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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Far from feeling better... Yesterday and today the nausea has become worse. We have a long weekend which is AMAZING! Though I need to do some work soon otherwise I will have no lessons prepared for tomorrow and that would not be good!! We had a family lunch yesterday and it was a bit awkward when most of the food wasn't suitable for me. There was cold beef and lots of salads from a deli. Fortunately there were hot chips and bread so I had plenty of that but the meat had been dished onto my plate so I got my husband to go and heat it up for me. I felt so awful as there was no way to hide what he was doing. I am now convinced my mother-in-law either suspects I am pregnant or else thinks I was turning my nose up at her cold beef for some reason. I suspect the former and when we tell them in a week or so she will probably not be surprised! We have decided to tell parents and two closest siblings after our midwife appointment in a week and a bit. It is still early days yet and I would hate to have what happened last time happen again. We would still have the support even if something did go wrong as our parents are so close. They all know about our struggles, as do our friends.

My tummy amuses me. I play with trying to suck it in and it won't go in. It makes my husband amazed as I am usually reasonably flat tummied. Have had a bit more of a bump since my previous pregnancy though. I am working out a range of clothing I can wear. Worked out my brand new jeans I bought when 3 weeks pregnant (of course I had no idea!!!) do still fit. When in the car I undo the top button, but mostly they just hold in my bloat. I will wear them as long as possible. We intended to start taking tummy comparison photos a while back but still haven't got around to it. I am always either feeling awful or not in a suitable state of dress! One day. We want to do them on the week. Maybe we will remember at 9 weeks? Only 4 days to go till that! Time is speeding up as I am getting less stressed. We are discussing big plans for next year which is fun!

I love the idea that my nausea and fatigue might only last another 2-3 weeks. I would LOVE to have my energy back! I had no idea just how debilitating it can be. I don't know how others do it with ease... And you say you are getting tireder! It makes sense but I thought the second trimester was supposed to get easier! That is great you are feeling more! And it will be very cool to see the baby again I am sure! We will probably have our next scan in 3-4 weeks. 12 week one. I will be amazed to get to that point. Hope everything looks okay then.

I have still been getting lots of hunger pangs, including ones which wake me up. I have learned to ignore those ones and go back to sleep which is great! I don't feel any worse for it either. I have definitely noticed that lying on my sides exacerbates the pangs as opposed to lying on my back. Did you have anything similar?

10 years ago

Sorry to hear about the lunch meat issue! I used to avoid it completely but now all I crave are Italian subs! And its a pain to have to heat just the meat and nothing else haha. Maybe she didn't put it together and just thought you were being particular about the food?

I was very thin before I got pregnant and I kept a flat belly until about 13 weeks with only the tiniest hump between my hipbones from my growing uterus. So I didn't start taking weekly pictures until 12 weeks. I took my first at 10 weeks just so I would have a reference point and took my second at 12 weeks at the start of the second trimester then started my weekly pictures at 14 weeks when my belly started to grow. Otherwise I would have a bunch of pictures where I just looked the same! haha. I started to make a baby book too recording information and adding pictures of my husband and I. Its been a really fun project.

I know what you mean! I thought when I got to the second trimester I would just feel normal again and start growing a belly! I learned that what they mean by feeling better is just your nausea going away and getting your energy back! I definitely have my energy back but I just get tired easier. By about 4 or 5 pm my energy starts to drain. Also my body is adjusting to such rapid weight gain. I went from having a flat belly to having a decent sized belly in a matter of a few weeks and my muscles are trying to catch up and adjust! As far as the hunger pains I don't really get those much. At 20 weeks you aren't suppose to lay on your back anymore because the weight of your baby and uterus will constrict blood flow. And my doctor told me its best to start practicing so I will be used to it by then. They say that the left side is the best for blood flow and taking the pressure off of your belly (because it gets heavy fast haha) but the right side isn't bad either. But if you are having them already there is a chance they might get worst! Around 15-ish weeks your appetite increases and you are supposed to start consuming more calories. I still eat regularly tho and I still feel fine.

10 years ago • Post starter

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I JUST FELT THE FIRST LITTLE KICKS!!! It was so amazing!!! And they felt SO tiny. They felt like little bubbles almost or kinda like a thud with a muscle twitch. I was listening to loud music and laying on the bed relaxing kinda half sitting up and there they were!!! I was so worried I wouldn't know what it was when I first felt it but there was no confusing it with anything! SO SO amazing!!! :] :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Aw that is sooo cool!!! :) Very happy for you!!! That should ease your mind now! It must make it all feel more real too, actually feeling it!

