimes I swear I feel like I'm trying to read tea leaves for all the clarity CM gives me. I can't imagine how frustrating it is for you right now.

10 years ago

@prinder yea im really trying not to let it get to me but of course you know thats hard lol im just ready to do my IUI

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

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