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July 2015 Babies!

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I am out for June so why not create July board.

Good luck girls :)


Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

1008 Replies • 9 years ago



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Wow! I just love being able to see everyone! Just like Nicole said, just as beautiful as I had imagined!

Nicole: I may try that at another time, but I am too fed up with it right now.

awebste: It took exactly 5 weeks for AF to show up with me. I did get the brown CM though about a week before I started, so maybe that is what it is. Hopefully anyway!

I didn't think I would have been strong either, I really suprised myself. I do still think about it and see other girls who were close to date with where I was and that still gets me everytime. All we can do is keep on trying.

Basia: I don't know how long I will leave mine up. At first, I was trying to be all private about TTC, but now I am just like, whatever. LOL. :)

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Hi ladies,

Stupid CTP site went down when I was just about to post my replies to everyone and my update...hate when that happens. Sorry if my comments are on the late needed a break after typing all that for nothing...

Well, I went in this morning to give a urine sample. Still waiting for the results. Wonder how long it takes to find out if I have an infection? If I don't hear anything soon I will call. Granted I see the doc tomorrow so I guess I will find out then too. I hate waiting. :?

I hate when you go into the Lab for a test like this and can't give enough. But yet that morning when you wake up and even after when you get home or get to work it is so much more than the little bit you were able to give. Hope it was enough for them to find out if I have a problem.

It's funny I actually feel like an old car. You know when you take a car into the garage to get fixed and then whatever was wrong with it seems to be gone and the guys there can't figure out whats wrong because suddenly it's working just fine...but later that day or the next day it starts acting up again? That is how I felt this morning. Last night I was in pain so I caved and took some Ibuprofin. This morning I barely felt a thing to where I even questioned if I should bother going in for the test...but then I was worried that if I didn't then I would feel it later. Glad I did because I hurt now. I might take some more Ibuprofin here soon.

jjgibson: My doctor has me using Clearblue LH Surge Digital tests. I don't like guessing and trying to figure out when I am O'ing or seeing a possible +OPK. With that being said I didn't see a +OPK in the past 2 months. I think I am having short surges. If you do decide to go that route...don't buy them at Walgreen's, they rip you off. For the same price you can get the at Walmart and they give you more than double (almost triple) the amount of tests in the box! My box can last 3-4 months!

marcie_pants: Yea, I don't think I could handle the heartache. This is why I am waiting to see how my friends do it and if we consider it, it won't be for at least a few years if we do something like that. This may sound selfish but I really want my own.

DanielleH13: I have been trying to think if I have changed anything in my diet. Honestly I can't think of anything. It's really annoying. Sadly I can't blame the coffee...I don't drink it enough. Maybe a couple of cups a week. So doubt that's it. But thanks for the advice.

mrshas0401: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you get your wish!

Margie_M: In the beginning of my journey I used the Clearblue Advanced Digital's as well. I liked them. I like knowing when my body was telling me I was fertile. My doctor said not to use those ones but to use the Clearblue LH Surge (pink) ones. So I switched...kinda miss the purple ones. I think it's mostly because those Advanced ones were too new and he didn't know much about them. The solid smiley is a bit annoying that it stays on the test for 2 days but in theory after you see your +OPK you aren't supposed to test anymore. The other CB ones don't do that. (Some women like to see when it goes negative)

If I missed anybody I am sorry!

WOW! You ladies look so young! But very beautiful pictures! I don't have the patience to try and put up a pic right now...sounds too

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Lolo: Hopefully they will have plenty to let you know if you have an infection. I don't know how long that would take. Sorry that you are in pain..

I have to rant for a moment. I just got my ER bill in the other day. All together my charges are $2,024.00!!! Out of pocket was just $706.00, but I only had blood work and a vag U/S. I just can't believe it costs that much!!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Mrshas: Birthday sex! Birthday sex!

Lolo: I'd call first thing in the morning, it doesn't take that long. My doctor told me the results of mine and my blood Hcg test within 4 hours.

awebste: You ARE strong! Never doubt yourself

Basia: Yea! I'll leave mine up for a few days as well

Bumpin: I hear ya on the privacy thing lol. I'm actually surprised at how many of y'all decided to do it! Like Basia said, I'll probably change mine back in a few days. It's been great!