I was back at work today after a long weekend off. It was much better than I expected! Still all-day nausea but I just made myself eat regularly and coped. I LOVE my gherkin and cheese on cruskits... I was reading about pregnancy cravings the other day and it mentioned gherkins. I realised I hadn't had any in so long, and now I am eating them a couple of times a day! It is great as because I have cheese with them I am getting calcium and protein too. I don't think i normally have enough of either.

I am noticing my bust looks bigger. It is harder to see my torso past them and I have never had that issue! My tummy was rather pronounced today. My outfit included a belt which has to be on the largest hole and not done up while I drive to work or I feel unwell! I am not sure how much longer I can wear it!

Pretty happy, feeling much more relaxed after all my resting and a bit more on top of things. I might be able to continue for a while after all!!!

10 years ago

I had to look up what gherkin and cruskits are, I've never heard of either before! haha It sounds good tho! Tomorrow I am 18 weeks and what I am craving now is chocolate milk and spinach and artichoke dip! I want it ALL of the time! haha Sorry to hear that your nausea isn't improving yet, I know its hard to deal with and hard to hide at times. How is that working out at work? Anyone catching on yet?

Yes it was amazing to feel. I walked around in smiles for the rest of the day. I hope I get to feel it again today! I read at the beginning its common to feel it then to take a day or two to feel it again. We will see tho!

10 years ago • Post starter

Well morning sickness just got very real. I was actually sick for the first time! I have felt really awful many times and kept thinking of exit strategies, how I would cope if actually sick. Now I feel like I have passed some test, experienced that milestone! Things I have been reading did say it would get worse round this time! Almost 9 weeks...

Made a definite plan for telling our parents about the baby. Straight after the midwife appointment we will go tell them. Very much looking forward to that!!!

10 years ago

i'm 3DPO and my temp spiked this morning. Nauseated all day. feeling more full than usual. Havent really been eating a lot lately. lost 2 pounds lol. Just feeling kind of yucky tonight.

10 years ago

Hi islandgirl85. Those symptoms will all be because your progesterone increases after ovulation. Take it as a good sign that if you do get pregnant you will probably have enough progesterone to maintain the pregnancy. You will need to wait about a week before implantation is likely to have happened so it will be a while yet before you can know if you are pregnant.

10 years ago

Sorry its been so long since I've messaged back, its been busy around here. Yepp that was definitely around the time my nausea peaked and my super sensitive smell kicked in! It lasted a few weeks then it went back to normal before eventually tapering off. How are you feeling now? I look forward to hearing your pregnancy update!

I am 19 weeks now and I have my mid pregnancy appointment Thursday! I am very excited to see our little baby again! We had a scare the night before last. I was having a lot of pressure and sharp pains in my cervix and it worried me enough to go to the emergency room and get checked out. They gave me a pelvic exam and checked my cervix and ran tests to test for infection and game me an emergency ultrasound. When you have an emergency ultrasound they do'nt let you see anything which is pretty stressful but everything came back good! They told me the baby was active and had a heartbeat of 150 bpm. She also said it was measuring a week ahead and we are positive of the conception date so that just means he is progressing fast and is good. She also told us he is in the 95th percentile meaning he is bigger than 95 percent of babies his age! Which at this stage is a great thing. So it sounds like our baby is nice and healthy and progressing like he should!

How are things going with you?

10 years ago • Post starter

We will be 10 weeks tomorrow. I have actually found my nausea has tapered off a lot which is amazing! But I am having more smell issues now. I notice them and hate them. My husband's dinner last night, horrible!!! But I am eating a little better. Today I have developed a headache. It has become really bad the past few hours. I think I might need to take something for it - pregnancy safe of course! I just hate taking any medication unless I have to.

I have been having some mild twinges in my abdomen since last night. I think they are nothing bad. I hate not knowing what it going on though!

We had our first midwife appointment today. Turns out it was mostly about paperwork. Getting me to fill in forms, and collecting various bits of information. Blood pressure is slightly on the low side, but that is normal for me. It seems I have shrunk 2cm which is a shame! I will not tell my sisters as they will gloat about how they are taller than me. They already thought they were. BMI was perfect, weight perfect. So all on track. Turns out they don't use a doppler yet as it is too difficult to hear anything before 12 weeks with the one they have. It also turns out that they don't usually get you to go for a 12 week scan anymore! I pushed for one due to our history and concerns so we have a referral. We will do that in 1 1/2-2 weeks time. I really wanted some confirmation before telling wider family and friends!

That sounds so scary about your pains and emergency room dash! How awful to contemplate that things might be going wrong when that far along! I am so pleased to hear all was okay! Sounds very healthy too!

10 years ago

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