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BFP! Babies due in May 2019 and after! I’m due in August!

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Hey ladies! of your !!!!
My name is Renée and I wanted to start a new and current group for those who finally got their and those that are due in the summer of 2019 and after!
Some info about me,
The Mirena was removed at the beginning of September, and I’m currently 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Im due in August with my 3rd child. This is my husbands first child. We were married at the end of September. Symptoms right now- I only get nauseated while riding passenger or when I’m hungry, my nipples sting but boobs are still the same size, bummer lol. I’ve been bloated beyond belief every since I found out I was pregnant and look like I’m 3 months even though baby is the size of a blueberry currently.
Now let’s see all those success stories! Look forward walking this journey with all of you!

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450 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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@confuzed thanks for being so sweet! As for me I'm 31 weeks and trucking along. No discomforts or sickness ive lost 7 pds during this pregnancy so far, it's really uneventful lol. Which is the complete opposite of every pregnancy I've had this far. I think someone upstairs has a hand in making it so smooth. Lord knows I need it right now. Because of my home situation My OBGYN is a saint and he has agreed as long as things go well he will induce me at 37 weeks on May 8th. Which would be amazing because it is my late father's birthday. How have you been doing? Is the sickness still staying away for you?
@vs I'm so happy your check up went well and I hope you are able to relax some now and enjoy that little bundle. I know it is very difficult to carry after a loss. My thoughts are with you.
@shark I'm sorry your having to deal with all this extra stress:( just know that you haven't failed your baby in anyway, sadly we have no control over the way things develop with our little ones. It took me a long time and 3 losses to accept that. But in the end I'm sure everything will be just fine :)
@ beautiful 4pds already!! He is growing great!! I haven't had an ultrasound for 8 weeks so far and the next is scheduled for 4-15 so i have no idea where my little girls weight is, I'm so jealous lol. I'm glad to hear all is doing well and the GD is under control.

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5 years ago

Vs- I’m glad your 13 week scan went great and the test came back good! I bet that is a sigh of relief being able to see your little one with things going swimmingly! Now try and sit back and enjoy the rest my dear!

Lindsay- well last time I went to the dr I had gained 10 pounds total, I then got sick and lost 5. I gained the 5 back but yesterday got sick again and lost 4. So I’m up 6 pounds total I haven’t really had an appetite with this one but I do eat. Which is ok because I was considered overweight to begin with and I’m only supposed to gain like 15-20 pounds because of it.

Shark- im so sorry you’re feeling down with the recent news, my cousin was born with a hole in his head and he is doing just fine with no Down syndrome. I haven’t personally had the gestational diabetes scare myself but I’m sure your doctors will know exactly what to do and how to control it to keep you and baby safe. You’re almost there!

Beaut- aww baby’s head is already down? That’s exciting! Can’t wait to see baby when it’s born!

As for me, found out yesterday I wil be having another boy.... I was really down and sad this time around because I was really hoping for a little girl, but I’ll be ok and get over it. Once my husband stops rubbing it in my face that is. Ugh men! Guess I just got my hopes up and ahead of myself trying to plan a mermaid nursery. But I’m ok with continuing the super hero theme. We are all pretty big super hero geeks. I don’t think I’ll try again after this since it effected me so much yesterday when we found out. Now to search boy names lol.

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5 years ago • Post starter

@renee I'm sorry you didn't get your little girl but a little boy is a great blessing so Congratulations!! You look so beautiful!! Love that pic!

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5 years ago

Vs- What a relief to hear things are great and congrats on finally reaching that 13 week milestone..that's what it felt like for me anyway!

Shark- im so sorry to hear your news and completely understand how you would be feeling. Please try not to blame yourself for any of these results, unfortunately we cannot influence the development of little bubba and nothing you have done would have caused these conditions, i will be thinking of you!

Beaut- aww baby’s head is already down? That’s exciting! Can’t wait to see baby when it’s born!

Renee - i'm sorry you didn't get the result you were hoping for but i'm still so excited for and you look absolutely stunning my dear.

As for me, I am just so happy that bubba boy is healthy and that i'm finally starting to show a decent bump which what i've been looking forward to most! I'll try and post a decent photo as i'm 16 weeks on Friday!

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, thank you all for your kind words. I went out this weekend and bought the first baby outfit and I can’t describe it but it felt so good. We are finally planning a future for this baby. I cant wait until our next appointment when we find out the gender and maybe I´ll go crazy and go out and buy the whole store!!
@Renee I can totally get why you wanted a baby girl since you already have a boy. But on the bright side you are always going to be the center of attention at home. I have a couple of friends that have two boys, and most of them had your same reaction when they found out about the gender during their second pregnancies, but now they are as happy as they could be.
@Samantha I’m happy that you are already showing. I started wearing maternity pants a couple of weeks ago, but they are huge on me. I’m wearing them mostly because all my other pants where uncomfortable on my belly but not really because I’m showing. I kind of want to start showing too, but I have only put on 1.5kg so I think I wont show until I’m at least 20 weeks.
@Shark Im really sorry about the bad news. Not that this is going to make things any better but I do want to say that I have a cousin with down syndrome so I know that heart defects can be a complication, but as well I can tell you its not always present. As many have said, you can still have a heart defect and be perfectly healthy in every other aspect. Try and stay positive and trust your doctors, its all you can really do right now.
@Confuzed How is your morning sickness going? My obgyn told me the nauseas are supposed to go away as soon as the second trimester started, but tomorrow I start week 14 and Im still nauseas all day every day. What test did they perform to check for HG, Im a little scared I might have it too.
@Beautiful Im sorry about the gestational diabetes I hope they are getting it under control. On the other hand Im really happy that the head is already facing down, everything is just on track!
@Rooroo It would be really nice for you guys to have your baby on the day of your father´s birthday, it would be a special way to remember him every year, and for your baby to have some connection with his grandfather.
Sorry for the long message I just wanted to address everyone’s latest posts, I never have the time to write to everyone separately and Im happy to finally be able to do it.

5 years ago

Hi ladies! Happy to see everyone :) I'm finally growing a bit of a bump.. yay! And starting to think of names... which I suck at apparently. At this rate baby will be no name lol

5 years ago

Hi girls. Love reading all your positive stories! I wanted to drop in and wish you all good luck as I will be leaving this board. We were diagnosed with a blighted ovum at 7 weeks. I'm now just waiting for my cycle to reset so we can try again. Good luck to everyone and thanks as always for all of the love and support!

5 years ago

I am so sorry to hear the sad news lissa. My thoughts are with you at this time and wish you all the luck in your next cycle.
Much love.

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5 years ago

16 weeks tomorrow and experiencing the craziest feeling.
I feel like i am completely full after a huge meal but i have been feeling this all morning, i tried snacking and drinking water but the feeling remains, perhaps its ligament pain or bubs is growing? I've been pretty regular so i don't think it's constipation. Has anyone felt something similar? Looking forward to some possible answers!

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5 years ago

I get that feeling randomly! Last night I felt so full when I went to bed even though I hadn't eaten for hours. I just figured something was getting g stretched or moved. I tend to get it more at night, i am 15 weeks

5 years ago

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