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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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@teboa - Welcome! Glad to see you. I'm so sorry about your ectopic. )-: Baby dust to you!

@wifey - I believe I had positives like Thursday night - sometime on Sunday - or super close to positive. I use Wondfos - which are the ones I have used for a while, so I have a pretty good gauge on what they look like with my cycle. What do you think?


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago • Post starter

@while, I don't know, that's tricky! I usually try and adhere to the whole "ovulation happens 12-36 hours after a positive opk" rule, so maybe go with 12-36 hours after your most positive result?

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

Hi, everyone! Just checkin' in! I'm CD10 today. Just waiting to O, however, we will BD every other day until POS OPK, then we will BD for 3 days straight.

Hope all is well.

FX and baby dust!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

PART 1 OF 2:

Wow, a lot has happened in the last few days, sorry if my reply is outdated.

Blushing: Thank you :) And glad you spent the two weeks BDing, LOL good use of time!
I'm doing well, excited for this new cycle, can't wait to start BD again once AF gets lost :)
Loving acupuncture :)
So you are just waiting for AF now? Is she late?

Sugar: Sorry, my ovulation has not showed up earlier than CD15 as far as I know ever.
I did have a thought though, these smiley tests are often wrong, I had that once, and when I looked at BBT later I realized that I only ovulated 4 days after the +OPK, so keep testing.
Thank you for the wishes :) I will need all the baby dust I can get :) Same to you!
LOL and no throwing stuff at DH, you need him for this :) But he should get acupuncture and maybe a round of maca or foti for 3 months to renew his supply with a stronger one.
As for OPK, but more cheap ones and test starting CD12 :) Catch that right ovary egg!!!
Breath!!! Try to relax, the stress will continue to delay your ovulation, just do acupuncture, yoga, meditation, excercise, whatever relaxes you, and continue to BD.

SMC: Sorry AF got you :(
Did you try acupuncture? It helps.
Good luck at the Jan appointment.

rebecca: I am sorry you are feeling down, I hope you still get a BFP! October babies are cool too (I'm an October baby LOL).
The busy is actually good :) I like being busy, but did not like that I could not keep up to date with you ladies, but I am making up for it now :)

GVMDL: How are you? Sorry I've been MIA been busy. It's CD7 for your right? Did you start OPK yet? How are you feeling overall?
A break is great :) I bet it will happen during the break while you are relaxed and enjoying yourself!

firsttime: Welcome and baby dust! Hope you caught that egg.
To help DH, just don't talk to him about TTC, make the whole thing about wanting him :)
Guys don't perform well under pressure, LOL.

MissCarol: Yeah here where I live everything takes forever.... But since I got the green light to continue TTC, I am less worried about the results.
LOL about acupuncture, I don't know what about your acupuncturist, but mine does it under hypnosis for people with needle phobia. Plus tell him that he can request small needles that are like hair, that's what I am doing, I myself hate needles.
I hope he goes for it, it can really help, I read in places that a combination of acupuncture, yoga/chi gong, and supplements you can even get a viable sperm count from people with a big fat 0.
Also, sounds like you need to help your luteal phase, 7-9 days is very short. What do you do for that?
As for the emoticons, its not your computer its the website.
Good luck!

pbc: Tons of baby dust, I hope this is it for you!

Pennylane: How did the follicle check go?

2more4: Yeah colposcopies suck, but I can continue TTC which is good news, new cycle, new hopes :)
Is the acupuncture for DH as well? Sounds like he needs it more than you. And don't be nervous :)
Gym is great, it will help too, just don't strain your body too much.
Also about your vitamin comment, if you take wholefood vitamins and with food, they are not expensive pee, they stick.
The synthetic vitamins are the expensive pee because our body cannot process them mostly.

Wifey: :) I am hoping to ovulate and catch the egg before the results come back :)
I hope you are BDing as much as possible! :) Baby dust!
Sounds like you had a short surge or a faulty test, did your temp go up after the solid smiley? You are supposed to get a negative after the positive with a rise in temperatures to confirm ovulation.

While: Great job on BD! I hope you caught that egg!
According to the naturopathic doctor, you should be taking follate (the natural kind) not folic acid (that does not exist in nature).
And it should be minimum of 400. As for prenatals, if you take the wholefood prenatals it is several pills a day but they are smaller and absorb better in the body.
As for your OPK, when you ovulate the next day your OPK will be negative, so if it was still positive the next day you did not ovulate yet. My guess is you ovulated on time or a little late.
Do you temp this cycle?
Cheap OPKs are great, and are cheaper, we all will help you :) If you need us of course.

Cotton candy: Fingers crossed for a BFP for you on christmas, I hope this is it for you!

fiverson: OMG, this is terrible, my heart goes out to your cousin and to you HUG!
Did the pap results come back yet?

mzs: Welcome and baby dust!

