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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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We get snow here pretty often but not usually this much at one time. Where we live we are about an hour from Canada so we are used to the cold but we are originally from the southern part of the country so we have no idea what to do with snow! haha

Well my appointment wasnt the best. He said he def wants to remove the cyst but he also said they found some scarring in one of my tubes which he thinks is endometriosis...not sure how to spell that word I havent researched it much yet but the doctor said it isnt a good thing to have. He also said that the calcification in my uterus is also not a good thing to have at all. So they are going to go in through my belly button and try to surgically correct what they can.

Oh wow! that sounds complicated. Im glad some of it will be covered for you tho, that will definitely help out some! I have heard good things about the supplements. DH used to take fertilaid until we found out his SA was good. They we quit buying them bc they are expensive haha. I hope it does the trick and works for you!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh not the best news at your appointment :( But good that you know what some issues are and they are solvable! I had a friend with endometriosis and she got pregnant after a few different treatments. Do you know when the various things will be done?

10 years ago

How are you doing? I have more fertility news. I found out today that I won't be doing any more clomid cycles as they are pointless with such a low sperm count :( That means basically we are unlikely to get pregnant by ourselves and so will go onto the IVF waiting list now. This pushes the whole process forward by 2 months which is good. I don't know how long the waiting list for IVF is but could be a year based on some things I have read :S

10 years ago

Sorry I have been away this past week. The news hit me kinda hard and I just needed a break. I also found out that my sister in law is pregnant and they only tried for two weeks. I knew exactly what she was going to say when she started the conversation off with "Well I kinda hate to tell you this now but..." I am extremely happy for them but I cant help but to feel that little twinge of jealousy lol.
Sorry to hear about your news. I know that that must upset you both. At least you have identified the problem and now can get on the list. Have you found out yet how long the wait is estimated to be?

10 years ago • Post starter

Well it looks like I may have just gotten my bfp?!?! I am 5 days late and frustrated I took the test at like 2am and there were two lines! I am def going to the store in the morning to buy more tests to be sure as I am skeptical after what we have learned from the doctor!!! How are you doing?

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh my goodness!!! That is amazing!!!!!!

I have been having a bit of a tough time. My sister just gave birth in the weekend and she got pregnant very first try. I didn't cope very well with the news at first, even though I had had many months to prepare myself mentally. And of course the baby is beautiful, looks like both of us when we were babies (we are very similar). So I keep thinking that could have been mine. It makes me feel so incredibly left out. My parents are just over the moon about their first grandchild and I feel like a knife is twisting inside me everytime they say that because it should have been my baby that was born first. Now I don't know if it will even happen. A close family member has undergone IVF and she had two transfers, one fresh and one frozen. One was a chemical pregnancy and the other didn't implant at all. So I know that IVF is not a magic bullet. We are still waiting to hear about an appointment for the specialist to find out about a timeframe for our IVF. This past cycle was a bit weird waiting for AF but knowing I couldn't be pregnant so not having any hope. I am wondering if I should bother to keep on temping. My husband wants me to because he likes to know when I have ovulated.

I am so pleased for you though! That is amazing! I hope things go well. You have had a hard wait for this.

10 years ago

So sorry to hear how you are feeling. I know how rough that is! I found out a week or two ago that dhs sister was pregnant after they only tried for a week. ONLY A WEEK! Its so frustrating. I was very happy but very jealous too.
Thanks! I'm not counting it as a sure thing yet. It was only one test. Dh and I were only able to bd once this cycle so I am very very skeptical if this was a true bfp. I also used a cheap internet wondfo test. I went to the store and bought 3 more types of tests (a bit ridiculous I know) that I am going to try in about 40 minutes.
I hope you are able to get your appointment soon! I know that wait has got to be rough. If I was in your position I def wouldnt stop trying or temping. Stranger things have happened.
Even if my tests do come back positive Id like to stay in touch and still talk to you throughout your journey. I feel like we have all been through a lot on this fourm and I cant wait until the day that I hear your news of a bfp!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi! How is it going??? I hope you have had confirmation of a BFP!

I have finally got an appointment to see my specialist again, in two weeks time. I am looking forward to finding out about the IVF process and timeline. It is funny timing, two days before my next AF is due. Even though I know there is only a slim possibility of getting pregnant we have still made an excellent effort in trying this cycle and it always makes me hopeful!

Looking forward to hearing from you!!!

10 years ago

Hi Lizhaley. Long time no hear! I hope You are good and well on your way in pregnancy. Guess what... I too am pregnant!! 6 weeks and 2 days today. It is amazing. I have been having issues (particularly the past three days) with nausea and headaches which have made life difficult. I feel great right at the moment after a morning relaxing so that is a relief! I would LOVE to hear how you are going so I hope you check in here at some point!

10 years ago

OH MY GOSH CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy for you!!! I replied to your last message forever ago but I don't see it up there I guess it didn't go through. As soon as I saw I had a message I had to jump up here haha. I am so excited and happy for you :] And you're not too terribly far behind me! How are things going so far? Have you had your first doctors visit? Sorry to hear about the nausea I had it pretty bad too but it has mostly subsided as I entered the second trimester.

I'm doing well, I am 15 weeks 3 days and into my second trimester now. I had a bit of nausea during my first trimester and now during the second all I really have is pregnancy acne and the occasional bowel problem lol. But I am so happy to feel and experience everything even the bad. I think after you try and work so hard to become pregnant it makes you appreciate the good and bad even more. I had the first trimester scan and the down syndrome test and everything came back great! I go for my 20 week second trimester scan in 4 weeks and I can't wait to see my baby again :] The only other news I have is we were lucky enough to find the gender out early! I am rather thin so they were able to tell me at my 12 week appointment with certainty that ITS A BOY :] little baby Ayden Michael :]

Can't wait to hear back from you! And congrats again!!

10 years ago • Post starter

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