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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Yes I think it's great being able to share experiences with you as well! Especially since we were talking for a long time when we were all still in the trying stage.

That's awesome how you just knew you were pregnant! It definitely took me a few days to realize I was haha! And yeah he wasn't too happy about waking up and going to the store at 2am but he understood why I couldn't wait! haha

I understand why you are taking things slowly, anything can happen. But I think things sound great for you guys this time. You are feeling symptoms which is a great sign. If your levels werent increasing and things werent progressing along you wouldnt feel so bad because the levels would be dropping instead of raising. And you said you had the curve between your hips like I did and that means your uterus is expanding like it is supposed to. And you are being positive about it which is another great thing! I am so happy for you and your husband!

Sorry to hear that you felt so bad today. There are good days and there are bad day but it does seem like when the bad days happen that they hit you hard, at least with me. But just try to stay positive about it and know that in a few weeks you will start getting some relief :]

And thank you! 16 weeks is exciting to me. The hopes of feeling the baby move and actually starting to get the baby belly! I didn't think my belly was as big as hers until i had my husband take a picture of me standing next to my chalkboard and sure enough I am! Her belly looks kinda pointy at 16 weeks and mine doesn't look like that it is more rounded like her 17 weeks picture. But it is still so exciting. I am going to see if it will let me post a picture of my ultrasounds for you so you can see just how much the baby will change from 6 weeks where you are now to 8 weeks. I goes from this circle looking thing to looking like an actual mini baby! I am so excited for you to get your first scan in a few weeks. When my husband saw the baby moving around at 8 weeks it brought a tear to his eyes. It is such an amazing experience and I can't wait to hear about yours!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Things aren't quite as rosy as they were now. I had some uterus cramping and a light bleed at 4am. I have done some reading and research give me the same odds of miscarriage as someone with no bleeding. There are so many things that could have caused it. Like the placenta should be taking over now, and the cramping could have irritated my cervix and last pregnancy they said I had ectropian on my cervix (not uncommom, basically blood vessels on the cervix). Last time they said that could have been the cause of the bleeding. I am having some twinges in my uterus which now worry me but no fresh blood for a few hours. Staying in bed today and if I am still pregnant on monday my midwife will get a scan booked for me. That is how she put it! Now we just lay the waiting game. Why is pregnancy never easy for me!!!

10 years ago

I am sorry to hear that. I wouldn't worry too much about light bleeding as it is rather common in early pregnancy it is if it gets to heavier bleed that it would be a problem. There are a lot of things in early pregnancy that can make you spot. But as long as its spotting I wouldn't worry. If its enough to fill a pad tho I would go to the hospital. And as far as cramping I had almost constant cramping like period cramps up until 10 weeks. I would just try to relax and take it easy and if you get too worried go to a hospital or an emergency center. If you tell them you are pregnant and bleeding they will take it very seriously. I went at about 6 weeks bc i was concerned about the bad cramps I was having and they did a scan and made sure it want etopic and that my baby was okay. At the least it will ease your mind. I hope everything goes okay and I will be thinking about you!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Well. I just went for an early scan because of the bleeding. All is well! Baby measured perfectly for my dates. It has a beating heart too. Very pleased we are not back to square one!! I was going to be so frustrated if I had gone through all that nausea for nothing!! Not to mention the incredible heartache which would accompany another loss. But, I know it is still early days. But, we do know for sure we have a little baby in there now! We are still going to wait a while before telling anyone though. Even our parents.

On Sunday we went shopping for black pants with a stretchy waistband for work as my normal ones cut me in half. But everything didn't have quite enough stretch. If I went a size up they fit my waist nicely but had saggy bottoms! Eventually caved and bought real maternity pants. They are SO comfortable!!! Half price sale so bought some pregnancy jeans too. They both fit well now with plenty of stretch of later! Very relieved as I have plenty of tops and dresses which will work for a while, but no pants at all! Skirts will be the next thing, but you can buy them with stretch waistbands no problem. And I already have a few like that anyway :)

I have a cold unfortunately! But I decided to take the day off work to recover, and that made it much easier for booking a scan!

How are you doing? Is the belly growing? Let me know when you can feel something moving inside!

10 years ago

So glad to hear all is well! That is definitely a relief! The chances of a miscarriage decrease after you hear a heartbeat which is great news too!
I haven't bought any maternity pants yet. I can tell its right around the corner! Thankfully is summer here so I wear what I call comfy shorts lol. They are the ones made of fabric rather than Jean material. My tank tops I have gone up a size in because of my chest...I think it's having another growth spurt haha. The belly is definitely still growing but I haven't felt anything yet. I'm hoping here soon! I learned he likes to hang out on my right side. Every time I go to listen to his heart beat he is always in the same place and when he gets tired of me pushing on him you can hear him move away haha. Are you starting to get a bump yet?

10 years ago • Post starter

I am definitely pudgier round the middle, but I think it is still all just bloat. I have a pronounced muffin top! I know my uterus has doubled in size so could be pushing other things out. Baby is 1.5cm today :)

I can't believe you haven't bought maternity pants yet and you are so much further than me! Maybe your clothes weren't as unforgiving as mine. Or do they sit below your belly? We are headed into winter so no such things and shorts for me! I will be huge when summer does arrive, but I think summer clothes are easier to manage for pregnancy! I even had to stop wearing my own pyjama pants over a week ago. They were doing terrible things to my bowels because of being too tight! So I am wearing my husbands. They have a great draw string! Might need to invest in my own bigger ones at some point. He will need his back!

