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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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281 - 290 of 1094 Replies | Last Page

awebste ahhh cute story. That was us too, spent years trying to make our jobs, home and bank accounts "perfect" before TTC. There is always something that got into the way, that was why we said no more waiting lets do it. Thought it would be an easy thing, HA!! Yeah right!! :)

9 years ago

HAHA Randall! I love the things we do when we're young and stupid :) My ex-fiance and I met sort of like that. I was staying at a friend's house and he came over to have dinner with us. Well we all had a little too much to drink so he wanted to stay over. My friend was like "you guys can just share a bed, right?" No idea what compelled me to say yes, but I did and the rest was history. Didn't end up particularly well, but still a funny/ridiculous story.

Having some extra CM today, which I'm hoping is a good sign. Having all these days of BFN tests is getting me down though, even though I know in my head that it's still too early to get discouraged.

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9 years ago

Thanks Randall0123. Yesterday I was feeling really bad but today I feel totally fine and my boobs have all but stopped hurting at all. There's still a little part of me that thinks there's a chance but I don't know. Lol. Thanks for the encouraging words though. We're going to test on Sunday if my temps stay up. So glad you got your O! It's exciting to know when it happens. Keep us updated on what's going on and GOOD LUCK!

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9 years ago

I met my BF on OkCupid!

I had just about given up on men, and was about to take a break from the site, when he messaged me. He was the first guy that actually sent a genuine message - instead of the generic introductions that most guys send - and when he wrote back, they were always well thought out replies. It seemed like he was really putting in the effort to get to know me. It was a really busy time for me, though, so even though we started talking in November, we didn't get together until mid-January. And when we met, we had so many obscure things in common and felt like we had known each other for a long time. We actually lived about 5 minutes away from each other at the time and had been to a lot of the same places. Guess we were just meant to find each other when we did. :)

@Lolo1176, I agree! I think the reason me and my BF worked this time is because we were both honest and open in our profiles. You don't have to tell the world all of your deepest darkest secrets, but if you come off sounding generic, no one is going to want to talk to you. And if you make up lies about yourself, eventually the truth is going to come out.

@awebste - RE: Preseed. We used it a few times, once cycle, but haven't used it since. It was just awkward to have to stop, insert the tube with the stuff and then go back to what we were doing. We may give it another try, since we still have a bunch of it left.

Me: 36 BF: 37 TTC#1 since April 2013

9 years ago

marcie_pants: HA, glad I'm not the only one. :) You are testing really early, don't let it get you down, your only 10DPO that is early, hoepfully tomorrow or Sunday you will see something.

Rpope84: I am keeping my fingers crossed, try not to worry too much about it, I know that is pretty much IMPOSSIBLE!! :) I will make sure I check your chart tomorrow and Sunday, come on temps stay up there!! :)

9 years ago

Randall-- oh i know it's still really early. what i SHOULD do is stop testing, but... hahahahaha. yeah right!!

RPope-- thinking good thoughts for you! let's hope that you and i are both having our last moments of doubts before our BFPs!!

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9 years ago

Thanks marcie_pants. I'm sending you positive vibes too. I'd probably be testing a lot too, but DH has forbid me to test without him and I don't want him to get disappointed with a ton of negative tests, so that helps me hold out.

Randall0123, thanks for checking in. Hopefully () you'll see aBFP image on there Sunday. Lol

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9 years ago

RPope-- so proud of you for holding out! I think if I hadn't gotten that stash of free tests I'd have waited longer. At this rate, they'll be gone by the next cycle anyway ( I won't need to take any next cycle!!), so hopefully I can do better next month. :)

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9 years ago

On a separate note, those of you who temp-- what thermometer do you use? It seems like all the thermometers have hit and miss reviews.

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9 years ago

I am about going insane lately. Husband has been extra busy as have I. We have 4 kiddos in the house this week and its my fertile period. Makes it really difficult to find time or energy to bd. Anyways we were sitting on the couch and my husband said something about how he thinks all of our work has paid off. I only wish he understood how this all works. That being said yesterday my cm was watery and today it appears to be thickening up some so I may have already ovulated... Now the daunting task of waiting for AF to show or my BFP!

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9 years ago

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