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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 7 years ago



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Hi All!

Lucky exciting times ahead! Happy for you that every got sorted!
Afm I caved in and tested at 9dpo on frer and clear blue early. Frer is totally bfn. Clear blue almost 100percebt sure it s BFM but there might have been a glimpse of a shadow. I m not hopeful as those test say you can start testing 5 days before period which was today for me. : (
I kept one test for tomorrow but i still have no symptoms so will likely end in the February baby group... ahhh I was hopeful bc I heard people are more fertile after mc and we bded on all fertile days. I ll let you know if anything changes tomorrow with my last frer.

Have a nice day!!

7 years ago

Lucky : that's a good point about my recent surgery. I didn't think of that.

Dandy : so far I have lost 28 lbs in 6 weeks. Finally starting to really see it.

Marie : fingers crossed that that shadow turns into a bfp for you.

As for me, I am spending the weekend at Great Wolf Lodge water park. We're having a blast with the kids. I probably won't test again until tomorrow night.

7 years ago

Hi all,

I hope you had a nice and relaxing week end.

Dandy I hope the flooding has subsided and all has come back to normal.

Me i tested yesterday again and it was bfn so am moving on to next cycle. My best friend just told me she got pregnant I am so happy for her but had hoped we could be together... trying to stay positive : )

I am rooting for you girls and hope this cycle will be a lucky one

Cronins how is it going with you and your tests?

Have a nice Monday! Xxx

7 years ago

Good morning all. Yes Marie flooding has went down for the most part and roads are almost all back open. Just a few have damage from the rushing water. Sorry about the bfn. Maybe you will only be a month behind your friend and can still do pregnant stuff together : )
Lucky, what the next step now? Just waiting on the money at this piont or waiting for baseline?
Cronins how do your tests look? Any symptoms yet?
Afm. Enjoyed dhs day off yesterday. We traveled a couple hours to pick up some ducks eggs. Hehe. Im hooked. Baby ducks are the cutest things ever. Ive been wanting some for our pond. No baby chicks over the weekend. Going out to feed and check on them in a fee. Going to get some starts for my garden today since things are drying out. Started bc yesterday. Im trying to remember how long it took af to show after finishing last time. Think it was just a couple days.

7 years ago • Post starter

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Here are my tests from this morning. OPK is still positive and HPT looks negative. I think that I may have an ovarian cyst and that's why my OPK is positive. What a pain in the butt lol. Not sure how many dpo I am as it keeps looking like I've ovulated everyday lol. Oh well, I guess I will continue testing and see how the rest of this cycle turns out. I think that I am going to start trying to temp, just to see if I can start pin pointing ovulation better.

Dandy: Glad the flood waters are easing up for you. Good for you for getting so much outside work done. Here's to hoping AF will show up for you soon.

Marie sorry about the bfn. It always stinks when that happens, especially when we have our hearts set on a bfp. Fingers crossed for the next cycle for you. That way you and your friend can be pregnant together.

Lucky: How are you doing? Preparing financially for June babies?

7 years ago

Cronins. Temping does help a lot especially in these situations. I looked back on mine when I had positive opks 6 days in a row n had a temp spike after the second day. In one case anyway. Lol.
Im think Ill order my opks tmrw when my day slows down. I still have lots of planting left. Came in for a break then clean up the house a bit before dh comes home. Then we will be back outside lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies,

Back to work today for me, booooo! I would be so much better off if I could stay home until I get pregnant lol:-) Nothing new for me, emailed my nurse with a bunch of questions, but once I get the money I'm good and hopefully that will be soon. I might start bc this next cycle to synchronize my cycle and the donors cycle but not sure. I am still so excited and feel really good about this. I am so ready for these babies!
Cronins I bet you do have a cyst or its your body getting used to all the changes with your weight. Hopefully it will get less confusing soon. When I temped I could tell when I ovulated.
Dandy- you do bcp for 10 days? I hope that chicken has those babies soon. I want to see pics.
Maria sorry about the bfn, how disappointing. Hopefully this next cycle will be the rainbow baby :-)

7 years ago

Good morning ladies,

How is everyone doing today?

It's cool here but very sunny. Going to do some marathon laundry today. Have l a ton to do because we were away for the weekend. As for me, nothing new yet. Opk's are still positive and hpts are negative. Looks like it's going to be a waiting game until AF rears her ugly head. Looking forward to temping with the new cycle so that I can better pinpoint ovulation. Maybe the cyst we I'll resolve by next cycle.

7 years ago

Lucky, boo for back to work for sure! I was wandering how that would work with a fresh donor. How will you sync your cycle? Im still hoping for baby chicks any day. I plan on trying to " candle" them when she gets off to eat tmrw. Yes I have 10 days of bc this time too.
Cronins, thats so wierd that your opks are still positive. That's usually more my style. Lol how many days has it been now? I think my longest stretch was 9 days n I quit testing for a few days then I finally got a negative but af was only a couple days late. Hope things clear up for you soon n you get that pos hcg test. Happy Laundry Day. ; )
Afm, its so hot today. About 83 out. Didnt get much done in the garden. May take a trip with my mom tmrw to see my biological grandpa( moms bio dad) t. Hes only about an hour away.

7 years ago • Post starter

How is everyone? Yes, work sucks because now I'm back around pregnant women for 10 hours a day. Just after being back 2 days has already effected me emotionally :-( Then my mom asked about my sisters baby shower, I just can't do a baby shower at this point. Is that bad of me, I already feel guilty about all this but man I think that would push me over. I wish she would wait until end of June or beginning of July to ask when Ive got my babies in my belly. I'm sure I will feel totally different then but right now just can't. Ok, rant over and Ive already cried about it, so should be good lol.
I need to live in a vacuum until I get that bfp lol.

7 years ago

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