10 years ago

Yeah at the beginning it is definitely all uterus, I was the same way! I just looked like I ate a huge meal and had a distended belly until 14 weeks then boom, it started growing like crazy! haha If you push your finger tips down starting a little above your hip bones and move down you will be able to feel your uterus now and you can watch it move higher and higher. Mine is about 3 inches below my belly button now and I can DEFINITELY tell its pushing everything else up and out of the way. My bowel problems have gotten worse and I have had insane gas like I've never had before now.

I bought this thing that is like um stretchy shirt material And you slip it on over the top of your pants and it goes up over your belly and its purpose is so that you can keep wearing your same pants without having to button them and it just looks like you are wearing an undershirt. It is very handy! But yes I usually do wear lower cut jeans and Im sure that makes a big difference! And I use my husbands sleep pants too now! haha

10 years ago • Post starter

How have you been doing lately? Hopefully you are feeling better now. Its 2:30 am here and I am have one of my sleepless nights so I figured I would catch up with you!
I am 17 weeks as of yesterday and I have had a bit of changes going from 16 to 17 weeks. Definitely the most noticeable thus far. Starting with I think I am starting to feel little flutters! They aren't pronounced kicks yet but from what I have been told from my other friends that are already moms that you feel flutters before kicks! They are right along my underwear line in between my hipbones and the best way I can describe it is little tickles. When I feel the tickle my first reaction is to rub or scratch then I realize oh! I think that's baby! I'm really anxious for definite kicks tho. Also, a new thing I have been feeling the past few days are round ligament pains! My goodness. Whenever I sneeze I feel like my belly is going to rip in half! Other than that or when I make a quick movement I don't really notice. I do notice just an all over my belly area a muscle tiredness feeling like they are getting used to supporting more weight. I can tell my belly is adjusting my insides because the bowel problems are back and its uncomfortable almost every time I go to the bathroom. I have also been having horrible headaches that last three days straight! On the plus side I do notice my belly slowly getting larger. I have gained 6 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight and at 17 weeks a 5 to 10 pound weight gain is normal...I have no idea how to translate that to the metric system haha.

Today I had a scare..This morning I couldn't find the baby's heart beat then I checked again in the afternoon and realized it was because he has moved up several inches from where he used to be. Which I guess is good that he is getting higher in my belly as it means he is getting bigger! Right now my uterus is supposed to be an inch and a half below my belly button.

So how are you doing/feeling? Experiencing anything new? I hope 6/7 weeks is treating you well :]

10 years ago • Post starter

I am 8 weeks today! Very happy to be at this point with plenty of symptoms (absolute exhaustion, still getting hunger pangs and nausea if I don't do something about them, still sore breasts, gassy and having lots of uterus cramps today). The exhaustion is the most difficult to deal with at the moment. I feel like I should be doing something, but spent most of the day in bed (off work sick due to a lingering cold). I love that I have absolutely no spotting. None! I am so relieved! We have out first midwife appointment in a week and a half. Looking forward to that!

I know about those sleepless nights. That could be partly why I am so tired. I keep waking up at ridiculous hours. And yes, I too go on here and read and write things!

That is so exciting you are feeling flutters!!! I am looking forward to that day!!! I just really hope it comes. The longer I go on the more devastating it would be if we lost this baby! I have to not think like that...

The round ligament pains don't sound pleasant! I have had something similar early on and read somewhere you can get those pains in the first few weeks as well when your uterus first starts growing and getting heavier. I hate to think what it would be like when you have a MUCH bigger baby in there! And all those other pains don't sound nice either! I keep telling my husband that next baby he can carry inside him. He keeps refuting that idea for some reason...

That is scary about the misplaced heartbeat. I hate to think how you must have felt. It will definitely ease your mind when he starts kicking!

We are thinking we might tell my parents and sister in a couple of weeks. My Mum is going to visit my sister who has the new baby and I was thinking Mum could bring back some of her maternity clothes. I don't really need maternity wear but a lot of my clothes are very figure hugging and I don't want to show too early. I still get serious bloating every day or so! It amazes me how much my appearance can change. I wore the new maternity pants I bought the other day. Goodness they are comfy! Definitely can't go back to regular ones! I haven't tried on my normal jeans for a while. I do have some different sizes so some might fit. I have gone up and down in size a bit over the last few years depending on how healthy I am. I am at my heaviest at the moment which is great. Haven't gained anything since getting pregnant but then I shouldn't yet anyway. I'm sure that will come!

I hope you got back to sleep after your early waking!

10 years ago

So glad to hear you are 8 weeks now! Thats around the time that I started to actually feel pregnant! My nausea and fatigue got worse then and didn't ease up until about 11 weeks. Thats also the time we decided to tell the people closest to us. Our parents knew immediately because I told them about the problems we had ttc and I was supposed to go for that surgery and then got the amazing bfp! And I knew they would wonder why I didn't have my surgery so we decided to tell them. We also thought it would be good to have their support if something did end up going wrong. At 8 weeks we told our siblings and a few friends. Also at 8 weeks we saw the baby moving on an ultrasound and heard the heartbeat a few times so we were comfortable. We didn't tell everyone else for about 2 more weeks.

At 17 weeks I definitely have a belly going now. And you can see it getting bigger and even changing shape from week to week pictures. It also makes me tired really easy I guess because my body it getting used to having a big belly on the front of me haha. I am also learning that I have limitations now. I cleaned out the basement a few days ago and boy did I pay for it the next day. My whole body hurt haha. Also at this stage my heart is working 40-50 percent harder which probably is why I get so tired and out of breath easily. I felt the baby moving around sitting up for the first time the other day (usually i have to be laying down still). So I guess he is starting to get stronger they are still little flutter tickles tho. I have my mid-pregnancy check-up and scan next week so that's pretty exciting.

I hope you are doing well and feeling better! And I look forward to hearing all of your new experiences and symptoms! :]

10 years ago • Post starter

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