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June 2014 Baby, Maybe?

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Here we go, again, Ladies!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

905 Replies • 10 years ago



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Ok I'm officially here. Sometimes you just know when a cycle is a bust and I haven't bd'ed during my fertile window so into June. Not sure what my edd would be but I'm guessing the end of June.

Cycle 29 or 2 years two months or so TTC for me. Thyroid problem for me which is controlled by medicine and low motility for dh. Not sure if there is anything else. I have further fertility testing starting in November.

10 years ago

Hello all -
I am still officially on the May board, however, took two tests and both were BFN and AF is due today...just waiting for her arrival!

I kinda figured last month was a bust because we didn't bd very much and everything just seemed off. Ever have one of those months? Ugh...I feel like I am back on track now thank goodness!

Thanks for the info about folic acid too...I take a vitamin with folic acid in it but maybe I need a little extra? AND maybe DH needs to take some too? Some thing more to think about!

Yay for June babies! GL everyone!

10 years ago

PBC Sorry the witch got ya!

Hopeful, FX for you this cycle... my RE has me taking my prenatal and 4 mg of folic acid... it is a lot of pills because I buy them over the counter and they are in micrograms... LOL! It was interesting trying to figure that one out with the pharmacist. Ha!

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10 years ago

Thanks Cristi - how are you? Has the left the building? Fx'd for you! Question for much folic acid does your prenatal have? I feel so dumb but I never paid attention to how much is in mine before and maybe I need a little extra? I think I just saw that it had folic acid and thought I was ok. Oops!

10 years ago

Hey everyone. Been silently stalking you all as im still on the may board. Only day 15'right now so few more weeks before i will be able to officially join by which time, some of you will have left :( Happy and sad reasons for leaving though. Anyways, good luck to you all

10 years ago

hopeful - my prenatal has 1mg (1000mcg). I take that plus 2mg straight folic acid. I buy it over the counter also, and it IS a lot of pills!

10 years ago

Thanks jennavee - now I am curious and will have to see how much is in my prenatals at home. If I had to guess...I bet it isn't very much and probably should add some to my daily regimen!

10 years ago

Jenavee: what prenatal do you take? Mine only has 800mcg of folic acid...

AFM: still in May, but over here too lurking/waiting to see what happens. Temp went up to 97.5, no idea what is going on still. Got another blazing pos opk today, negative hpt. Who knows, could be ovulating today, could be 8dpo, its in the hands of mother nature now :)

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Acrichton: mother natures knows what she does!
Fx that this is it for u!

I'm still waiting for af. Has not come yet...
Frustrating! I can't wait to start a new cycle.
But she should be here soon...

Baby dust to all!!!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Cristi - oh no she hasn't shown up. I am just thinking I have missed the window since I ovulated early and didn't bd and my opk was negative. Who know though!

10 years ago

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