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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

281 - 290 of 829 Replies | Last Page

pearl325- With my boys i was sooooo nauseous and vomiting at every smell. i couldnt eat for hardly bc i just wasnt hungry due to feeling sick. even the smell of soap/detergent made me sick, With my daughter no sickness at all. just a wave of nauseous that came and went throughout the day. But with ALL PREGNANCY i always got a cold i have pictures of me always with a tissue in my hand LOL. i think its a good sign.

dragonfly-oh there are days that my DH says not to worry and days that he does lift me up with positive notes. But men are men. our emotions are different. Thats why we have the babies! LOL Maybe since its your fertile time have date night tonight or friday night. Relax and then go home and relieve some of that STRESS girl!!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I totally hear you. Men just don't have a clue what we go through each month with all these emotions and hormones. I just wish he would just talk to me when I am having a bad day but doesn't say anything but listen. Listening is good but we all need that communication to let us know we are okay. I'd say, men should carry the babies just once for the whole 9 months and then they will know exactly what we go through day after day. I totally need to destress my life as crying about it isn't going to solve anything and then my anxiety flares up and then that causes me not to eat.

@Pearl_325. I didn't have any morning sickness or nautious with my daughter. See, I can't take sleeping pills to help me sleep, so I take a half a gravol before before bed to help me sleep. Guess that could be why I didn't know I was pregnant until it came time to AF and she didn't show, but only had the constant cramping which made me test. Other than that, she was a really good girl who enjoyed poking me with her heel and the constant hiccups from time to time. Only got sick the one time and I am sure that was just based on his cooking and she didn't like it. All pregnancies are different so I am hoping that this time will be the same as last time but only time will tell.

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6 years ago

Good morning ladies hope all are well! I am currently on cd28 15dpo still no sign of AF and havent yet poas.

Also just after a bit of advice my lo 5yo has woken up feeling sick and says she feels shaky when she walks ...i have given her some dry toast and water for now however i just wanted to know if these symptoms are anything serious to worry about as shes not usually a sicky child.

Has anyone got a bfp here yet?
Baby dust <3

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery wow you have great self control! I started poas at 9dpo lol when do you think you'll test?

@dragonfly & @beaut1ful thank you so much about the nausea! Mine was definitely coming in waves throughout the day yesterday.

Happy Thanksgiving ladies! I tested this morning and BFN but I feel like I'm still not out. I usually get super intense AF cramps and then within a few hours she comes. But starting yesterday I have had milder cramps on and off and still no bleeding. I'm hoping this is a good sign and not a rogue period just messing with me!

Hope everyone has a great day with family and food!

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6 years ago

Hey Pearl i have no self control lol thats why my hubby has litrally banned me from the pharmacy isle in the shops lol!! I would have been testing from last week however i guess it saves the heartache especially as my cycles are all over the place now! Have you tested today? Sorry as i am in the UK i dont underatand what thanksgiving is however i wish u all a lovely day xxx

6 years ago

Oh yeah may i add i woke up at 3:30am feeling sick and struggled to get back to sleep for any symptom spotters im 15dpo.

Also for fun with my 1st pregnancy (girl) morning afternoon evening 24/7 sickness lol lovely! Cravings green chili peppers and chicken burgers dr pepper and ICE in a cup to crunch on. Born at 37w4d 37hour labour. 6lbs1.

2nd (boy)nausea and sickness first trimester not as half as bad as my 1st and craving ice tomatoes and cereal :) Born 38 weeks 6days 2hours pushing 7lbs1. :)

Baby dust xxx

6 years ago

@Pearl_325. Your welcome. Any bit of information helps.

@MidnightMystery. When do you plan on testing? I would test soon if you are feeling sick.

AFM. CD13 and woke up with a ton of stretchy cm so I am thinking I am pretty close to ovulating. DH and I managed to BD last night. I feel like I am almost coming down with a cold as I have been sneezing a bit, and nose is slowly dripping and head feels funny. I really want to take a Neocitran today as I don't want this to come on to a bad cold and that will not put me in the mood to BD when it comes time. I hope it will be safe to take before Ovulation. Does anyone here know?

To all my American friends on here. Happy Thanksgiving. Eat lots of turkey, cabagge rolls and ham.

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6 years ago

@MidnightMystery welcome! You do have fantastic self control. I started testing at 9DPO not expecting anything but got a faint BFP. I'm 14DPO now and thankfully am still getting increasingly darker BFPs on every test I've tried so far! Since my EDD will be Aug 1, I barely squeeze into this group and didn't get to participate much since it happened so quickly.

Sending lots of and to those testing soon! I'm still here, lurking

6 years ago

@sheriskers you are so lucky to get a bfp so quick! This is taking forever for me lol.

So now I have some brown spotting. This is soooo not what happens to me ever. Every month is exactly the same with awful cramps and 1-2 hours later I get a heavy period. I'm thinking maybe this is implantation bleeding and cramps? (Fingers crossed) I will test again on Saturday if AF doesn't start.

Thanks for the happy thanksgiving wishes dragonfly!

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6 years ago

@dragonfly i think il test on cd33 sounds silly i know but my cycles used to only be 25/6 days last month i came in cd33 so to save heartache il do it then however im a cervic checker and my cervix feels as if im going to come on today or tonight although no cramps so keeping positive!x

@sheknows that is amazing so happy for you we just need to get onto your team now bfp please lol! Im cd28 15dpo my edd also 1Aug! Congractulations xx

6 years ago

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