Community post


Feeling sad, discouraged, and empty

Hey all,

I know I'm supposed to be staying positive throughout all this, but I can't help but feel discouraged. My husband and I have been trying since the end of May, which isn't as long as a lot of you, but my heart is starting to feel so heavy. I didn't go into this thinking that I was going to get pregnant right away. I read quite a few books when we decided to start trying, so I knew there was no need to panic if this process did take 6 months to a year.

I just really felt like this was my month. Everything felt right. Post ovulation, my symptoms included, swollen and tender breasts, bloating, heartburn, nausea, and a sore throat. Unfortunately, I got that dreaded BFN this morning.

And I know I'm just feeling sorry for myself right now, but it's so difficult to look through rose colored glasses during this whole process. It just seems like pregnant women are everywhere and my body just keeps failing me. I don't want anyone to think I'm giving up hope, because I'm far from that. I just needed to vent and cry for a minute. Fingers crossed that this will happen for all of us. It can be hard sometimes and we're all allowed our moments of weakness. Christmas time is especially difficult.

Baby dust and sticky vibes to all.

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

2 Replies • 11 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Replies

I know exactly what you mean! My husband and I have also been trying since May! I came off my BC in December, so this was well thought out and planned. Still nothing. We have recently went to my OB and I have had a few tests ran. Everything was fine. It's the waiting game. I am going to take a test this Saturday! My period is due on Tuesday.

Seems that when you are trying to get pregnant, people are having "ooppss" and others are getting pregnant with no problem. We don't understand why things work the way they do.

11 years ago

I know this post is 2 weeks old but this is exactly how I am feeling right now. I am currently 12dpo and AF is expected in 2 days. I have been having some symptoms on and off but nothing to call home about. I have never been preggo no nothing to really compare it to. But and my DH have also been trying since May. I mean actively trying....I mean I have been charting and tracking my O day but we haven't been doing anything to prevent pregnancy for over 3 years and nothing. I don't know if I should be worried. Neither one of us have kids and I want to be able to have a family with him. I am so bummed right now. Could be b/c of impending AF but I could literally cry right now good luck and lots of to you

11 years ago

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