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Cycle day 10...Which TWW is worse?!

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Ugh! I am on day 10 of my cycle and am going insane waiting for ovulation! This is my first round on femara and is also my first month of obsessively thinking about getting pregnant. So which wait is the worst? I feel like once the ovulation wait is over a whole new level of crazed waiting will begin. Anyone else around cycle day 10 who wants to ride this out together?

31 Replies • 12 years ago



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lyric36 - I've had a busy day today, took my daughter to a museum with my sister, nephew, mam and grandma. We saw a t-rex and egyptian mummies etc. I'm worn out now lol!

yesterday and today I've had lower right abdominal pains and today some cramping.

6/7dpo - lol

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

@elle yay for keeping busy... and i hope you had fun!!!!

pains and cramps never sounded so good during the tww eh??? keeping my & wishing you lots of

When do you plan on testing? i can't wait to get into the tww!!!

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12 years ago

lyric - I did say I was going to wait and see of AF was late and I got to CD50 as I hate seeing but realisitically I think it'll be the end of the month/early June.

You can test accurately at 14dpo though which would be... 27th/28th of May

hmmm... who knows O'll see how long I can resist POAS haha the pains are concerning me slightly like maybe I have a cycst/ectopic starting or maybe appendix problems?

I'm having an ultrasound on Tuesday which would show cycsts so I'll have to wait.

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Hello all! I managed to escape the baby obsession somewhat this weekend but am back in force now. I still don't have a positive OPK and am on CD 15. I'm starting to think that the femara isn't going to work for me. Stupid ovaries!

Elle---things are sounding optimistic! Any new signs?

Lyric, mrsswift and others---hope you are all doing well. Keep us informed!

12 years ago • Post starter

@elle: Oh my i hope that's NOT really the case for you and hoping your testing will come back with great news!!!

@jeanm i know what you mean by "stupid ovaries" i normally have a positive opk by cd11 or 12 and today is cd13 ugh becoming frustrated.

AFM: ladies having a little problem. i took soy cd4-8 (could be why im NOT ovulating yet) and cd8 i had cramping thinking i was about to o then cd9 i had light pink spotting for a couple of hours then nothing NOW cd10-today (cd13) dark red spotting not @ the moment of worrying yet oh and i used softcup after b'd cd11 and it had some blood in it. i really think i screwed my cycle up this time so as for now im waiting it out. i have no pains & no cramping. Any ideas???

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12 years ago

Hey ladies I Went to Dr today for US and Dr seen NOTHING in my left ovary and 2 10mm follicles in right ovary! Not good and going back Friday for another US. Hopefully I just O'd late! If she does not see anything Friday then I will start my provera again and she will up my clomid to 100mg!

Hope every one is well and GL!

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

I decided to take the plunge and POAS this morning. I got a BFN. I am on CD 30 and haven't been visited by AF yet, but this is my first cycle off of the pill, so I have forgotten what my regular cycle is. My guess is that my DH and I will have to keep trying. Even so, I still think the TWW was more entertaining than waiting for ovulation, even though it has a bigger let-down in the end.

Now, all I'm noticing is pictures of friend's babies or updates on their pregnancy. Good luck to all of you! I'm hoping you have a better outcome than myself this month.

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12 years ago

Okay, ladies! We need updates! Several of you went to appointments this week...what did you learn? Elle, what were the pains you were feeling? Lyric, mrsswift and all...what's happening? Diana, sorry for the BFN. Don't give up hope!

I'm on CD 19, no ov yet, and burning ovaries. Whatever that means...

12 years ago • Post starter

@ Jean I went back to the Dr on Friday and she said I did in fact O and I am currently 6 DPO I have been testing with FMU sense 1DPO and still nothing! I am just doing it for my own log that I have decided do do during this journey! Hope all is well with every one!

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

Mrsswift--great news! So how does the dr know you ovulated? Was it a blood test? Also what is FMU? I still don't know if I ovulated or not. The OPK never gave me a positive. However, the ovary pain and burning that lasted about three days has stopped. I wonder if that was it?

12 years ago • Post starter

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