I just paid my ER bill, and it was about the same for the same procedures: $775

Tigerlily: I really want a tat. DH was not too excited, but decided the decision should be mine. I already know exactly what I want and where I want it - a SMALL section of sheet music on my side ribcage. I've emailed a local guy, and am waiting to set up an appointment for 2 weeks from now. I'll know then if I'm pg or not. I'd love to cancel because I am, but I'd also love the tattoo!

9 years ago

Nicole2014 I have 4 tats and working on my 5th.. it's so hard to stop once you start lol.. but my next will be a memorial for my sister emma and best friend joe.. then hopefully FX my last one will be 3 names of all my children. .

Me 34 DH 34 Jan 1998 DS Sept 2004 DS TTC #3

9 years ago

So I finally have the photo in.. I think anyway. that was a pain in the butt.

Nicole and Bumpin - Holy cow. thats a lot of money. I didn't even realize these tests cost so much.

lolo - I would have liked to have know when it ended but I'm happy either way that I know I O'd. With my temp not spiking I was beginning to wonder. I hope you get better soon. I often feel like I'm an old car, I keep joking to DH that I need to trade my body in for a newer model as this one keeps breaking down on me.

awebste - you never know how strong you are until you're tested and look back on what you've overcome and what you've achieved.

AFM - I've been super dehydrated this week and I'm not completely sure why. plus indigestion and an extra busy week at work means that I'm craving the weekend and sleeping in.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Damn that took FOREVER to get my picture up... Lol.

Well, DH and i went to the doctor today and she's started all of the testing. We are doing an SA, bloodwork on cd3 and an HSG on cd10. I don't know what I was hoping for by going to the doctor, but I wish we didn't have to do all these procedures. It's going to be worth it in the end though. :) I still haven't gotten a positive OPK, but I started getting eggwhites again tonight, so maybe in the next few days. That means AF is going to be late...

Sorry I'm not going to be able to answer everyone, but after spending so much time trying to upload the pictures, I'm ready for bed lol. Glad to see everyone is doing well, and good luck to everyone about to O and everyone who's in the TWW.

User Image

9 years ago

Yay RPope and Maggie!

Man guys, we are gonna make some goooood looking babies

9 years ago

Hey ladies - haven't been on too much. Injured dog, husband's dental problems, and work kept me super busy as of late. I need to be better about responding because I follow everyone's posts and always want to be active. I need to vent for a moment. I had a follow-up appt with my RE today regarding my prolactin levels. Here is basic version of our exchange:

Doctor comes in, asks how I am and...

Dr: You need an ultrasound. I was reviewing your HSG images and I think something looks off with your uterus.

Me: Mmmm, ok....

Dr: You had the HSG a long time ago, right?

Me: No, just 11 months ago.

Dr. Oh, what did the doctor say about your HSG (note that this is a teaching hospital so other Dr performed that procedure)?

Me: Said things looked good, dye spilled through my right tube but unsure about the left. Said everything else including my uterus looked good. On my follow-up with YOU, you said you thought the left tube was fine and my uterus looked fine.

Dr: Um...well...ok...yeah I think we need to get you a saline ultrasound b/c something looks off.

Grrrrr. I was too flustered to ask him to elaborate. I don't mind more testing in fact I welcome the ultrasound but thinking that this doctor said my anatomy down there was ok and now he is saying something different...that just annoys me. So I have to get the SIS (ultrasound) done in a about a week and a half. My RE is a nice man, always reassuring and telling me I am not infertile but come I'm going to worry my bits are jacked up. Good news is that my prolactin is normal without medication so that is HUGE! I am 10 DPO and I know AF is coming because my CM is picking up and my face is like a mine field.

Rant over.

Let's just hope the x-ray image is just making my uterus look funky!

9 years ago

Someday: I feel like all of it is a guessing game for them. I'm seeing the same RE I have been seeing and he wants me to get another HSG done because the last one (over a year ago) was inconclusive. They want to help, I have no doubt about that, but sometimes it feels like they are just guessing right?

9 years ago

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