Genie: Sounds like you got a lot of news, I hope you get a BFP on your own this cycle! Baby Dust!

gds: Sorry about the BFN. A year is a long time! You will get your sticky bean!!!

scooby: Congratulations!!!! This is amazing news!!!! Thank you for sharing, you bring hope to this board, have heappy and healthy 9 months!!!

rebecca: I would use the 97.9, 45 minutes is not a big difference.

GB: I had the same thing you are describing more than once since we started TTC, I think the body prepares for a BFP every month and drives us nuts. You probably ended up ovulating a little later than you thought. But there is always a chance for a late BFP, which is what I hope it is, fingers x!
How did you confirm ovulation?
Luteal phase is not affected by stress, ovulation is. These ovulation tests are wrong pretty often and tell you you are ovulating when you are close to it, but ovulation can be delayed by stress. Did you check BBT to confirm ovulation?

Stevi: Welcome! Sounds like IB and some good symptoms, baby dust!

spartie: Fingers X for a BFP Saturday!!!! Baby dust!!!!

Yogamama: Welcome! and Baby Dust!

acrichton: How are you? How did the appointment go?

User Image

10 years ago

PART 2 OF 2:

angela: Welcome and baby dust! You came to the right place, 6 months is quite a breaking point but the ladies here are awesome and will keep you company, DHs don't understand, and are more productive when they just don't know the details.
Good luck!
Preseed is great if you are low on CM. Primrose, I am pretty sure it messes the cycle, more specifically it delays ovulation. Baby aspirin, I heard about it, but not trying, I have quite a long list of supplements already.
If you have supplements questions, I know about tons from personal experience, research and naturopathic doctor :) Feel free to ask :)

maimunah: Welcome and baby dust!

tebo: Welcome and baby dust, sorry about your EP, good luck for Sept 2014!

Kara: Good luck with the eggie this cycle! BABY DUST!

AFM: Wow, a lot of talk about progesterone, I am going to insist on testing mine this cycle too. CD3 for me, acupuncture is working, pains/PMS/all period symptoms reduced it is just amazing. Overall feeling better and excited.
Colposcopy results in 3 weeks or so, not really worried, whats the point right?
I decided to stop some of the supplements, a lot of the ones we were taking were for cleansing and balancing and we can stop now that we took them for few months, so I will be left with the basics (prenatals, iron since I am very low on that, fish oil, vitamin D since it is grey here most of the year, vitamin C for immune support and B complex for energy and stress). Oh and sticking to seed cycling for at least 3 months to see if it regulates my cycles (last one was 40 days, don't want any of those ever again), plus the seeds are not bad in my daily shake where I also put my fish oil and vitamin D :).
How is everyone doing, sorry if I forgot anyone.
Baby Dust!!!

User Image

10 years ago

@while: my prenatals are the 3 a day type and I'm getting a total of 1000 mcg per day!

@sugar: I wish I had some great advice for you, but I am the opposite, I'm a late ovulatior! Hang in there and baby dust! Taking a nice long bath to relax often helps me :)

@angela: some brands of omega 3 leave the fish taste with you all day! I am using a great brand now that doesn't leave a fish taste for me! It's called Nutrasea (I'm in Canada, not sure if you can get it where you are, but if you can I recommend it)

Good luck to everyone for the best Christmas gift ever!!

10 years ago

@kotikd: I am so impressed that you are able to keep track and respond to everyone!
I'm glad you are enjoying your acupuncture I love it:)
I did seed cycling the cycle I got pregnant in the summer! I think it's great, I keep meaning to get back into it!

10 years ago

Hands down KOT u are amazing!
I looiooove ur posts!

Rebecca hope you get ir bfp !

Christie r u guys ok?

Acri how is the little bean?

Jennavee, how are u?

Bam how r u?

Wifey whileladies blushing kara genie kizzy smc pcb gs - all my girls- hi! Baby dust n sticky vibes

Welcome all new ladies! The more the merrier! Baby dust n bring us bfp's!!!!

Afm, cd7, not trying not preventing. Not thinking about it! Enjoying my decision to ntnp. Focusing on my family. Who knows, maybe one day happens if it is meant to be. But in the meantime feels good not to feel anxious, or down. This is also the time where i would be having the one i lost in may sooooooo.... think im finally reaching inner peace. N not obsessing in getting back what i lost. Counting my blessings, n im a lucky one!
Dont ever give up!
Took me a year to conceive dd1, dd2 came as a super fast sweet surprise as my dd1 was 4a 1/2 months old!!!
i just feel that i lost focus on many things over this ttc journey, maybe because i have ocd lol!
This is a regrouping break.
but as i said, im not going anywhere. Im staying w u ladies! Sooooooo. Bring on the bfp's!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

GVMDL - I'm still hanging out here keeping up with everyone!! So far things are going well. I can't believe it's already been 16 weeks. Time is flying by! It sounds like you are doing well remaining PEACEFUL! I pray that during this time you get completely surprised! :-)

10 years ago

Good luck to you ladies! I feel lucky this month! Baby dust to all!

10 years ago

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